
Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

author:Runner Chen Jianxin

Leaving Swallowtail Mountain to ZhongdeGong is a lot of walking, in order not to let you get lost, please refer to the hiking route map below.

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

Swallowtail Mountain Park down the hill - turn left - Swallowtail Road

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

Cross the park to Kangtai Road

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

Turn left on Kangtai Road and go straight to (14) Zhongde Palace

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

Swallowtail Road

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

Minnan style big house

14. Seed De Palace

Fujian people have a variety of folk beliefs, such as Mazu, Guan Gong, Baosheng Emperor, Zhusheng Niangniang, Chenghuang Gong, Prince Wangye, etc., we often classify these beliefs into Taoism, in fact, these beliefs have nothing to do with Taoism, Taoism pursues "to become a fairy", and these folk beliefs have different functions, such as Mazu is in charge of the safety of sea navigation, Guan Gong is the god of wealth, Baosheng The Great is for good health, Zhusheng Niangniang is in charge of pregnant women and children...

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

Seed Palace

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

The Zhongde Palace is located in Neicuo Ao

The Zhongde Palace on Gulangyu Island is dedicated to Baosheng The Great, also known as "Daogong", baosheng emperor's real name is "Wu Mao", is a Longhai Baijiao people, Song Dynasty famous doctor. Taoist practitioners can get married, and legend has it that Dao Gong was not married in his lifetime, he was a gold medal king laowu, and after becoming an immortal, he met Mazu in Putian and fell in love with Mazu at first sight. One day, Mazu saw a ewe giving birth to a lamb, very painful, he broke the idea of marrying Daogong, Daogong was very angry after being abandoned by Mazu, and waited for an opportunity to take revenge in his heart. The twenty-third day of the third month of the lunar calendar is Mazu's birthday, when Mazu patrols the border, the Daogong casts a spell to rain and wash the fat powder on Mazu's face; Mazu is not willing to lose weakness, and when the Road Gonggong patrols on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, the wind blows, and wants to blow off the hat on the head of the Daogong. Therefore, it often rains on Mazu's birthday, and it often blows strong winds on the birthday of Baosheng The Great. The Minnan proverb says", "The road is windy, Mazuba rain", if there is no wind and no rain, the wind and the sun are beautiful, it means that the two of them have made peace.

It is said that during the Ming Dynasty apocalypse, a fisherman surnamed Li here saw a statue of a god floating on the sea, fished it up and found that it was Emperor Zun Baosheng, and took it home to be enshrined. The fisherman's mother had been sick and bedridden for many days, and she did not expect to worship this statue of the DaoGong, who had been picked up, and after a few days of illness, cuo bian heard about it and came to burn incense and pray for blessings, and then built a "Seed Virtue Palace" here to pray.

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

Jishan Road

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

The location of the Anxian Building

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building
Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

15. An Xian Lou

The "Anxian Building" at 18 Jishan Road was built by the American Sabbath missionary B.L. Anderson and his wife were built in 1934 as the teaching building of meihua middle school for girls. Before the completion of AnXian Lou, Meihua Middle School only accepted male students, and the school was located in the area of the "Gulangyu Villa Hotel" on Gusheng Road, because there were five stone monuments forbidden to go to the sea during the early Qing Dynasty, so the people of Gulangyu Island called this area "five cards".

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

An Xian Lou

Mr. and Mrs. An Lixun came to Gulangyu Island in March 1906, first opened a Shinto school at no. 81 Quanzhou Road, Yuji Elementary School, and in 1908 bought a large area of land by the sea in the "Five Cards", founded the "Meihua Middle School", and opened a farm and dairy farm. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson advocated the educational concept of balanced development of the mind, mind and body, and the use of both hands and brains, at that time, the students were mainly from the rural areas of southern Fujian, most of them were poor, and the farms opened by the school could be used for students to work-study and pay for tuition and living expenses.

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

In the second row is Mr. Ann Leeson

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

The Meihua Boys' School is down the hill, most of them work in the cattle factory, the girls' school is on the mountain, and the girls do embroidery with Mrs. Ann Layson, which can be described as a lifelong benefit for them, and many successful students later recall the life of Meihua Middle School with gratitude.

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

3 Jishan Road

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance, Mrs. Ann Layson was imprisoned in a concentration camp in Hong Kong, and Mrs. Ann Leeson was held by the Japanese at No. 3 Jishan Road until 1945, when Mrs. Allison returned to the United States as the first prisoner of war exchange and was reunited with her long-departed husband. At this time, they are all in their 70s.

Mr. and Mrs. Ann Lixun went through thousands of hardships, and all the wealth they created was dedicated to meihua middle school in Gulangyu Island, and in their later years they had nothing and were very desolate, fortunately, his student, Mr. Lin Dequan, who lived in the United States, took them in, so that the two old people could end up in old age.

I admire these missionaries who have traveled far and wide for their faith, they just want to spread the gospel, they voluntarily left their hometowns to work in a strange country with different languages and different customs, to be honest, I can't do it, so whenever I look at the names of these missionaries such as Ann Lison, Du Jiade, and Da Ma Zi, I have a sense of awe. Many missionaries dedicated their lives to their faith and were buried in the "Fanzai Cemetery" on Gulangyu Island, formerly known as "Dagongkou".

Christian cemetery

Guided tour of 42 World Cultural Heritage Attractions on Gulangyu Island (8) The past of The Palace of Virtue and the Anxian Building

Fanzai Cemetery

The Christian cemetery is not far from An Xian Lou, which houses Chinese Christians, and the foreigners' cemetery is located in the area of Gulangyu Concert Hall, and only some of the tombstones are now preserved.

Next stop: Girl's House, Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall (Xilin Villa)

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