
What to do in Sichuan Longchang this year? The government work report mentions these keywords

author:Cover News
What to do in Sichuan Longchang this year? The government work report mentions these keywords

Cover news reporter Jia Jiao

On January 19, at the second session of the Second People's Congress of Longchang City, Ren Wei, mayor of longchang municipal people's government, made a "government work report". The report makes it clear that in 2022, Longchang will seize the strategic opportunity of the construction of the twin-city economic circle in Chengdu and Chongqing, vigorously implement the "three major attacks" of industrial projects, investment attraction and ecological environment, coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, coordinate development and security, continue to do a good job in the "six stability" and "six guarantees" work, continue to improve people's livelihood, maintain reasonable economic growth, maintain the stability of the overall social situation, and accelerate the construction of "exquisite and beautiful Longchang".

To achieve this goal, what will be the focus of the government's work this year?

Keyword 1: integration into the "double circle" of Chengdu and Chongqing

Mutual recognition of policies, mutual education of enterprises, sharing of services... The future will not be a vision.

Geographically, Longchang is located in the central axis of the twin-city economic circle in chengdu and chongqing, and is the "east gate" of Sichuan, with the advantage of coordinated development.

In order to integrate into the construction of the twin-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region, the report pointed out that Longchang will build a model area for the Neijiang Rongchang Modern Agricultural High-tech Industry Demonstration Zone in accordance with the planning layout of "one city, two parks and three belts". Deepen cooperation with Chongqing Academy of Animal Sciences, and take steps in cooperation in animal genetics, breeding and reproduction. Focusing on the construction of a modern and efficient agricultural demonstration zone in the adjacent areas of Chengdu and Chongqing, accelerate the construction of neirong agricultural park, fully implement the pilot zone and demonstration area projects, build a smart breeding base of 150,000 pigs and 100,000 lake sheep, and create a demonstration model for rural revitalization of Sichuan-Chongqing cooperation.

With the goal of building a logistics node hub for the new land-sea corridor in the west, accelerate the expansion and transformation of the Longhuang Railway (Longxu Section) and the expansion and transformation of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, and coordinate to deepen the southward opening up and form a pattern of large logistics corridors. Build a modern logistics hub facility system, do a good job in the construction of projects such as the second phase of Kaidi Modern Logistics Park, and accelerate the construction of an important logistics distribution area in southwest China.

Make every effort to promote the construction of provincial agricultural science and technology demonstration parks and ensure that national-level innovative counties (cities) successfully pass the acceptance. Strengthen the status of enterprise innovation as the main body, encourage enterprises to strive to create national and provincial key laboratories and engineering research centers, and add more than 17 effective invention patents. Adhere to the county-wide integrated reform of the construction of the twin-city economic circle in the Chengdu-Chongqing region as the traction, and promote 7 national and provincial reform pilot tasks such as comprehensive land improvement and county-level city reform.

Key word two: focus on momentum empowerment

To achieve high-quality urban development, industrial support is required.

The "Government Work Report" clarifies the work idea, Longchang will be a hero with effective investment, and gradually promote local enterprises and investment enterprises to enjoy the same support policies, and stimulate the vitality of private investment. Implement the "Year of Tackling Tough Industrial Projects", make every effort to improve the quality of projects, complete and put into operation 203 projects, start construction of 265 projects, accelerate the promotion of 138 projects, and strive to increase the total annual planned investment of key projects in the province and Neijiang City by 29.55%.

At the same time, focusing on the construction of a strong industrial city in western China, we will make every effort to promote the intelligent and agglomeration development of the four leading industries of equipment manufacturing, food and beverage, glass pottery and light textile, and strive to increase the total output value of large-scale industries by more than 20%. Accelerate the development of new formats such as e-commerce and market procurement trade, and strive to achieve e-commerce transaction volume of more than 9 billion yuan and total import and export volume of more than 350 million yuan.

In addition, Longchang will also improve the policy support system, and introduce support policies to support industrial enterprises to become bigger and stronger, and encourage enterprises to go public and raise funds. Broaden the channels of capital security, actively strive for bond funds, and ensure that the funds within the central and provincial budgets of more than 200 million yuan are obtained; formulate fiscal and financial interaction policies, further expand the scale of emergency refinancing funds, guide financial institutions to increase loans to key areas and key enterprises, and promote credit resources to tilt towards the real economy.

Keyword three: green development transformation

The cover reporter also noted that in the "Government Work Report", the transformation of green development was included.

This year, Longchang will launch the carbon peak action in key industries such as industry, energy, transportation, and housing construction, implement the "gas (coal) to electricity" of glass pottery enterprises, and promote the energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation of traditional industries. Focusing on building a concentrated bearing area for green and low-carbon advantageous industries in southern Sichuan, actively integrating into the Chengdu-Chongqing Hydrogen Corridor, accelerating the exploration and development of shale gas, exploring the demonstration and industrialization application of shale gas hydrogen production projects, and building a low-cost hydrogen source production base. Accelerate the construction of Hainuoer Forest Park and expand ecological carbon sink reserves.

According to the report, Longchang will build a "1+ 4" comprehensive treatment system for the water environment, carry out comprehensive treatment of the whole river basin and pollution of industrial enterprises, rural non-point source pollution, water quality improvement of river reservoirs, and special treatment of urban domestic sewage, so as to ensure that the water quality of the state-controlled section of the Jiuqu River is stable and reaches the surface water class III standard. Continue to carry out soil pollution investigation and control, and ensure that the safe utilization rate of polluted arable land and polluted plots reaches 100%.

Focusing on ecological environmental protection, this year Longchang will strengthen the integrated protection and restoration of grass and sand in shanshui Lintian Lake, comprehensively deepen the river and lake length system, increase the protection of drinking water sources, and implement water pollution control projects in the Berlin Temple Reservoir and surrounding river basins, and comprehensive treatment of soil erosion in the small basins of the Sanjiang River. Fully implement the forest chief system, actively promote "global greening", complete the afforestation of 2,000 mu, and the forest coverage rate reached 30.15%. Strengthen the investigation and rectification of ecological and environmental problems in non-coal mines, continue to promote mine ecological restoration, and promote great progress in ecological environmental protection。

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