
What legacy will be left behind by the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games

author:Bright Net

【Beijing Winter Olympics we are coming】

Guangming Daily reporter Wang Dong

On January 19, 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee released the "Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games Legacy Report Collection (2022)".

The sports heritage is the most direct and important legacy of the Beijing Olympic Games. As the first Olympic Games to comprehensively plan and manage the Olympic legacy from the beginning of the preparations after the promulgation of the Olympic Agenda 2020, creating a rich Winter Olympic legacy and bringing long-term and positive benefits to the host city and the general public, it is an important part of the preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, in line with the reform spirit of the International Olympic Committee, and one of the important symbols of successful Olympic games.

Wang Renhua, deputy director of the Overall Planning Department of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, said that the collection of heritage reports released this time includes seven single-volume reports on sports, economy, society, culture, environment, urban and regional development. Focusing on the seven objectives set out in the strategic plan for the legacy of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the report comprehensively expounds the long-term benefits of the preparation of the Winter Olympics to the masses, the driving role of the host city and region, and the positive contribution to the development of the Olympic Movement from the perspective of the Olympic heritage.

In terms of sports, the preparation and holding of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has a huge driving effect on the popularization and development of ice and snow sports in China. In the six years since the Winter Olympics were prepared, the number of participants in the public ice and snow sports has increased significantly, ice and snow sports have been rapidly promoted among the majority of young people, ice and snow sports for the disabled have been widely carried out, the level of ice and snow sports competitions has been improved by leaps and bounds, various ice and snow sports events have been vigorously carried out, the supply of ice and snow sports venues and facilities has been accelerated, and the team of ice and snow sports talents has grown day by day. "Driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" has gradually moved from a vision to a reality. According to the Statistical Survey Report on "Driving 300 Million People to Participate in Ice and Snow Sports" commissioned by the State General Administration of Sport to the National Bureau of Statistics, from the successful bid for the Winter Olympic Games to October 2021, the number of residents in the country who have participated in ice and snow sports is 346 million, and the participation rate of ice and snow sports is 24.56%, achieving the goal of driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports.

In terms of economy, through the preparation of the Olympic Games, driving the economic development of countries, regions and host cities, and cultivating new economic growth points have become an important purpose and function of the Olympic Games. The Beijing Winter Olympics will drive the rapid development of the ice and snow industry, based on the construction of venues and facilities, ice and snow competition performances, ice and snow exhibitions, ice and snow equipment manufacturing will accelerate development, and ice and snow tourism will become a new consumption hotspot. The Beijing Winter Olympics also implemented the Science and Technology Winter Olympics action to promote technological innovation and breakthroughs in venue construction, meteorological forecasting, sports skill optimization and other related fields, which not only ensured the high-level preparation of the Winter Olympic Games, but also provided a strong impetus for the development of high-tech industries in related fields after the Games.

In terms of society, building a better world through sports is the vision of the Olympic Movement, and people have witnessed the positive changes in society since the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Through the selection of 835 Olympic education demonstration schools and 2062 ice and snow sports characteristic schools across the country, Olympic education and ice and snow sports have been incorporated into education and teaching, which has promoted the healthy growth of young people and ignited their enthusiasm for participating in ice and snow sports. At the same time, the Beijing Winter Olympics have led more people to participate in volunteer services for the Winter Olympics, expanded and deepened international exchanges with the Winter Olympics as a link, promoted the construction of an inclusive society, and enhanced the public's awareness of fitness, low carbon and civilization and courtesy.

In terms of culture, the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games has further rooted the Olympic spirit and concept in the land of China, promoted the exchange and mutual learning between the world's diverse cultures and China's excellent traditional culture, and made the people of all countries in the world more united and more aware of each other. The construction of cultural facilities for the Winter Olympics has increased the city's public cultural space; the cultural activities of the Winter Olympics have popularized the ice and snow culture and olympic culture, making it organically integrated with the Spring Festival culture and the Great Wall culture; the cultural products of the Winter Olympics have demonstrated Chinese characteristics and transmitted Chinese civilization; the media of the Winter Olympics have publicized and told Chinese stories and spread Chinese voices; and the continuous improvement of the urban public cultural service system has fully demonstrated the cultural characteristics of the city and enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the majority of citizens.

In terms of the environment, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games resolutely implement the concept of green Olympic Games, practice the requirements of the Olympic Movement and the United Nations "2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", adhere to the road of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, and lay a beautiful Chinese background for the Beijing Winter Olympics. By promoting the coordinated governance of various provinces and cities, and implementing the battle against gas, sand and water, the regional ecological environment has been continuously improved. Comprehensively promote low-carbon management, carry out extensive technological innovation and application demonstration in low-carbon venues, low-carbon transportation, low-carbon energy and carbon neutrality, and contribute to the realization of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals in the mainland.

In terms of urban development, taking the preparation of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games as an opportunity, Beijing, the city of the two Olympic Games, the most beautiful winter Olympic city of Yanqing, the sports city of Zhangjiakou, and the new landmark of capital city rejuvenation in the new era, Shougang, have all set up long-term development goals with distinctive characteristics and clear positioning, which is also highly consistent with the vision of the Beijing Winter Olympics. Through more than six years of preparation, the Beijing Winter Olympics have accelerated the high-quality development of these cities and regions, the comprehensive popularization and promotion of ice and snow sports, the acceleration of urban infrastructure upgrading, the continuous improvement of the ecological environment, the rapid development of the ice and snow industry, the significant improvement of social civilization, the implementation of the Olympic spirit, and the further enhancement of the people's sense of gain and happiness.

In terms of regional development, the preparation for the Beijing Winter Olympics is an important starting point for promoting the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. Over the past six years since the preparation of the Winter Olympics, with the joint efforts of all parties, a situation of mutual promotion and synergy between the preparatory work and regional development has been gradually formed. The transportation infrastructure in the region is interconnected, the ecological environment is jointly prevented and managed, the industrial development complements each other, the public services are co-built and shared, the construction of the Beijing-Zhang sports and cultural tourism belt has achieved initial results, the effect of helping poverty alleviation and driving employment is remarkable, and two excellent answers to the preparation of the Winter Olympics and local development have been handed over, achieving a win-win situation between the Olympic Movement and regional development.

Guangming Daily ( 2022-01-20 09 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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