
Everyone is amazing 丨 Gao Genli: Let the hobby fly high

author:Tianshan Net

Tianshan network reporter Ye Xiaomin

When I was a child, the model aircraft was a toy in my hand, and when I grew up, letting the drone soar was the persistence of my hobby, and it was also the achievement of my career.

Gao Genli, 45, is a drone expert at the Autonomous Region's Surveying and Mapping Achievements Center. Since junior high school, Gao Genli has loved model aircraft, and since 2000, he has purchased a drone with half of his salary and started his "flying" dream.

Only a year later, due to his excellent ability to fly drones, he switched from the communication technology industry to the Surveying and Mapping Achievement Center, becoming the first professional driver of drones in Xinjiang.

Everyone is amazing 丨 Gao Genli: Let the hobby fly high

Gogenli conducts drone missions in the wild. The image was provided by Gao Genli himself

In June last year, after receiving the largest drone mapping mission in Xinjiang, he quickly organized a group and led the pilots to set foot in a deserted area and launched a 20,000-kilometer drone flight.

"An average of 10 hours of flight per day." In order to accurately complete the mapping, Gao Genli said, they get up every day before dawn to prepare and inspect the drone. After dark, he rushed back to the camp with various facilities and equipment, and the intensity of the flight lasted for more than a month.

For Gao Genli, the hardship of the road is nothing, and the drone is more laborious after the day. He said that whenever he watched the drone with the mapping livery soar into the sky, his heart also flew into the blue sky.

Because the equipment carried by the drone is a high-precision instrument, it is of great value. "Just like an old driver driving, the longer you drive, the slower and more stable the car." Gao Genli said.

In August last year, during a UAV mapping flight, due to material fatigue, the UAV carrying more than 4 million yuan worth of instruments broke, and the propeller broke and needed an emergency landing.

"Force yourself to be calm and calm." With more than ten years of rich flight experience and skillful operation, Gao Genli made the drone land smoothly in the desert area 16 kilometers away from the take-off site.

"Drones weigh more than 80 kilograms." Gao Genli said that at that time, the off-road vehicle could not enter, and could only go to great lengths to split the drone and transport it out with a little bit of hand on the shoulder. It took 3 people a full 3 hours to move the drone back.

On that day, in order to rescue the drone, Gao Genli only ate a few biscuits, and when he returned to the city at night, he ate two mixed noodles in one go.

Another time during the flight of the drone, due to the sudden change in the weather, the drone operated by Gao Genli landed "rolling and crawling", and the drone was just put into the box, and the sky began to rain.

Every safe take-off and landing of the UAV is affected by multiple objective factors, usually in the case of good light, clear sky, and breezy weather.

"Many software and hardware vulnerabilities are found and solved in a timely manner in the thrilling flight." Years of valuable experience have not only made him an excellent drone pilot, but also a well-known drone pilot instructor in the industry.

Gao Genli believes that the UAV industry is in the ascendant, and the development is just in time, and talent training and team building are particularly important. In 2021 alone, he trained more than 200 trainees to become professional drone pilots.

These trainees come from all walks of life, in order to allow the trainees to reduce the occurrence of flight accidents and economic losses, Gao Genli mainly focuses on flight cases and experience sharing, and teaches various flight experiences. After completing the study, the trainees returned to their posts to show their skills and continue to drive the development of the UAV industry.

Nowadays, as drones are updated from generation to generation, the performance is becoming more and more stable, and the most important requirement for pilots is to be bold and responsible. Before each flight, Gao Genli had to check the aircraft's power, fuel, drone structure and every screw over and over again.

In the future, Gao Genli will continue to walk in the drone industry that he loves incomparably, bloom his own unique brilliance, and let the drone, a spirit that can fly, fly safely and efficiently.

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