
Samsung Super Intel topped the list in 2021 chip sales exceeded $500 billion

In the past 2021, although the global semiconductor industry has still been greatly affected by the epidemic, the global semiconductor market has still had a high growth rate in the past year. Recently, data released by Gartner, a well-known research company in the United States, shows that the overall sales of the semiconductor market increased by 25.1% to $583.5 billion, exceeding $500 billion for the first time. In the past year, Samsung Electronics has successfully surpassed Intel to become the world's highest-revenue chip manufacturer with strong growth in its storage business.

Samsung Super Intel topped the list in 2021 chip sales exceeded $500 billion

Samsung storage chip

Samsung Semiconductor revenue grew 31.6 percent to $75.9 billion in 2021. The last time the company became a chip overlord was in 2018, but according to Gartner, this ranking does not include foundries such as TSMC. Last year, home work boosted demand in the global PC market, and under favorable conditions, Samsung's storage business surged 34.2% in sales last year, and shipments of PCs and other electronic products, as well as memory chips used in servers, rose sharply.

Unlike Samsung, Intel's semiconductor revenue grew by only 0.5% last year, with total revenue of $73.1 billion, falling to second place. The growth rate of 0.5% is also much lower than the overall sales growth rate of the chip market, ranking the bottom of the top 20 chip manufacturers. Its low growth rate is due to the limited performance improvement of the 11th generation Core on the one hand, which affects its shipments in the processor market, on the other hand, amD's strength, so that Intel faces fierce competition in the traditional advantage field - server processors. AMD's market share in this field has also risen from the previous 14th place to 10th, posing a certain challenge to Intel.

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