
Return to life in your hometown in 2021

author:Yang Yang was dragged

At the end of 2020, I chose to return to my hometown of Changsha and start my life and work again, before I worked in Nanjing for five or six years, the work treatment was actually not bad, and like most people who work outside the home, we are eager but worried about returning to our hometown. Because is it easy to find a new job? What about salary? How much effort and time does it take to rebuild a new relationship? And so on, a series of problems caused us to stand still on the matter of returning to our hometown.

So what made me decide to return to Changsha from Nanjing and start a new life? It is mainly based on the following points:

1, 2018 I got married, my wife is very understanding and supports me, and I came to Nanjing to work and live, in 2019 our child was born, but due to various reasons, the parents of both sides could not help us with the child, but paid us to ask an aunt to help take care of it, and I had to work and take care of the child, so that the pressure of my wife's life began to increase, accompanied by the little guy's water and soil often diarrhea plus inflammation, so that our lives began to be scorched and flustered. If it is by the side of relatives in the hometown, this situation will be alleviated a lot.

2, the sudden arrival of the epidemic at the end of 2019, let my wife and I realize that it must be the time to buy a house, the epidemic has come to rent a house in a foreign place, but the house price in Nanjing is too high, and our savings are all out of the down payment of a pleasant house. We didn't want to buy a suburban house in Nanjing. However, at this time, looking back at the housing prices in our hometown Changsha, our eyes began to shine.

3, my work is in the bottleneck period, there is almost no room for growth, along with the restless factor that I have always wanted to start a business in my bones, I also want to jump out and do it myself, enhance my own value, and fight for my future.

4, my wife and I are only children, if we insist on working hard outside to settle down, what should we do when our parents are old? This is an issue that we must face up to and cannot avoid. Stay with them, what condition they have we can at least deal with and take care of in a timely manner. With the company of my family, my wife and children will at least be much happier and warmer!

Having said so much about the reasons that prompted me to come back, talk about some of the changes in 2021 when I return to Changsha to live and work:

The children and wives all began to be happy and happy, the little guy was not satisfied with the soil and water, and began to grow strongly, and our parents basically circled around the little guy with the fat man, teasing him, buying him toys, making food, buying clothes, and taking him out to play outdoors. The little guy especially likes grandpa's small vegetable garden in the countryside, as long as he goes to play in the small vegetable garden, water the small vegetable seedlings, fertilize, help grandpa loosen the soil, although they are all helping grandpa, but also happy, will be very proud to tell me "Daddy, this is what I planted", and then I also want to praise him "You are awesome". At the same time, I also gained a lot of my own small friends, often playing with toys, catching insects, playing with soil, playing with water... The son began to have a happy and interesting childhood!

Return to life in your hometown in 2021

At this time, the wife also began to have her own time to do some of her own things she wanted to do, rather than around the children all day, first study the things we buy a house, learn the science of buying a house, plan the funds for our house to buy, and began to step on their own favorite real estate, and finally in July 2021 we had our own small house in Kaifu District. Secondly, I began to study and study financial management, and now I have also begun to do some low-risk fund investment. Haha, so far I haven't made any money. At the same time, the wife is also learning the dance she has always longed for, interested will persevere, the wife is really rain or shine in this matter, not to mention, now the dance is really like. So how important is interest to a person!

Return to life in your hometown in 2021

After returning to Changsha, I basically have no interpersonal network, all work needs to start from scratch, and work is the most difficult problem after returning to Changsha! Because the self-adhesive industry used to be engaged in was biased towards the cold door, it was not so easy to find a job in Changsha, so it could only find related industries, or directly switch to other jobs. Thinking about it, I decided to find a relatively free job to let myself live in Changsha first, and then to find and think about the direction of my own entrepreneurship, and at the same time began to accumulate my own contacts and expand my network. At present, I am doing sales in a printing factory, and this year's average monthly income is about 5,000, which is just enough to cover my family's income and expenditure. Strive to find a good project investment in 2022 to earn more, because with the addition of mortgages, no income of 10,000 a month is simply not enough to see, refuel 2022!

Returning to my hometown to live and work, there is warmth, there is happiness, there are many convenient places, but in the early stage of just returning, I still have to face a lot of pressure from work and life, and I am determined to come back as soon as possible, which is my feeling!

[Rose] I wish you all a prosperous year of the tiger and a prosperous source of wealth!

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