
The committee member said 丨 丨 Cai Tao: Let love have no "obstacles" to consolidate the construction of barrier-free environment

author:Red Net


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Red Net Moment, January 19 (Reporter He Qing, Li Saifeng) At the two sessions of the provincial two sessions, Cai Tao, a member of the Hunan Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy mayor of Tianyuan District of Zhuzhou City, is most concerned about the issue of people's livelihood, and she brought the proposal of "Consolidating the Construction of Barrier-free Environment and Lighting up the Light of Urban Civilization".

Cai Tao said that in recent years, with the continuous advancement of the creation of civilized cities, the construction of barrier-free environments has developed rapidly in Hunan, and the "Hunan Province Barrier-free Environment Construction Management Measures" has been introduced, which has provided great convenience for the majority of inconvenient people. However, in some places, due to reasons such as insufficient ideological understanding, irregular construction management, unclavenged supervision responsibilities, and incomplete current relevant systems, there are phenomena such as inadequate planning, inadequate implementation, and inadequate maintenance, and the construction of barrier-free environment needs to be further strengthened.

In this regard, she suggested that organizational learning should be intensified. Relevant departments should strengthen the study of the relevant laws, regulations and industry standards on the construction of barrier-free environments, enhance the awareness of the rule of law and responsibility for the construction of barrier-free environments, and actively carry out organizational training. It is necessary to organize the necessary training for personnel engaged in the design, construction, supervision, and other work of relevant engineering projects, enhance the professional ability of barrier-free environment construction, and give full play to the guidance of public opinion. Relevant departments should use the "National Day for Assisting the Disabled" and other activity carriers to carry out propaganda through multiple channels, in multiple forms, and in all directions, so as to create a good publicity atmosphere.

At the same time, it is necessary to optimize the institutional environment, consolidate the guarantee for the construction of barrier-free facilities; strengthen long-term management, promote the function of barrier-free facilities; strengthen the three major supervision, comprehensively improve the efficiency of the barrier-free environment, "let love have no 'obstacles', strengthen social supervision, give full play to the social supervision role of the Disabled Persons' Federation, aging institutions and other units, boost the government and relevant functional departments to continuously improve the construction of barrier-free environment, and light up the light of urban civilization with love." ”

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