
A sign of intelligence and ability, but it is difficult to be happy, good character, complete others, and wronged yourself

Some people have smart minds and strong learning ability. It stands to reason that they should be strong in the field of work and the leader among students. Such an ability should have been happy. But they are not happy, not because of anything else, because people are too good, everything is perfect for others, and they are wronged everywhere. These signs are capable, but they often let those around them dig up the fruits of victory, and they can only receive bitter fruits themselves.

Whether it is life, work or love, there should be a reward for giving. As the saying goes, "brothers settle accounts", and people who really treat you as friends will not treat you as free labor. And those who are kind and intelligent and capable, they may be very capable, but they will always be taken advantage of.

A sign of intelligence and ability, but it is difficult to be happy, good character, complete others, and wronged yourself


Pisces has a good brain and a good temper, but this is not the norm. They belong to the kind of people who are really smart when they are smart, who are really stupid when they are stupid, and who are like three-year-olds when they are simple. As long as it is something they care about, they can do it well.

Complex reasoning problems, high numbers they may not know anything, but all kinds of discounts, full reductions, how to low-cost wool they just need to think about it. They are simply like children, although they claim to be mature and stable, but they are very unconfident in doing things.

I know that the other party is playing with me, but I am still looking for reasons for the other party. They are smart enough to see through each other's minds, but they simply think that the other person can change their minds. As a result, others are out there to spend time, and Pisces alone is deceiving himself to clean up the mess.

Pisces has a reassuring ability to do things reliably, and they often help those in need, which makes Pisces often used. Often give up your own happiness for the sake of others.

A sign of intelligence and ability, but it is difficult to be happy, good character, complete others, and wronged yourself


Sagittarius is warm-hearted, and they will help others in their difficulties. They look cynical, but they actually do things reliably. So you'll find that the people around Sagittarius trust them very much. When I go out and play, I like to call them. When there is difficulty, they will also think of them.

Sagittarius is very righteous, and they will respond to other people's requests, so people around them will slowly get used to the habit of "something to call Sagittarius". However, sometimes Sagittarius also has his own things to be busy, often helping others and delaying his own things.

They are a very emotional sign that feels you are worth it, and no matter how much time and energy you give. But some people think that Sagittarius is good at "bullying" all the trouble to them. Sagittarius is also annoying, but sometimes they are embarrassed to say it.

However, Sagittarius is still smart, and if they feel that they are too good for one person and are used by the other party, they will quickly break the relationship. After all, Sagittarius has a lot of friends, and there are many people who deserve their attention.

A sign of intelligence and ability, but it is difficult to be happy, good character, complete others, and wronged yourself


Taurus is a person who lives in his own world, they are slow and calm, but at the same time good at cold war, very attention to detail. They will often accompany you, although sometimes you will feel that they are a bit stuffy, but after a long time you will find that they are really indispensable, because with them you will feel more stable.

They are kind because it is easy to trust others, so many times Taurus will give up their own happiness to complete others. Their intuition is sharper, and the words of others can make Taurus guess for a long time.

Taurus' abilities are in doubt, many things can be done well, but their kindness often turns their efforts into the fruit of others. For example, the cake that I have not been able to make easily, but because of the poor eyes of the other party, I gave up the cake in my hand.

In fact, Taurus is sometimes moved by himself and feels that what he has done is very good. But that may not change the impression others have of them. Those who approach Taurus just to steal their cake, Taurus will not drive them away unless they have to.

A sign of intelligence and ability, but it is difficult to be happy, good character, complete others, and wronged yourself


The generous Cancerian will often give up his own interests, because the other party is the person they care about, so Cancer will be very willing to pay for the other party. However, Cancer is often a little confused, they may not know how to choose, or do not know where their direction is, so sometimes Cancer will be more confused.

But kind Cancers don't take the initiative to hurt others, knife mouth tofu heart, sometimes they will say some harsh words, but they will not do things to the extreme. Cancer is straight-talking, but the heart is good. Helping others is also not too much, it is too easy to pay, and often put yourself at a disadvantage.

Cancer is often taken advantage of, but they don't care, because Cancer doesn't care too much about that. But after a long time, they will become less happy, because their time is occupied by others and they do not have time to do their own things.

A sign of intelligence and ability, but it is difficult to be happy, good character, complete others, and wronged yourself


Geminis are flexible and very enthusiastic about doing things. But reality tends to pour cold water on them, because their enthusiasm is often exploited by others and then they will watch their jokes. So the more mature Geminis may be more indifferent, not because they don't want to help others, but because they are afraid of helping others and getting hurt themselves.

In life, Geminis also often sacrifice their time and energy to help others, so that they always say that they are too busy. They often feel that they are very good when they help others, and they will regret it later.

In fact, Gemini's emotions are high and low, and when they are emotional, they will desperately help others, and when they are rational, they will be very regretful. So they often fulfill others, but they can only leave a feeling of heartache.

A sign of intelligence and ability, but it is difficult to be happy, good character, complete others, and wronged yourself


Some people are very sacrificial, they will give everything they have for their friends and family, these people are very smart, but there are too many entanglements, so it is difficult to make themselves happy, because their lives seem to be for others.

These capable and well-charactered people have been quietly dedicating themselves to everything. It's just that no one pays too much attention to their efforts. They tend to bring happiness to others with their own efforts, while they themselves are difficult to be happy.

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