
The league organization promotes the high-quality development of young people Yanji to build a "youth vitality" city

author:China Youth Network

After 10 years of studying and working in Beijing, Wu Zhenyu quit his well-paid job and returned to his hometown of Yanji City, Jilin Province, to start a business. Three fellow villagers who returned to Yanji from a first-tier city with him became his entrepreneurial partners.

In their view, Yanji not only has a strong Korean regional characteristics, but also constantly releases youthful vitality, which is the main reason for attracting them.

In 2021, Yanji City was identified as a pilot county (city) for the implementation of the National Medium- and Long-term Youth Development Plan. With the goal of "boosting the high-quality development of youth and building a dynamic city for young people", Yanji City has created a livable, school-friendly and work-friendly Yanji "Youth Vitality City" business card by building a youth service position, focusing on the field of youth development work, and carrying out in-depth promotion in youth ideological guidance, employment and entrepreneurship support, talent training, mental health, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of young people, and expanding the social integration and participation of young people.

Charcoal for youth employment and entrepreneurship

When he first returned to his hometown, because he had been away from home for many years, Wu Zhenyu did not understand the specific entrepreneurial policies of his hometown. After becoming acquainted with the Yanji tuan organization, Wu Zhenyu and his entrepreneurial partners took many detours. For returning entrepreneurs and employment talents, the regiment organization took the initiative to send a variety of affordable "service packages".

The league organization invited Wu Zhenyu to participate in the industry exchange meeting to help him understand the national and local policies for returning to his hometown to start a business, and also provided him with a free office area for the Youth Entrepreneurship Park. Not only that, from industrial and commercial registration, legal advice to applying for loans for small and micro enterprises, the league organizations have taken the initiative to help Wu Zhenyu.

"When we see that we need it, the regimental organization can always send charcoal in the snow. Problems that cannot be solved for a while will also help coordinate many times. Wu Zhenyu said.

The "service package" organized by the regiment was also sent to the rural fields.

After graduating from university, Zhang Guozhen returned to his hometown of Chaoyangchuan Town, Yanji City, and established Gu Xiangrui Planting Farm. In the early days of entrepreneurship, Zhang Guozhen was short of funds. When visiting the countryside, the league cadres of the Tuanyanji Municipal Party Committee learned about Zhang Guozhen's difficulties and took the initiative to help him coordinate the application for a special loan of 250,000 yuan. Zhang Guozhen used the loan to buy agricultural tools such as forklifts and plant protection machines. Today, as a leader in returning to his hometown to start a business and get rich, Zhang Guozhen has not only created a high-quality rice brand, but also led more than 30 villagers to increase their income and become rich together.

In June 2021, in order to increase the support for young people returning to their hometowns to start their own businesses, the Yanji Municipal Party Committee of Tuanyanji Cooperated with Yanbian Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. to invest 2 million yuan to set up a municipal risk guarantee fund, and launched a special loan policy of 20 million yuan for returning to their hometowns to start a business, and the interest in the first year of the loan was fully discounted by the municipal government finance. Up to now, 16 loans have been issued to returnees in Yanji City, with a total loan amount of 6.55 million yuan.

At the same time, relying on Yanji Youth Entrepreneurship Park and entrepreneurship sharing space, Yanji provides 4,000 square meters of comprehensive office operation and logistics warehousing space for young people, and provides "one-stop" entrepreneurial practice services such as registration, incubation site, and loan financing free of charge.

Be a youth home that young people can find and trust

Since the establishment of the Youth Home in the Yuen Yue community, junior high school student Park Woo (pseudonym) has spent his winter and summer vacations here. Her parents have been working abroad for many years, and Park Woo's extracurricular life with her grandparents is boring. But at the youth's home, Park Woo attended a weekend love holiday class, and college student volunteers helped him write his homework. Not only that, but he can also participate in interest classes such as painting, paper cutting, calligraphy, Lego and taekwondo.

Jin Ye, secretary of the Yuanyue Community League Branch, introduced that there are many left-behind children like Park Yu in the jurisdiction, because their parents are not at home all year round, and the community youth home takes on the responsibility of helping children broaden their horizons and enrich their after-school life.

At present, the Yuanyue Community Youth Home has set up 6 service stations, including Sunshine Station, Service Station, and Rights Protection Station, to provide menu-type services for vulnerable groups such as special children, left-behind women, disabled people, and unemployed people in the jurisdiction.

In addition to weekend holiday classes, the staff and volunteers of the Youth Home will organize children to go to playgrounds, swimming pools, ski slopes, or take them to experience rural life from time to time.

In 2021, relying on the Platform of Youth Home, the Yuanyue community carried out more than 20 practical activities of "Youth Heart to the Party, I Do Practical Things for the Masses". Through volunteer service activities such as safety knowledge publicity, epidemic prevention and control, and helping communities to create civilized cities, we strive to create a youth service position that can be found and trusted for community youth.

It is understood that there are 6 streets in Yanji City, and each street has a such youth home, which has become an important carrier for serving young people and a comprehensive platform for all kinds of teenagers in the jurisdiction to participate in social practice.

Support the development of youth organizations and jointly build Youth Yanji

After finishing college in Changchun, Cao Rui, a 25-year-old Yanji girl, joined the Yanbian Radiance Love Association and started a public welfare business. Now she is the secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Association.

In 2021, Cao Rui participated in the Guangguang Love Association's safe small class, de facto orphan rescue and other projects. She introduced that the docking of the project school, the collection of information, the docking of funds, resources and venues are all thanks to the coordination of the Yanji Municipal Party Committee.

In recent years, in order to deepen the action of young people to help rural revitalization, Yanji has also supported a number of young e-commerce anchors to carry out "anchor + bring goods" and "anchor + tourism" and other Yanji youth anchor live broadcast season activities. At the same time, it also regularly organizes young e-commerce anchors and township youth leaders to participate in agricultural product exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places to improve the popularity of agricultural products in Yanji City and connect more resources and platforms for young anchors.

At present, in Yanji City, there are 152 youth social organizations, private non-public enterprises and social groups such as the Radiance Love Association and the E-commerce Anchor Organization. Supporting the healthy and orderly development of youth social organizations, serving the needs of young people, and leading young people to participate in social governance is another important task of the Tuanyanji Municipal Party Committee.

The cleanliness of Yanji City is inseparable from the daily efforts of young volunteers. Condensing the pioneer strength of youth volunteer service, deepening volunteer service to consolidate the achievements of creating a city, the Yanji Municipal Party Committee of Tuanyanji Municipal Committee normalized to carry out brand volunteer activities such as "protecting the mother river, helping the river chief system" and "road chief system" inspection.

At the same time, in terms of enhancing youth social participation, the Yanji Municipal Party Committee of the Youth League also regularly carries out volunteer service activities in education and public welfare services to attract young people to participate and make the services of the League organization benefit more young people.

In the next step, Yanji City will continue to do a good job in building a youth service position and promoting the field of youth services, so that Yanji will be more youthful and energetic.

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Wang Peilian Source: China Youth Daily

Source: China Youth Daily

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