
Railway guerrillas

author:Energetic streams flowing

It depicts every character in the storybook of the railway guerrillas led by Liu Hong, Li Zheng, and Wang Qiang in Shandong during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in fighting devils and supporting the struggle of the main forces, and each battle left a deep impression on us, and the most impressive of them was the ticket car. The members of the railway guerrillas disguised themselves, mixed with the devil's train, and after establishing good relations with the enemy, they unexpectedly launched an attack, and finally the devils who kept on the train were eliminated, and there were no casualties themselves. This battle added confidence to our troops, and it was the devils who were discouraged. In addition, they also for military supplies, pickpocket trains, attack ghost agents, destroy enemy agent distances, get rid of enemy stubborn attacks... Defeat the enemy with ingenuity and courage in battle after battle. Of course, during the war, the team members also suffered casualties, such as Liu Hong's injuries, the sacrifices of Lin Zhong and Lu Han, and so on. In this book, we can also feel the bravery, wisdom and unity of the railway guerrillas. Once, the railway guerrillas were blocked by ghosts several times their size on an island in Weishan Lake. When the enemy rushed to the shore under such circumstances, they were able to calmly and quickly change into the devil's military uniform, skillfully rush out of the enemy's encirclement, and return to the mountain unharmed. In this book, there are many battles that can reflect their wisdom and bravery, such as going to the bloody foreign trade, night raids on Lincheng, Qiaodagang Village, and so on. It is precisely because of the good qualities of wisdom, bravery, unity, and so on, that the railway guerrillas can gain a foothold in the war zone and help the main forces win the war. After reading this book, we will understand that the victory of the Anti-Japanese War was bought by these martyrs with their blood, sweat and lives, and we will also understand even more how hard it is to live a happy life today, hoping that we can remember history, not forget the national shame, study hard, win glory for the country, and repay these martyrs. We must inherit these good qualities of our predecessors, study hard, and build the motherland more beautiful and rich.

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