
On the 19th, Taiwan detained fishermen on the mainland; the mainland will clear Taiwan of "friendly countries"; and the Chinese side responded to the provocation of the German media

author:Speak the world

In recent years, incidents of mainland vessels being seized by the Taiwan side have occurred from time to time, and "cross-border" fishing has always been the usual reason for the Taiwan authorities to detain mainland fishing vessels.

On the 19th, Taiwan detained fishermen on the mainland; the mainland will clear Taiwan of "friendly countries"; and the Chinese side responded to the provocation of the German media

According to a report by the Global Network on 18 January, on the night of 15 January, the Penghu Coast Guard of the Taiwan authorities discovered that a mainland fishing boat was traveling to the waters of Huayu Island in Penghu, so it stopped the vessel with a searchlight warning and a radio cheering order. Subsequently, the 4,000 kilograms of fish that had been caught on the ship were thrown back into the sea, and mainland fishermen were forced to take out brooms and dustpans for self-defense, but they were eventually seized. It is reported that the 14 crew members are still under "investigation".

The so-called "Coast Guard" illegally interfering in the normal operation of mainland fishing vessels can be said to be "full of previous convictions," and there have even been cases of gun firing; the term "crossing the border" is in essence a disguised public opinion atmosphere of "Taiwan independence." The Taiwan authorities' malicious seizure of mainland fishing vessels is actually an attempt to turn the so-called "boundary line" into reality. But the mainland and Taiwan belong to the same China, and how can there be "crossing the border" within a country. The spokesman of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council clearly pointed out earlier that compatriots on both sides of the strait are brothers in flesh and blood, and the mainland has been providing guarantees for the normal operation of fishermen on both sides of the strait all along, and the Taiwan side should compare its heart to heart, stop treating the mainland fishermen in a rough and dangerous way, and create "independence" elements who are dividing the country, and there will never be a good end.

On the 19th, Taiwan detained fishermen on the mainland; the mainland will clear Taiwan of "friendly countries"; and the Chinese side responded to the provocation of the German media

On 18 January, Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng formally stated that on the issue of opposing "Taiwan independence" and safeguarding "one China," the mainland has no room to back down or make any compromises, and the Taiwan authorities will eventually come to an end, and it will be sooner or later that their "countries with diplomatic relations" will be cleared.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Le Yucheng said in his opening special speech at the 2022 Macro Situation Annual Forum that the mainland has indisputable sovereignty over Taiwan, which is the premise and starting point for discussing all issues in Taiwan. There is only one option for Taiwan's future, and that is reunification. Not long ago, the resumption of diplomatic relations between Nicaragua and Chinese mainland is the best illustration, a wise decision to adapt to the trend of the times, representing international justice, historical inevitability, and even more representing the aspirations of the people and the trend of the times. Engaging in "Taiwan independence" and making a split will only make the Taiwan authorities' road narrower and narrower, and they will eventually become lonely and widowed.

Of course, the situation in the Taiwan Strait is becoming increasingly tense, and the United States is indispensable to the mixing. Over the years, the United States has never stopped curbing the pace of China's development, especially after Biden came to power, this trend has intensified, in addition to stirring up the storm in the Taiwan Strait, the Indo-Pacific chaos has never stopped, in 2021 Biden proposed the "return to the Asia-Pacific strategy", its layout follows the previous administrations attach importance to the general idea of the Indo-Pacific region, while more directly on the long-term layout of great power competition, and try to ensure the realization of its strategic intentions through "crisis control" and "deterrence".

On the 19th, Taiwan detained fishermen on the mainland; the mainland will clear Taiwan of "friendly countries"; and the Chinese side responded to the provocation of the German media

Under biden's call, a number of "little brothers" of the United States responded in a hurry, sending warships to show military presence in the South China Sea and the western Pacific, especially France and Britain, and Germany's attitude was "ambiguous". Since Prime Minister Scholz came to power, in order to ensure that neither China nor the United States can be guilty, he has pretended to engage in the act of "peace and mud", which is likely to waste the Sino-German friendly relations that former Chancellor Angela Merkel has worked hard to establish for 16 years.

According to the Observer Network reported on January 18, in order to show its sense of existence, the German frigate "Bavaria", which has been cruising in the surrounding areas of the South China Sea for a long time, recently sailed away from the Pacific Ocean. The reason why it appeared only to show its presence is because the warship is unremarkable and has a low presence around the lively South China Sea, but it attracted a lot of attention after it was announced in August 2021 that it would travel to the South China Sea. While Germany conveyed to the United States its support for the so-called "freedom of navigation in the South China Sea," it also hoped that its warships would be able to dock in Chinese ports.

On the 19th, Taiwan detained fishermen on the mainland; the mainland will clear Taiwan of "friendly countries"; and the Chinese side responded to the provocation of the German media

Obviously, China has never accepted its request for a stop. At a regular press conference on January 17, a German television reporter asked why it had not been allowed to dock in Shanghai. In response to provocative questions from the German media, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that China hopes that Germany's relevant practices will be conducive to regional peace and stability, rather than winning attention in the region.

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