
The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

author:The most Chinese
The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen
The tragic and joyful life of a generation of bodybuilding queens.

At 00:09 on September 22, 2001, after exhausting the last bit of strength, the 41-year-old MCA closed her bright eyes forever, carrying her infinite attachment to the world.

She did not leave any last words, perhaps in her subconscious, she will be able to overcome the disease, return to the stage she loves, and continue to bloom beautifully.

But her heartfelt prayers did not succeed, and her last wish was not fulfilled.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

The next day, it rained heavily in Beijing, and the coolness invaded the bones, and the night fell into autumn.

On September 28, in the largest farewell room in Babaoshan, hundreds of wreaths stood solemnly, and more than 3,000 relatives, friends, coaches, students, sports performers and strangers from all over the world sent off MCA, and the mourning procession was tens of meters long.

In the low mourning, many people wept and lost their voices.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

In the middle of the venue, there is a photo of Ma Hua's favorite before her death, showing her wearing a black gym, holding a dumbbell, with a bright smile on her face, and her radiant appearance seems to make people feel that she has never gone away...

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

"I always thought that the sun hung very high, but it set really fast, from high to falling, it only took five minutes."

This also seems to be a metaphor for life: falling in love with the red dust, suddenly becoming a long-distance traveler.

A friend who had seen her during her hospital stay in MCA said:

"In the last years of her life, her heart has been surging with the desire to re-enter the stage, if she can live to be 100 years old, she will definitely still be dancing, and lead everyone to dance with her."

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

But in fact, she has not been discharged from the hospital since the day MCA was admitted to the hospital, and her vision of the year of the year has been stranded in the cold spring of February.

Since MCA was diagnosed with acute leukemia and died, there have been only more than half a year, which makes everyone unbelievable: after all, as the "first person in China's bodybuilding", MCA's once energetic image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the Chinese fitness trend she led at that time can be described as the first to open a generation of customs.

Since childhood, MCA has been training with his father, a soldier.

Her father, Ma Xiaoxian, was a veteran of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and after liberation, he worked in the Department of Foreign Training of the Military Academy, and after retirement, he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general of the regular army.

MCA's birth was a "middle-aged gift" to his father, who was 41 years old at the time, but the superior family situation did not cultivate a pampered "big miss".

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

● The MCA family

MCA has been able to endure hardships since she was a child, and the morning run she carries out every day before dawn is the process of challenging herself, and the spirit of self-discipline has also been quietly formed in years of persistence.

Because of this, MCA's physical fitness has always been excellent, and he rarely goes to the hospital. Because of her daughter's excellent physical flexibility, her father sent her to the gymnastics team of Beijing Eleventh Middle School for training.

The gymnastics team has always been strictly managed and intensely trained, and when other girls secretly cry because of the hard work, she often plays the role of a comforter.

MCA also practiced three nines in winter and three volts in summer, and gradually tempered his tenacious character.

After graduating from high school, MCA enlisted in the army.

However, after retiring from the army, MCA did not obey his father's will, but chose a path he wanted to take.

In the 1980s, mainland bodybuilding moved from the primary stage to the track of standardized development, and when the mainland officially became the 128th member of the International Bodybuilding Federation, the first batch of bodybuilders in China were born.

MCA is one of them.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

Earlier, by chance, MCA watched the video tape of the famous American fitness coach Jane Fonda, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that exercise can be so simple, without the assistance of any equipment, you can enjoy the joy of being invigorating.

Therefore, she wanted to combine her own strengths to design a fitness exercise suitable for the public and teach everyone as a coach. On the one hand, it can support itself, and on the other hand, it can also convey the concept of healthy exercise.

Soon, Ma Hua, He Qianqian and Su Bing formed a trio of bodybuilding coaches and began aerobics teaching in Beijing.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

● MCA studying the movement at home

Their teaching combines advanced foreign experience and elegant stretching movements learned in the gymnastics team, and studies and explores aerobic gymnastics training methods that can fully adapt to the characteristics of Asian physique.

In May 1987, Ma Hua, Together with He Qianqian and Su Bing, participated in the National Bodybuilding Competition and won the second place in one fell swoop, with a long reputation.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

● In 1987, MCA competed in the Great Wall Cup Aerobics Competition

Two years later, MCA was admitted to the National Bodybuilding Referee Level, where he was invited to attend a number of bodybuilding competitions and serve as a referee in the annual National Bodybuilding Competition.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

After entering the 1990s in the last century, the Chinese people have been fully satisfied at the material level, and there are new needs for physical health and quality of life, and the "Five Minutes of Bodybuilding" column of CCTV has also come into being.

In the selection of the host of the program, CCTV went through a number of strict assessments and finally identified MCA with the best comprehensive conditions.

However, after the show aired a few episodes, MCA did not receive the expected praise, but was criticized and accused a lot.

Because aerobics is originally a set of dance, gymnastics, fitness, entertainment as one of the sports, the need for specific clothing, tight body, so that the practitioners move gracefully and neatly, improve the effect of fitness.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

This is a very normal outfit for us today, but it is unacceptable to some conservative audiences at the time, and even MCA's sister, brother and mother think it is inappropriate.

But the father is trying to beat the crowd and encourage his daughter, and aerobics is not a shameful thing, as long as she likes it, it is the best reason.

With his father's strong support during the critical period, all of MCA's concerns subsided and he continued to shine on the stage of "Five Minutes of Bodybuilding".

In those years, the first thing many women did when they got up early was to turn on the TV and follow MCA to do aerobics: MCA's smooth and free body movements, accompanied by highly rhythmic music, and well-designed passwords, made sports simple and enjoyable.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

When MCA opened up the good situation, aerobics was also promoted from a niche group to the public, which set off a wave of fitness, and the advertising slogan of "do it with me every day, five minutes a day" also swept the country.

In order to let more people know about aerobics, MCA often went to the Then Moon Temple Health City to teach enthusiasts and patiently and meticulously answer the problems raised by everyone.

She told the shy girls over and over again: Don't be afraid of bad movements, don't be embarrassed, stand up straight, and jump up.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

It is precisely because of MCA that more and more Chinese have been exposed to this sport, and the concept of national fitness has been popularized.

Some have said that MCA has pushed China's fitness industry forward for at least 20 years.

In 1994, MCA founded its own club in Beijing, because of its excellent reputation, "MCA Club" became the most famous health club in Beijing and developed into a banner of the bodybuilding industry in Beijing.

Subsequently, MCA continued to expand its business footprint, opening 10 health clubs in Henan, Hebei, Yunnan, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other places, so that mass fitness activities were increasingly promoted.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

● MCA attends classes at the Health Club

At that time, many women in China regarded MCA as an idol and studied bodybuilding with her, and MCA was also known as China's "bodybuilding queen" at that time.

In 1998, MCA appeared on CCTV Spring Festival Gala and performed "Health Song" with Fan Xiaoxuan and Xie Xiaodong.

When the energetic Ma Hua shouted "1234, 2234" and walked onto the stage, Fan Xiaoxuan greeted in a sweet voice: "The bodybuilding coach is also here!" Let's push harder. ”

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

● Fan Xiaoxuan, Ma Hua, Xie Xiaodong

In 2000, the China Bodybuilding Association awarded her the title of "National Outstanding Fitness Instructor" in recognition of MCA's outstanding contributions to the cause of national fitness in China.

But unexpectedly, just one year later, MCA left the fitness stage she loved forever.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

On 16 February 2001, MCA, who was suffering from a high fever, once again came to give lessons to the students.

When the staff saw that she was not in good shape, they suggested that she let another coach take her place.

MCA refused: "The students know that I will take the exercise today, and if I don't go to class, they will be disappointed." ”

After saying that, she took a deep breath, regained her spirits, and walked lightly to the front of the stage, and in a blink of an eye, she became full of vitality and enthusiasm.

Over the next few days, she demonstrated various movements to the trainees, while giving concise explanations, accompanied by her sonorous and powerful voice.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

Accompanied by dynamic music, MCA led the trainees to dance for more than two hours.

No one could have predicted that this would be the last lesson in MCA's life.

Two days later, MCA participated in the final recording of the first phase of the "Weight Loss Documentary Tracking" program.

Ruan Wei, producer of CCTV's "Good Morning China", recalled the scene afterwards and still sighed:

"At that time, MCA was suffering from a fever, and there were already signs of bruises and purple leukemia on her legs and body, but we did not know her condition. It was cold that day, and we could tell she was very shy. But when she got on the field, she became the MCA we knew again. Now it seems that she was sick at the time, but she still tried to do her job perfectly. ”

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

Subsequently, MCA went to the hospital for examination accompanied by his family and was eventually diagnosed with leukemia.

In front of the doctor and her family, she pretended to calmly accept the final diagnosis.

But in the following long nights of sleepless days, she could only digest the terrifying waves in her heart alone.

She reassures everyone not to worry too much, believing and expecting that modern advanced medical technology can help her tide over this difficult situation.

Subsequently, MCA began to undergo chemotherapy, and the side effects of the chemotherapy caused her great pain: nausea and vomiting, difficulty eating, pain all over the body, and hair began to fall out in large quantities.

She was once radiant and quickly became haggard.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

Professor Xu, MCA's attending physician, was very emotional about her performance at that time:

"Patients suffering from her disease are very painful, and the mental pressure is unimaginable to ordinary people, I remember a round, she deliberately said to me with a straight face: 'Dr. Xu, I am not old, are you hiding all the good medicine?' Haha laughed. You know, I've been practicing medicine for decades and I've never heard such a hearty laugh in a hematology ward. ”

She was used to bringing happiness to others, whether on stage, at home, even in the hospital where she had finally settled in her life, and she hoped that she would not always be sad.

She disguised her emotions well and was as calm as if she were about to be discharged from the hospital soon.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

The aunt was the only one who had ever seen MCA cry. Ma Hua grew up with his aunt and had deep feelings. When the aunt heard that her niece was ill, she specially came from out of town to see Ma Hua, and when she saw her niece who had been so thin that she was beyond recognition in the ward, tears suddenly burst out of her eyes.

When MCA died, the aunt could not cry when she recalled the great pain and suffering of her niece at that time.

"Her pain was not ordinary pain, and when it was unbearable, she pulled me and cried: 'Auntie, you say this is what to do!' When will I be able to get better and when will I be able to get out of the hospital? At this time, I couldn't take care of so much, hugged Hanako, and cried with her. ”

Sometimes when the treatment is slightly effective, MCA and his aunt envision what to do after recovery:

"Auntie, you haven't worn good clothes in your life, and when I'm well, I'll definitely take you to buy good clothes."

"Auntie, Dalian is beautiful, in the future we will go to Dalian to play and live for a while."

One day, Ma Hua, who was lying on the hospital bed, suddenly said to his sister-in-law: "How about we do aerobics together?" ”

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

After speaking, she laboriously moved her weak body: "I have to insist on exercising, otherwise, I will lie in bed, my muscles will atrophy, and when I am well, I will have to spend a lot of effort to exercise to return to the original level." ”

During her hospitalization, when the "Weight Loss Documentary Tracking" that MCA participated in filming was broadcast on CCTV, she felt uncomfortable every day, and she would struggle to sit up during the broadcast period. Sometimes, she stared blankly at the bouncing, healthy and bright self on the screen, as if it was a matter of a past life.

At that time, she was still full of longing for the future: "I especially want to work, I really want to leave here, I really want to leave the hospital a day early, go back to my gym, there are so many things waiting for me to do!" 」 ”

Her husband, Guo Mingjie, once went to a temple when he was desperate to pray for his beloved wife.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

● MCA sister Ma Li and MCA husband Kwok Ming Kit

But in the end, MCA failed to create the miracle of life.

When the practitioners she personally brought out heard the news of MCA's death, they burst into tears several times:

"People will meet countless teachers in their lives, but Teacher Ma is the one who has benefited me the most and the one I have impressed the most."

On the day of MCA's funeral, the students suspended classes for a day to send her off.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

● In 2009, MCA practitioners gathered to pay tribute to MCA

MCA, which has always inspired everyone to pursue "health, beauty and self-confidence", was in her prime, but she died, which not only made it difficult for everyone to accept, but also made her parents unbearable.

Previously, the elderly father was hidden by the family for half a year, because he missed his daughter, and the old man resolutely refused to do any examination, only waiting for his daughter to return.

But when he waited, he waited for his daughter's funeral.

Five years later, his father, who was overwhelmed by the grief of losing his daughter, also passed away.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

After the death of MCA that year, it caused an uproar in the society, and many people were quite puzzled: why did a person who has been building his own healthy body and is committed to bringing health concepts to thousands of Chinese die young?

When the fog has not yet cleared, many people even give up jumping aerobics.

Under the controversy, two mysteries closer to the answer gradually surfaced:

1. MCA initially felt unwell, it was treated as a common cold, which did not arouse great attention, and really insisted on going to the hospital for examination, and was finally diagnosed with leukemia.

Missing the best time for early detection and early treatment, and then not making a bone marrow transplant because of the unstable condition, MCA lost the only chance to be treated.

2. The perennial overload of workload has led to the decline of MCA immunity, so high-intensity fitness has not enhanced MCA's physique, and the consequence of being too late is that when the disease strikes, the precarious physical barrier is no longer enough to resist and resist.

In addition, there are also gyms that have just been renovated, and formaldehyde pollution has caused a disease outbreak.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

The dust of time cannot hide memories, and the paradox of fate is not alone. In 2019, Mei Mosheng, a famous calligrapher and painter, tai chi boxer and health expert, passed away at the age of 59.

After The death of Mei Mosheng, the huge doubts caused by MCA are the same as the controversy caused by the death of MCA: what is the significance of health care after a lifetime of health care, but can not achieve the ambition of high life?

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

● Mei Mosheng

The essence of this world has never been composed of either-or dualism, whether it is fitness or health, it is to achieve a better quality of life, but it does not mean that it can cure all diseases. The occurrence of cancer has its own complex mechanism and irresistible triggers, which can not be avoided by exercise alone; and the way to longevity is also promoted by a variety of factors, and it is not a health care once and for all.

If the importance of fitness and health is questioned because of individual cases, then it is tantamount to choking on food, and "a leaf is obstructed, not to see Taishan", all stem from the limitations and prejudices of cognition.

Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that fitness instructors may also get cancer, and health experts may not be able to prolong life, just like emotional masters will also be frustrated, and doctors cannot treat themselves.

The fragility of life and the impermanence of the world are directed at the multitude, not at a particular group; just as the plight of human beings is often universal, rather than favoring one over the other.

The Death of the Chinese Bodybuilding Queen

The levels and tests set for us by Heaven are everywhere, all the time, life, old age, illness and death, love, hate, sorrow and joy, there is no distinction between classes, and there is no distinction between high and low.

Patients rescued in the ICU are all endangered in common; behind the smiling faces, they may all have a broken heart.

"One of the truths of the world discovered as an adult is that there are no fully happy adults, and everyone looks good, but the inside is either frozen or smoking, or there are a hundred holes, and the rags are trembling in the wind."

Therefore, in this world, those tired bodies, the souls that are torn apart, and the collapse that occurs at any time, the disappearance of the time before it is too late, and the life that leaves suddenly, are transparent mirror images, reflecting the truest background of the world.

Life and death are shapeless, whether it is to see the fireworks of Shan Shan, or to wait for the arrival of a spring... Text/Wattle Green

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