
Norwegian murderer "carrying 77 lives" Nazi salute at parole hearings

author:Uncle Marco's Taiwanese accent
Norwegian murderer "carrying 77 lives" Nazi salute at parole hearings

The Norwegian murderer Anders Breivik took 77 lives, causing the largest death in the country during the peacetime period. (Photo/Reuters)

Reporter Lin Yanchen/Comprehensive Report

Anders Breivik, a Norwegian murderer who took 77 lives in 2011, attended a court parole hearing on the 18th to discuss whether to continue to detain him for another 10 years, but as soon as he appeared in court, he once again made a "Nazi salute" gesture with his right hand raised, as well as a white supremacist gesture, indicating his far-right ideology.

According to Reuters, in addition to making "Nazi salutes" and white supremacy gestures, Breivik carried The Slogans "Stop your genocide against our white nations" and "Nazi-Civil-War" with English slogans that prevented him from displaying slogans until prosecutors began to present the case.

Norwegian murderer "carrying 77 lives" Nazi salute at parole hearings

Anders Breivik, a Norwegian murderer, performs a Nazi salute at a parole hearing. (Photo/Reuters)

Using a car bomb in Oslo, Breivik killed 8 people and shot 69 people in a Labour youth camp, most of whom were teenagers, making it the worst atrocity and death since Norway's peacetime.

Breivik, 42, is serving a maximum of 21 years in prison in Norway, which can be extended indefinitely if he is deemed to pose a continuing threat to society.

Prosecutors in the case told Reuters that "my position is that it is necessary to continue the imprisonment in order to protect society".

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