
How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

Today is space with you [No. 1368]

In the early morning of the space city, everything is silent and twilight, but the flight control hall of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center is still brightly lit.

The young flight control team is sticking to their posts, closely monitoring the numbers bouncing on the screen and escorting the "National Character" spacecraft in their hands.

24 hours on duty, 24/7 in place, is their mode of work that has not changed.

Today, let's get close to this young team and feel the dream journey of this group of "flight controllers".

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

Exquisite measurement and control, weaving the Splendid Embroidery of the Heavenly Palace

In the early morning of April 29, 2021, the Long March 5B carrier rocket carrying the core module of the Chinese space station "Tianhe" stood proudly against the sea breeze. In a few hours, it will be ignited at the Wenchang Cosmodrome, opening the curtain on the construction of the Chinese space station.

At this time, thousands of miles away, the staff from the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center held their breath and were working intensively to confirm the final status before shooting.

In order to ensure the success of the mission, this group of young flight controllers has been preparing for more than 2 years.

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

"The task of the space station is an important leading project for building a scientific and technological power and a space power, and the mission is glorious and the responsibility is heavy, and we dare not be sloppy or slack in the slightest."

During the preparation of the mission, everyone regards the computer room as a "battlefield" and the office as a "second home", and overtime is the norm and excellence is the state.

Thousands of pages of explanatory materials are familiar with the heart, tens of thousands of frames of data instructions are generated and verified one by one, they use practical actions to practice the Zhengzheng oath, the spirit of aerospace flight control into the soul blood, so that the dream of a powerful country in the sea of stars in their hearts step by step into reality.

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

After the core capsule launch mission was a complete success, they did not have time to taste the joy of victory, and they shifted the focus of their work to long-term management and follow-up mission preparation on orbit.

Over the past few months, this group of flight controllers has successively participated in a series of important tasks such as space-to-earth calls, astronaut out-of-cabin activities, and combined body orbit control, timely discovered and successfully handled dozens of various faults, and become the "bridgehead" and "vanguard" for China's space station construction tasks to overcome difficulties, and with practical actions to help the space station's key technology verification stage.

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

Tianhe entered orbit, Tianzhou shuttled, Shenzhou set sail... In the early stage, the complete success of a series of large tasks ran a key "first stick" for the construction of China's space station. In 2022, we will usher in a new phase of China's space station construction.

In the face of the follow-up arduous and heavy space station construction tasks, the flight control long-term management team is determined to continue to do a solid job in all work centered on the operation and control of the Chinese space station with the mentality of catching up with the examination, and constantly refresh the height of China at a new starting point and a new journey.

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

The sea of stars travels and flies farther into the deep space

At the beginning of the new year, the staff of the remote operation team of the flight control long management team were discussing and studying the topographic map just transmitted, and provided suggestions for the walking routes of the "Yutu-2" lunar rover and the "Zhurong" Mars rover.

In order to be able to drive these two "luxury cars", this group of young drivers with an average age of less than 30 years old has made no less efforts.

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

Mars and the lunar rhythm are far from the earth, in order to be able to smoothly and smoothly take over the long tube control task of the lunar rover and the Mars rover, this group of drivers on the earth took the initiative to live the moon and Mars time.

They discussed and exchanged with external system experts, read a large number of relevant literature materials, worked understanding the principles of mechanism, mastering core technologies, and practicing control skills, and drove two cars to make one new breakthrough after another.

Today, after their "strategic planning", the "Yutu-2" lunar rover has traveled more than 1,000 meters, and the "Zhurong" Mars rover has also driven more than 1400 meters.

Every walk is a new leap forward, every data transmission has a new harvest, they use a beautiful picture, frame by frame of scientific data, in the vast space to create Chinese miracles, in the distant deep space relay to tell the Chinese story.

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

In addition, under the careful care of the scientific and technological workers of the long-term management team, the "Old Life Star" Chang'e-3 lander is also continuing to refresh the new record of lunar working hours, the "Queqiao" relay star continues to provide earth-moon communication relay services in overdue service, and the "Tianwen-1" Mars orbiter in the orbit of remote sensing missions provides a strong guarantee for the successful completion of follow-up tasks.

They may have missed a lot of things on Earth, but they never missed the highlights of the moon and Mars! In the face of the follow-up more challenging deep space exploration mission, the young people answered with a sonorous and powerful oath - "Innovation and transcendence, bravely climb the peak, refresh The height of China, and create a Chinese miracle!" ”

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

Be strict and meticulous, and walk out of the talent phalanx

To develop the cause, talent is the key.

In recent years, the vigorous flight control long-term management team has always regarded the construction of the talent team as an important task, and through the construction of a communication platform, the optimization of the duty mode, the establishment of evaluation standards, the promotion of post integration and other practical measures, to provide the most space for scientific and technological personnel who want to be officers and can be officers to grow into talents, and to continuously push forward the talent work.

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

In the team, there are not only "old experts" who have been working in the professional field for more than ten years, but also "new comrades" who have emerged in large tasks. The exchange of help and guidance between them has formed a good interaction, so that the atmosphere of mutual learning and mutual assistance and growth and complementing shortcomings has become a common practice throughout the team.

Recently, the team also specially opened a "operation control forum", inviting technical backbones and professional "big people" to communicate with everyone face-to-face to solve problems and continuously enhance the ability of post personnel. Everyone unanimously felt that studying and working in such a "big family" has grown and progressed rapidly, has broad prospects for development, and has a stronger determination and will to start a business.

How good is this team? It also built the Heavenly Palace, built the QueQiao Bridge, guarded the Jade Rabbit, and drove Zhu Rong...

In addition to making itself bigger and stronger, the team has also sent more than 10 talents of various types to other teams in the flight control center in recent years, and has been successful in large tasks. It is not only a gathering place for talents, but also an "incubator" for central talents, providing solid support for the construction and development of aerospace flight control talents.

Space exploration is endless, and the great cause has a long way to go. In the face of the follow-up construction mission of the space station and the long-term management of spacecraft in orbit, this group of flight controllers has always been running on the dream road of exploring the vast universe, developing the space industry, and building a space power.

Chasing the stars and the moon dares to ask questions, and writes loyalty across the sea of stars. They are determined to write a new chapter in the operation and control of spacecraft worthy of the times in the vast space with an indomitable attitude of struggle, the determination to forge ahead, and the indomitable work style, and greet the party's twenty-year victory with excellent results!

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