
Bedtime Story | Happy Birthday Moon

Bedtime Story | Happy Birthday Moon

One night, the bear looked up at the sky,

I thought to myself: Wouldn't it be nice to give a birthday present to the moon?

However, the bear did not know what day the moon's birthday was, nor did he know what to send. So he climbed up a tall tree and went to talk to the moon. "Hello, Moon!" He shouted. The moon did not answer.

Little Bear thought: Maybe I'm too far away for the moon to hear. So he rowed across the river... Walk through the woods... Climb to the top of the mountain.

Little Bear thought to himself: Now that I am much closer to the moon, he starts shouting again: "Hey! This time an echo came from another hill: "Hey! ”

The bear was overjoyed. He thought: Wow, that's awesome! I'm talking to the moon!

"Tell me," asked the bear, "what day is your birthday?" ”

"Tell me, what day is your birthday?" The moon replied.

"Well, my birthday just got tomorrow!" Little Bear said.

"Well, my birthday just got tomorrow!" The moon said.

"What birthday present would you like?" Little Bear asked.

"What birthday present would you like?" Moon asked.

The bear thought for a moment, then replied, "I want a hat." ”

"I want a hat." The moon said.

Little Bear thought: Great! Now I know what to give to the moon.

"Goodbye." Little Bear said. "Goodbye." The moon said.

When the bear returned home, he poured out all the money in the piggy bank. Then he went out into the street... Bought a nice hat for the moon.

That night, he hung his hat from a tree so that the moon could find it. Then he waited under the tree, watching the moon slowly pass through the branches, climb to the top of the branches, and put on his hat.

"Wow!" The bear cheered loudly. "It's just right to wear it!"

While the bear was sleeping, the hat fell to the ground.

The next morning, The Bear saw a hat in front of the door.

"It turns out that the moon also gave me a hat!"

He said and put his hat on. He's just right to wear it!

Just then, a gust of wind blew the bear's hat away.

He chased after him...

But the hat flew away.

That night, the bear rowed across the river... Walk through the forest... Go talk to the moon.

For a while, the moon did not speak, and the bear had to speak first.

"Hello!" He shouted.

"Hello!" The moon answered.

"I lost the beautiful hat you gave me," said The Bear.

"I lost the beautiful hat you gave me," said the moon.

"It doesn't matter, I still like you as much!" Little Bear said.

"It doesn't matter, I still like you as much!" The moon said.

"Happy Birthday!" Little Bear said.

"Happy Birthday!" The moon said.

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