
The Past Can't Look Back (Life in Debt)

author:A life of sincere fear

I dreamed last night, I dreamed of the sweet and warm smile of my lovely wife, the daughter-in-law monk's nursing son.

Waking up in a happy state, I was really cold and deserted in front of me, and the dormitory was in a dilapidated state. Discarded cigarette butts on the floor, packaging of instant noodles and noodles in the trash can, a bunk bed, the quilts and sheets on the bed are out of place with the environment at this time. I guess they don't belong here, yeah! Oh, I shouldn't belong here either.

I was an only child in '93, and my hometown is located in a small city in the north. From a young mischievous and mischievous, provoking trouble. It is not said that it is the parents' pampering and pampering. Instead, my father was particularly demanding of me.

Thinking about growing up all these years, it seems that all the bad habits I have successfully caught up with. When I was in elementary school and junior high school, I was exposed to internet cafes, when violent motorcycles, half-life, cs1.5-1.6 and red alert made me unable to extricate myself. No more focus on schooling. Junior high school is more truancy, billiard hall, slot machines, game halls and other places haunted. "Grades are a mess, and since learning is gone, let's be a good individual." My parents couldn't see my future in school, so they sent me to a closed school in high school. As the saying goes, it's the gold that shines there. Unfortunately, I am a piece of carbon, or stinky carbon, not only does not generate heat, but also pollutes the environment. In the end, I ended my three years of high school with my early 200s. And in September of the same year, under the advice and arrangement of his family, he got an indicator and embarked on the road to Xuzhou. Yes, other people go to college after high school, and I am out of work. College of Adult Education, ——— China University of Mining and Technology.

When I was studying, I didn't want to write or reminisce, it was a happy time. Let it be sealed, the memories are good, they are all in the past, only reality is true.

After the training, I was assigned back to the original coal mine unit, and we naively thought it would be in the department. Unexpectedly, I was directly assigned to the underground ——— comprehensive excavation team. I had heard about the well, but I had never heard of it, so I was still full of expectations and curiosity. As for the experience of going to work underground, the expression is probably like this [surprise][what][cool drag],[tears],[sleepy], [sleepy], [goodbye]. Kind of interesting, hahaha,

Detachment will not be detached, after the transfer to the ground, it is relatively relaxed. It's nice to feel the warmth of the sun at your desk in the department when you're out of the well. But I didn't know that this step would be so wrong, and this step would push me into the abyss.

Today, I am in a foreign country and in another industry. Earning a meager salary, carrying debts, and living every night with different dreams.

I think all this is because my self-control is too poor.

Wanting to change lives, and succumbing to life, no craftsmanship, no access, no experience. I don't know what other good way to do it besides work...

Man, first of all, you have to live...

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