
The Third Session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was held

author:Western British Open
The Third Session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was held

On January 19, the third session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was solemnly held in the county seat. On behalf of the Sixth Committee of Daying County, Hu Mingchao, secretary of the county party committee, delivered a work report entitled "The Wind of Great Rejuvenation of "Hard Work, Deepening the Joint Construction of the "Four United States," and "Striving to Accelerate the Construction of "Great America and Great Britain," and gave a speech on the "Decision on Deeply Studying and Implementing the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Provincial CPC Committee, and the Second Plenary Session of the Eighth Plenary Session of the Municipal CPC Committee" and "On Achieving the Goal of Achieving Carbon Neutrality at peak carbon as the guide." The Decision on Promoting the High-quality Development of Green and Low-Carbon Advantageous Industries (Discussion Draft) was drafted and explained to the Conference. Tang Ziwei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, summed up and deployed the county's economic work. The meeting was presided over by the whole committee of the county party committee.

The Third Session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was held

The theme of the conference is: hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, accurately grasp the new development stage, fully implement the new development concept, actively integrate into the new development pattern, vigorously promote the "hard work" style, deepen the "four United States" joint construction, and work hard to promote the construction of "great Beauty and Great Britain".

The General Assembly shall have 219 delegates, 13 shall take leave of absence due to illness, and 206 delegates shall be present, in accordance with the prescribed number.

Hu Mingchao, Tang Ziwei, Niu Bin, Wen Zhang, Liu Xu, Wen Lin, Sun Aiqing, Tang Xin, Tian Bin, Cai Xiaoshan, Liang Zhidong, Du Rui, and Zhai Ningfeng attended the meeting and sat in the front row of the rostrum.

At 8:50 a.m., the conference opened with the majestic sound of the National Anthem of the People's Republic of China.

The Third Session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was held

Amid warm applause, Hu Mingchao made a report to the meeting on behalf of the Sixth Committee of the Communist Party of China in Daying County.

The report pointed out that looking back at 2021, every drop of sweat highlights the figure of benchmarking. 2021 is a year for Daying County to carry forward the past and open up the future. Over the past year, the county party committee has always adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, taken the construction of "Great America and Great Britain" as the strategy to break the problem of rising "Chengyu Star", firmly adhered to the development path of "strong industrial county, cultural tourism and rejuvenation of the city" as a breakthrough strategy of "benchmarking and advancing", united and led the party members and cadres and the masses of the county to water the harvest with sweat, move forward with hard work, continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and hand over a heavy lifting. Exciting and exciting answers. In the past year, we have carried forward the "spirit of party building" and strengthened party building in the course of benchmarking and advancing; in the past year, we have deeply cultivated "industrial cultural tourism" and planted industrial advantages in the course of benchmarking and advancing; in the past year, we have served the "double circle strategy" and deepened openness and innovation in the course of benchmarking and advancing; in the past year, we have adhered to "demonstration and leadership" and promoted rural revitalization in the course of advancing by benchmarking; in the past year, we have concentrated on "park cities" and raised the city's energy level in the course of advancing by benchmarking; in the past year, we have done a good job in "key small things" and enhanced people's livelihood and well-being in the course of advancing by benchmarking.

The report pointed out that in planning for 2022, every departure is locked in the direction of catching up with learning. 2022 is the year when the construction of "Great America and Great Britain" accelerates, and it is crucial to do a good job throughout the year. To promote the construction of "Great America and Great Britain" to accelerate the momentum, we must vigorously promote the trend of "hard work", we must deepen the joint construction of "four United States", so that the results of the construction of "Great America and Great Britain" can benefit the people of the whole county more. The work ideas of the whole county in 2022 are: adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the 10th Plenary Session of the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee, the Eighth Party Congress of the Municipal Party Committee, and the Second Plenary Session of the Eighth Plenary Session of the Municipal Party Committee, accurately grasp the new development stage, fully implement the new development concept, actively integrate into the new development pattern, take the promotion of high-quality development as the theme, implement the "1236" development ideas, fully implement the "Eight Actions", vigorously promote the "hard work" style, and deepen the "four united states" joint construction. We should vigorously promote the construction of "great America and Great Britain" at the high point into a "leapfrog" trend and open a new situation of "rise" at a high position.

The report pointed out that in 2022, every jump burst out of the power to improve quality and promotion. It is necessary to strengthen industrial cultural tourism, improve industrial quality and efficiency, boost investment and consumption, release domestic demand potential, deepen reform and opening up, help promote energy conversion, empower "beautiful development" with hard work, and promote the simultaneous enhancement of "economic strength" and "development vitality". It is necessary to implement rural revitalization, promote the development of the three rural areas, prosper social undertakings, optimize public services, do a good job of the masses, firmly grasp the basic people's livelihood, use hard work to empower "a happy life", and promote the simultaneous improvement of "rural heat" and "people's livelihood temperature". It is necessary to optimize the living environment, improve the quality of the city, protect the ecological environment, practice green development, use hard work to give color to the "beautiful ecology", and promote the simultaneous improvement of the "living environment" and the "ecological environment". It is necessary to persist in governing the county according to law, strive for fairness and justice, improve governance capabilities, promote good governance at the grass-roots level, maintain social stability, create a harmonious and beautiful environment, use hard work to empower the "beautiful society", and promote the simultaneous manifestation of "humanistic harmony" and "social harmony".

The report pointed out that in 2022, every position is flying the banner of party building. Strengthen the party's overall leadership and consolidate the powerful joint forces of the "four united States" joint construction; strengthen ideological and political construction, and put the correct direction of the quasi-"four United States" joint construction; strengthen the building of the cadre contingent and cultivate and strengthen the backbone forces of the "four United States" joint construction; strengthen the building of grass-roots organizations and consolidate the basic support for the joint construction of the "four United States"; strengthen the building of party style and clean government, build a solid guarantee for the joint construction of the "four United States", truly transform the political advantages led by party building into the competitive advantage of the British leaping over and overtaking, and accelerate the construction of the "Great America and Great Britain" with high-quality party building.

Where the ambition is, there is no far-reaching, the ambition is the direction, and there is no indestructible. The report calls on us to hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee, use hard work as the foundation for development, let the "four beauty" take root with hard work, work hard to accelerate the construction of "great beauty and great Britain", and greet the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 12th Provincial Party Congress with excellent results.

The Third Session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was held

The conference summarized the county's economic work in 2021 and made specific arrangements for the economic work in 2022.

The conference pointed out that 2021 is the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the beginning of the construction of "Great America and Great Britain". In the past year, the whole county has worked hard to move forward with one heart and one mind, push forward with the top pressure, comprehensively promote epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, do a solid job in the "six stability" work, fully implement the "six guarantees" task, run out of the acceleration of economic growth, maintain a good momentum of industrial development, release the momentum to break through the strong momentum, paint a new picture of happiness and people's livelihood, build a solid firewall for stable development, hand over an annual answer sheet for strong development, and take the first step in the opening year. To do a good job in economic work in 2022, we must deeply understand the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the deployment of the provincial party committee and municipal party committee, clarify the requirements of the county's economic work, accurately grasp the expected goals and considerations, plan according to the situation, move in response to the situation, follow the trend, comprehensively seize the policy dividend, comprehensively cultivate advantageous industries, fully integrate into regional development, comprehensively enhance the development engine, comprehensively build quality counties, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, comprehensively improve the ecological environment, comprehensively consolidate people's livelihood security, comprehensively maintain safety and stability, adhere to the principle of being the first word, and seek progress in stability. Highlight the preemptive fast running and lead the year.

The conference stressed that it is necessary to strengthen the confidence of the will to win, the determination to break the boat, carry out the "big competition" of project work, promote the "great improvement" of industrial development, ensure the "great increase" of fiscal revenue, keep the "big bottom line" of security and stability, strengthen the responsibility to assume the "big implementation", resolutely fight and win the battle of economic work in the first quarter, lead the "season red" with "opening the door red", ensure "full of color", and strive to win the "annual victory".

The meeting listened in writing to the 2021 annual work report of the county discipline inspection committee made by Tang Xin, member of the standing committee of the county party committee, secretary of the county discipline inspection committee, and director of the county supervision commission, on behalf of the Discipline Inspection Committee of Daying County of the Communist Party of China, and Liang Zhidong, member of the standing committee of the county party committee and director of the organization department, made a "Work Report on the Handling of The Proposal of the Deputies of the Fifth Party Congress of the County" made on behalf of the leading group of the permanent system of the party congress of Daying County.

On the afternoon of the same day, the second session of the third session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was held.

The General Assembly shall have 219 delegates, 17 shall take leave due to illness, and 202 shall be in fact, which shall meet the prescribed number.

Hu Mingchao, Tang Ziwei, Niu Bin, Wen Zhang, Liu Xu, Sun Aiqing, Tang Xin, Tian Bin, Cai Xiaoshan, Liang Zhidong, Du Rui, and Zhai Ningfeng attended the meeting and sat in the front row of the rostrum.

The meeting adopted the "Resolution on the Work Report of the County Committee", the "Resolution on the Work Report of the County Discipline Inspection Commission" and the "Resolution on the Work Report on the Handling of the Proposals of the Deputies of the Fifth Party Congress of the County"; the "Decision on Deeply Studying and Implementing the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Party, the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Second Plenary Session of the Eighth Plenary Session of the Municipal Party Committee" of the County Committee", "The Decision on Achieving the Goal of Carbon Neutrality at the Peak of Carbon and Promoting the High-quality Development of Green and Low-carbon Advantageous Industries" Adopted the "Report of the Deputies Proposal Review Committee on the Deputies' Proposals" of the Third Party Congress of the Sixth County.

Hu Mingchao pointed out that with the theme of "vigorously promoting the style of 'hard work', deepening the joint construction of the 'four united states', and vigorously working hard to promote the construction of 'great america and great Britain' to accelerate the momentum," the conference thoroughly implemented the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Plenary Session of the Provincial CPC Committee, the Eighth Municipal Party Congress, and the Second Plenary Session of the Eighth Municipal CPC Committee, comprehensively summed up the achievements of work, objectively analyzed practical problems, profoundly gained insight into development opportunities, clearly anchored the goals of struggle, and systematically deployed work tasks, thus comprehensively implementing the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Municipal Party Committee. It also runs through the whole process of "British Thinking" and "British Path", which is the action guide for the county's economic and social development in 2022.

On the implementation of the spirit of the conference, combined with the key work at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, Hu Mingchao stressed that it is necessary to tighten the strings in "prevention" and "control", and carefully weave a "protective net" of the epidemic as it began. We must unremittingly grasp the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and strictly implement the work of "external prevention of import, internal prevention of rebound" and "character prevention".

It is necessary to plan early in the "stability" and "advancement" and make up for the shortcomings of the standard and sprint throughout the year. We must come up with the mental state of "the beginning is a decisive battle, and the beginning is a sprint", plan early, advance early, and achieve results as early as possible. It is necessary to grasp the steady investment of projects and form a good situation in which large projects drive large investment and large investment promotes great development. It is necessary to grasp the guarantee of stable production, effectively solve the problems of enterprises, and help enterprises accelerate production and release production capacity. It is necessary to grasp the scheduling and stabilization of expectations, comprehensively analyze the leading and related indicators, solve the tendentious and emerging problems in advance, and make every effort to stabilize the target expectations.

It is necessary to show warmth in "protection" and "benefit" and help the masses to "warm up through the winter" with heart and affection. It is necessary to comprehensively implement various social security and social assistance policies, implement the special action to eradicate wage arrears in winter and the action of "warm winter" for migrant workers, solidly carry out the activity of "going to the grass-roots level and sending warmth", and do a good job in ensuring the supply and stable price of people's livelihood commodities during the Spring Festival, so that the masses can truly feel the care and concern of the party and the government.

It is necessary to stabilize the overall situation in the "security" and "peace" and build a good "big premise" for development in a strict and meticulous manner. It is necessary to continue to do a good job in safe production work, prevent and resolve hidden dangers involving stability, increase the intensity of social security prevention and control, and ensure the harmony and stability of the overall social situation.

In the solemn sound of the "Internationale", the third session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was successfully closed.


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The Third Session of the Sixth Congress of the Communist Party of China in Daying County was held

Editor 丨 Tan Fang Wu Juan

Review 丨Huang Xiaoqian

Final Judge丨 Qi Min Yang Hongmei Zheng Lei

Source 丨 Great Britain Media

Great Britain Media

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