
Confucianism and Christianity are integrated, and the Chinese culture is splendid

author:Rock sugar boiled yellow lian yisheng

In Chinese history, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty gave Confucius the title of King, sent Xuanzang to retrieve the Buddhist scriptures, and named Lao Tzu the ancestor of Taoism, and Confucianism and Taoism coexisted harmoniously.

Confucianism fulfills human nature

The destiny of heaven is sex, the willfulness is the Tao, and the cultivation is the teaching. All things breed together without harming each other, and the Tao does not contradict each other. Little Tokugawa Stream, Big Tokugawa Stream. The sincere one is also the way of man; the way of man is to choose good and stubborn. Only people can be sincere and insincere, and only people have reasonable thinking. Be sincere, humanist, and people-centered.

If you can fulfill the nature of human beings, you can do the nature of things, and you can praise the cultivation of heaven and earth. Human nature is supremely good, and it stops at the highest good. People can spread the Tao, but not the Tao. Man is precious in the awakening of the self. What is desired is good, what is already is faith, what is full is beauty, what is full and radiant is great, what is great and transformed is holy, and what is holy but unknowable is God. The benevolent one is one with the heavens and the earth.

Qualities, knowledge, sincerity, righteousness, self-cultivation, family unity, governance, peace in the world. Loyalty, filial piety, forbearance, compassion, kindness, monarchs, fathers and sons, husbands and wives, brothers, friends.

We must "covenant" and restrain ourselves; we must "forgive" others, forgive, and be sincere in our inner feelings in dealing with people, communicate with each other's expectations, and abide by social norms; we must be "frugal" and frugal about materials; we must be "respectful" and respectful of gods. Do nothing.

The Buddhists see sex and become Buddhas

Seeing sex becomes a Buddha, and sex refers to one's own nature. All beings are equal, and everyone has Buddha-nature. The Diamond Sutra, "Let there be no dwelling, but be born of its heart." Get rid of birth and death, "neither birth nor death, nirvana."

The four are empty. The outside is complex and the inside is simple, it seems to have no reality, the clear mind sees the nature, because of the color Wukong. All laws are not born, and all laws are not destroyed. Matter does not give birth and does not perish, and it does not give birth to where it comes to perish. Seeing sex is merit, and equality is virtue. Immorality or shame.

Buddha-nature is as big as the universe. Buddha-nature is the sum of the immortal values of life. Man comes into the world with karma.

With an understanding of nothingness, live in the present moment. Doing things is to eliminate karma, and there must be results in doing things, but the results must have nothing to do with you. Do without the heart, do not remove the heart.

Taoist heaven and man are one

It's very good, it's very good. If the Word comes out, it will not be shouted. What cannot be seen, what cannot be touched, what can never be said clearly, shouted. All things are born of being, and some are born of nothing. Yin and yang are produced only after there is no coming out. The yin and yang are the Way, and the yin and yang are interchangeable. The movement of the opposite way, the use of the weak way. For the sake of daily loss, loss and loss. By following the Word, virtue is manifested.

The animals of life. To be born without being, to be ashamed of it, to live in vain after success, to live long and not to be slaughtered, is for Xuande. Be authentic and centered on the Tao.

Heaven and man are one. Heaven is born of the Tao, man is also born of the Tao, and heaven and man have a common mother, so they are one. We follow nature to create a favorable situation, which is called the unity of heaven and man. The universe has an unchanging direction, which is goodness.

Based on loving people and goods, helping to become born of heaven and earth. The Chinese nation, people-oriented, will always be the official standard. In addition to understanding people, there must also be a set of techniques to help people play to their strengths. Technique is art, leadership, motivation and communication, everything is done to make everyone easy to accept, there are good results. Be on the middle path and be adaptable. Right and wrong, good and evil, good and bad should be diluted, looked at together, not separated, Westerners are often separated. Do anything from the other side's standpoint, rather than blindly standing in your own standing. Carry forward the Seven Great Mental Laws. If you are wading through the river in winter, you need to be careful when crossing the river in winter, and you can't be timid and hesitant. If you are afraid of your neighbors, you need to introspect yourself and do not scare your neighbors, not afraid of their neighbors pointing fingers. He was a guest and respectfully and solemnly went to the banquet. It's a relief. The look is like the spring sun shining ice into water, and the heart contains infinite vitality. Dun is like a servant. Like rough that has never been carved, man treats all things with kindness. It is like a valley, and the distance is like a deep valley. Muddy. Strict discipline, leniency to others, like a muddy water, sincere and trustworthy. Do nothing and do nothing.

God created man and gave him responsibility and freedom. All human beings are created by God from one book, and they are all God's people, not distinguished by race, identity, or gender. God is the Father. God loved the world and even gave them His only begotten Son, so that all who believed in Him would not perish, but would have eternal life. God is a Spirit, and His grace through the Lord Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit are prepared for all things in the world. The Spirit of Jesus will dwell in the hearts of the repentant and born-again, that is, the Spirits that will make them wise and wise, the Spirits of strategy and power, the Spirits of knowledge and fear of Jehovah. The law of all things is god's manifestation of righteousness, which makes man fearful in his emotions, hearts, wills, words, and deeds, and strives to obey God's law. By man's presence with Christ, He will help, garnish to man, to lead man forward. The trials of life are only temporary, and in order to make man stronger, like a thousand hammers of gold, perfect and without lack, so that people should look to the anointing of the Holy Spirit and look forward to the coming eternal life.

Man has original sin, which is the nature of sin. It manifests itself as the weakness of human nature. The good I know is difficult to practice, and the evil I don't want is easy to do. It is man's sin that needs redemption, Jesus is on the "cross," it is man who gives sin and death to Him, and He gives salvation and life to people. The world has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Everyone has an original sin nature, and there is nothing that man can do to be reborn and transform his soul, and can only rely on God's salvation of sinners.

May the God of peace personally sanctify you completely, and may your spirits and souls and bodies be preserved. In the highest place, glory goes to God, and peace on earth goes to those who delight him.

God loves the world and atones for their sins. The Lord Jesus Christ is above all else. For the law of the life-giving Holy Spirit has set me free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. He loved me and gave up for me. When Jesus and I were with me, the sacrifice was given, and life was constantly renewed and grown and abundant. "He will prosper, and I will decline." Man is cut off from God for sin and cannot understand God's love. That Jesus Christ is the only salvation God has prepared for man's sins. Man must accept Jesus Christ as Savior himself. Salvation is comprehensive, that is, Jesus' birth, death, resurrection, ascension, and return, and those who are saved have the abundant blessings of God. The Lord Jesus is gracious and merciful, and his grace benefits all people, and his love is long and profound. Grace is above the law, the law is to convict people of sin, and grace is to free people from sin and overcome sin. Born again, "it is no longer me, but Christ."

Confucianism and Buddhism the integration of Christ, exchange and mutual learning, "not the beauty of a hundred families, not the wonder of one person", the beauty of beauty, the beauty of each, the beauty of the united, the world is the same.

Confucianism and Christianity are integrated, and the Chinese culture is splendid

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