
Warm Phoenix! Phoenix Street carried out pre-holiday visits to condolences

Reading Chuang/ Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Liu Fang Correspondent Zhang Qinrou Shi Tingyuan Li Hailiang

On the afternoon of January 19, Liu Xiaopeng, vice chairman of the CPPCC Guangming District, accompanied by Mai Xiongguang, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Fenghuang Street, went to the Isolation Hotel of Vienna and Juquan Bay under the jurisdiction of Fenghuang Street to comfort the 157 special class duty personnel, thank the staff for their hard work, and wish them a happy New Year in advance.

Warm Phoenix! Phoenix Street carried out pre-holiday visits to condolences

On the morning of the same day, Mai Xiongguang led a team to comfort the old party members, party members in difficulty and party members with outstanding anti-epidemic performance in the jurisdiction, and sent them the care and warmth of the party organization. At the home of Tang Ruiping, a veteran party member, Mai Xiongguang talked with him about family routines, history, and development, and asked him about his physical condition, family income, and children's work. Tang Ruiping was instructed to take care of his health, continue to pay attention to community development, and actively exert his residual heat and offer suggestions. Community cadres are required to pay more attention to party members in difficulty, listen to their ideas, and take the initiative to help them solve difficulties in work and life.

Warm Phoenix! Phoenix Street carried out pre-holiday visits to condolences

On the afternoon of the same day, at the Tangjia Community Workers' Home, Mai Xiongguang sent 240 New Year blessing packs to the workers of the new employment form and the employees of the enterprise, sending the New Year blessings in advance, and sincerely thanked them for their positive contributions to the prosperity and development of Phoenix Street. The chairmen of the 10 enterprise trade unions and the heads of sites in emerging fields said that they would actively respond to the government's call and continue to contribute to the construction and development of Phoenix Street. At the same time, it advocates employees to stay in Shenzhen for the New Year, and through organizing and carrying out cultural and sports activities with rich content and diverse forms, employees can also feel the "New Year's flavor" of their homes in Shenzhen.

Mai Xiongguang said that in 2022, Fenghuang Street will continue to promote industrial development and major projects to attract more high-quality enterprises to take root in Phoenix. The street federation of trade unions should actively play a leading role, consolidate the organizational foundation of trade unions, and improve the quality of services. It is necessary to send the care of the party and the government and the warmth of the trade union organization to the hearts of the broad masses of workers and staff in a timely manner, enhance the sense of belonging and identification of the staff and workers to the trade union, and let the staff and workers truly feel the warmth of the "mother's family".

Review: Sun Shijian Sun Zhengdong

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