
Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

Modern China has been bullied, and the small countries of The Dragon have dared to act arbitrarily on the land of China.

In 1931, the Japanese invaders brazenly launched the 918 Incident, and the wolf's ambition to destroy China was clearly revealed.

After that, it launched an all-out war of aggression against China, and at the time of the nation's peril, the Chinese people did not give up resistance and rose up to fight back.

Among the representatives were the railway guerrillas active in the Lunan area, which played the strongest sound of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and salvation.

This famous and legendary anti-war team has gone through two captains, who are they? What happened to each other in the end?

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="2" >: Rise up and start a railway guerrilla</h1>

In March 1938, the Japanese invaders burned the flames of war to the Zaozhuang area of Shandong Province, and hong zhenhai, a local youth, joined the anti-war volunteer brigade led by the Communist Party of China.

Because of his outstanding performance, Hong Zhenhai was soon promoted from an ordinary soldier to a platoon leader.

The enemy army deliberately wanted to eliminate the local resistance of the armed forces, and for the sake of safety, the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Brigade decided to withdraw to the Baoligu Mountains, first, to avoid the sweeping of the Japanese invaders, and second, to facilitate the smooth progress of the anti-war armed activities behind the enemy lines.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

However, in order to grasp the movements of the Japanese invaders in a timely manner, the higher-level organizations decided to establish an anti-war intelligence station in Zaozhuang.

In October of the same year, Hong Zhenhai was appointed station chief, and the predecessor of the later famous railway guerrilla group was the Zaozhuang Intelligence Station founded by Hong Zhenhai.

At the beginning, the intelligence station was only five or six people, in order to facilitate the collection of intelligence, Hong Zhenhai sent deputy station director Wang Zhisheng to lurk in the foreign firm founded by the Japanese and obtain a large amount of valuable information.

Later, Hong Zhenhai commanded the attack on foreign companies, capturing two long and short guns and a number of supplies

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

In order to replenish the guns and ammunition for the detachments active in the Sulu area, Hong Zhenhai and others used "flying cars" on the railway for the first time to attack the enemy army, and achieved major success.

In order to strengthen his own armed forces, Hong Zhenhai decided to secretly develop armed forces in the Chenzhuang area of Zaozhuang Station and set up a team on the basis of the previous intelligence station.

Anti-Japanese sentiment among the local people was high, and they gave great support to Hong Zhenhai's act of forming an anti-japanese armed force.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

On January 25, 1940, the Lunan Railway Team was officially established in the Chenzhuang area, and the members of the railway team were mostly composed of railway workers and miners, which made this team extremely familiar with the railway.

At the same time, the Sulu detachment also officially recognized this team, appointing Hong Zhenhai as the captain of the railway team and Wang Zhisheng as the vice captain.

After a period of development and growth, the number of railway guerrillas has grown to more than 300 people, and Hong Zhenhai, as the leader, decided to transfer the team to the Lincheng area.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > two: fruitful battles and heroic sacrifices</h1>

As the founder of the railway guerrillas, Hong Zhenhai led the railway guerrillas to create one victory after another.

At that time, in order to strengthen the strength of the railway guerrillas, the higher-level organization decided to integrate the second railway team, the railway team and other teams, and formed the Lunan Railway Brigade, with Hong Zhenhai as the leader.

In July 1940, after Hong Zhenhai's careful planning, it was decided to lead the railway guerrillas to attack the enemy's ticket car, and Hong Zhenhai took the lead, climbed on the front of the ticket car, and shot the driver.

Through the cooperation of the railway guerrillas, the train was successfully stopped at the designated place, more than 80,000 yuan of silver coins, more than 20 guns, and more than 20 enemy troops were eliminated, which played out the prestige of the railway guerrillas.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

After that, the railway guerrilla team cooperated with the Sulu detachment to attack the enemy troops in the Linzao area fiercely, because this unit was often haunted, which made the enemy panic and uneasy, and the railway guerrilla was also called the "Flying Tiger Team".

With the changes in the national war situation, the war of resistance gradually entered a stage of stalemate, and while the enemy army stepped up its sweeping and encirclement of the railway guerrillas, the Kuomintang reactionaries were also deliberately creating friction.

The railway guerrillas are facing unprecedented pressure and difficulties.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

However, the railway guerrillas, led by Hong Zhenhai, were still able to effectively strike at the local enemy forces.

During this period, Hong Zhenhai led his troops to disguise themselves as puppet troops, eliminate the enemy troops stationed at the railway station, and at the same time capture a large number of guns and ammunition, they also forcefully divided the enemy.

After that, he took bold and decisive actions, hijacked the enemy's troops, captured a large number of cotton clothes, and solved the problem of insufficient cotton clothes for the winter of the Lunan Military Region.

In short, under the leadership of Hong Zhenhai, the railway guerrillas have become a feared presence of the Japanese enemy.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

The Japanese invaders were repeatedly attacked, and they hated Hong Zhenhai and others to the bone, and they did not hesitate to offer a reward for the arrest of Hong Zhenhai.

However, under the protection of the local people, Hong Zhenhai and others have repeatedly turned dangers into disasters.

Under the temptation of money, there are always scum, and the enemy army, after attracting a group of traitors through heavy money, has vigorously searched for information related to Hong Zhenhai.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

In early December 1941, the enemy army received information from the traitors and immediately sent a force of more than 1,000 people to raid Huangbuzhuang Village, the garrison of the surrounding railway guerrillas.

When Hong Zhenhai learned that the enemy army was encircling the railway guerrilla station, he did not show panic, but on the one hand calmly commanded the team members to quickly break out, and on the other hand, they shot at the enemy troops who were swarming up.

Seeing that his teammates had broken out and Hong Zhenhai was about to escape, he was unexpectedly hit by stray bullets from the enemy army.

Subsequently, the enemy brutally killed him, and the hero's life was forever frozen at the age of 31.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > three: ordered to be in danger and carry forward</h1>

After Hong Zhenhai's unfortunate and heroic death, It was Liu Jinshan who succeeded Hong Zhenhai as the leader of the railway guerrilla brigade.

Liu Jinshan, also a local from Zaozhuang, Shandong, joined the local anti-war team in the early years, and unfortunately lost with the team in a battle, and eventually joined the railway guerrilla group under the mistake of yin and yang.

Liu Jinshan was outstanding in the railway guerrillas, especially in the battle that attacked the Lincheng railway station, and completed the task brilliantly, capturing a large number of weapons and equipment.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

Liu Jinshan's outstanding performance quickly attracted the attention of Hong Zhenhai, and Liu Jinshan was reused and successively appointed as a railway guerrilla correspondent and the leader of the railway guerrilla detachment.

After the sacrifice of Hong Zhenhai, after being elected by all the teammates of the railway guerrillas, Liu Jinshan temporarily served as the acting leader of the railway guerrillas.

In May 1942, the Lunan Military Region officially appointed Liu Jinshan as the leader of the railway guerrilla brigade, and continued to lead this legendary team to fight the arrogant invaders to the end.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

In April 1942, Liu Shaoqi prepared to return to Yan'an after going to Shandong to guide his work, but considering the strict inspection of the enemy forces at that time, the organization decided to send a railway guerrilla to complete the important task of escorting Liu Shaoqi back to Yan'an.

At stake, Liu Jinshan decided to personally go out and escort Liu Shaoqi with several members of the railway guerrillas.

After skillfully camouflage and the use of gaps between enemy troops to change defenses, Liu Jinshan successfully completed the important task of escorting Liu Shaoqi.

After that, Liu Jinshan's railway guerrilla group also escorted Thousands of passing cadres such as Chen Yi and Luo Ronghuan.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

With the changes in the situation of the world anti-fascist war, the defeat of the Japanese aggressors on the Battlefield of China has emerged, and our army has also entered the stage of partial counter-offensive from strategic stalemate.

The railway guerrillas under the leadership of Liu Jinshan also began to cooperate with the main forces in counter-offensive operations, and achieved a series of victories.

After Japan announced its unconditional surrender, more than a thousand enemy troops in the Zaozhuang area tried to escape by train, but were intercepted by the railway guerrillas and had no choice but to surrender to the railway guerrillas.

The railway guerrillas smashed the enemy's conspiracy to resist to the end, and at the same time set a precedent in the history of China's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression in which the regular army surrendered to local guerrillas, and made immortal achievements.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > four: success and fame, respected by future generations</h1>

With the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the railway guerrillas basically fulfilled their historical mission.

In 1946, the Lunan Railway Brigade was ordered to be abolished and the Lunan Railway Bureau was established instead, and Liu Jinshan himself was appointed deputy director of the Lunan Railway Bureau.

While the Chinese people were all striving for peace, the Kuomintang reactionaries headed by Chiang Kai-shek brazenly provoked a civil war and launched an all-out attack on the People's Liberation Army.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

The Lunan Liberated Area was in a precarious position under the fierce offensive of the Kuomintang, and due to the changes in the war situation, the Lunan Military Region mobilized the backbone members of the original railway guerrilla force to rebuild the railway guerrilla group, and Liu Jinshan once again served as the leader of the railway guerrilla brigade.

In November of the same year, the railway guerrillas were once again abolished, and Liu Jinshan was transferred to the deputy regimental commander of the special regiment of the Lunan Military Region.

Later, Liu Jinshan was transferred to the Luzhong South Column as deputy regimental commander.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

In 1949, the Kuomintang was gradually defeated and retreated on the battlefield, and after three major battles, the Kuomintang's rule on the mainland had basically been overthrown, and the People's Liberation Army was intensively preparing for the Battle of crossing the river to completely eliminate the Kuomintang reactionaries.

Liu Jinshan's unit also participated in the Battle of Crossing the River, and Liu Jinshan's regiment took on the heavy responsibility of liberating Jiangpu.

The battle was extremely fierce, and according to Liu Jinshan's recollection, because Jiangpu was easy to defend and difficult to attack, the battle of Jiangpu County lasted all night, and the People's Liberation Army sacrificed more than 450 officers and men before it was finally able to conquer Jiangpu County and gain a bridgehead to liberate Nanjing.

Famous railway guerrillas, who were the two captains? What happened to each other in the end? One: Rise up to resist and create a railway guerrilla group two: fruitful battles, heroic sacrifice Three: Ordered in danger, carry forward the fourth: success and fame, respected by future generations

After the founding of New China, Liu Jinshan was awarded the rank of colonel, and at the same time served as the chief of staff of the Jinhua Military Region in Zhejiang Province, the commander of the Suzhou Military Sub-district and other important leadership positions, and continued to struggle for the cause of New China.

In 1981, Liu Jinshan, who had dedicated most of his life to the revolutionary cause, retired with the treatment of a deputy military post, which can be described as a success.

Retired Liu Jinshan is still enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, telling the legendary story of the legendary team of railway guerrillas to the world, inspiring future generations.

Although such a unit as a railway guerrilla has disappeared in the long river of history, the spirit of the railway guerrilla will never become obsolete.

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