
outburst! When the new energy vehicle is charging, it suddenly catches fire and explodes, the fire is fierce, and the smoke is billowing


Recently, a jaw-dropping scene occurred in front of the 4s store in Chengdu, Sichuan, when a new energy vehicle was charging, it suddenly caught fire and exploded, and other vehicles next to it were also ignited, the fire was rapid, and the smoke was billowing. Firefighters rushed to the scene. The fire was quickly extinguished. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the cause of the fire is still under further investigation.

outburst! When the new energy vehicle is charging, it suddenly catches fire and explodes, the fire is fierce, and the smoke is billowing

In fact, the fire of new energy vehicles is not the first time it has occurred. As early as before Hefei, a new energy vehicle spontaneous combustion phenomenon occurred, causing a long period of traffic congestion, fortunately there were no casualties, new energy vehicle spontaneous combustion accidents abounded, due to the short development time of the mainland new energy market, the development has brought many problems at the same time, the fire and explosion accidents of new energy vehicles have gradually occurred, so far a total of about 6462 new energy vehicle fire accidents have occurred in the country.

outburst! When the new energy vehicle is charging, it suddenly catches fire and explodes, the fire is fierce, and the smoke is billowing

There are two main reasons for the fire of new energy vehicles, one is that many undesirable enterprises are equipped with new energy vehicles, and the battery that is not compliant in safety leads to the explosion of such cars, we must polish our eyes when buying new energy vehicles, avoid such cars, and choose large brands to buy

The second is the shortcomings of the new energy vehicle itself, the new energy vehicle uses the battery power supply, if the battery fails due to improper charging or driving behavior, it is very easy to cause the car to short circuit or even fire is very dangerous.

outburst! When the new energy vehicle is charging, it suddenly catches fire and explodes, the fire is fierce, and the smoke is billowing

New energy vehicles in the driving or charging battery will be heated, which requires the tram management system to maintain stability, if the battery quality is not good or charged too much, the battery will cause spontaneous combustion due to overheating, we must pay attention to avoid similar problems.

In order to put an end to the occurrence of this incident, the relevant departments should strengthen the management of new energy vehicle manufacturing enterprises, to avoid many bad car companies in order to drill the law, loopholes to sell unqualified quality of new energy vehicles, and new energy vehicle companies in the launch of new models, should strengthen the quality management of new energy vehicle production, a higher level of system safety design, do not in order to reduce costs in terms of safety and other aspects of the lower standards.

outburst! When the new energy vehicle is charging, it suddenly catches fire and explodes, the fire is fierce, and the smoke is billowing

New energy car owners should also try to pay attention to this aspect of the problem, in the charging of new energy vehicles must pay attention to, do not continue to charge for a long time, to avoid similar spontaneous combustion accidents, new energy vehicle owners should be on the car always have fire extinguishers. Avoid spontaneous combustion caused by overheating of the battery while charging.

Special attention is different from fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles need to use a specific dry powder fire extinguisher, remember that if a fire occurs, must not be extinguished with water, the interior of new energy vehicles are points, once reckless water extinguishing will lead to a short circuit of the car to cause more serious fires.

outburst! When the new energy vehicle is charging, it suddenly catches fire and explodes, the fire is fierce, and the smoke is billowing

The development time of new energy vehicles is relatively short, so it is not perfect in many aspects, car companies should increase research efforts to enhance the safety of new energy vehicles when driving and charging, and new energy vehicle owners do not have to panic too much because of the frequent spontaneous combustion accidents, and choose to abandon new energy vehicles. As long as there are correct charging and driving habits, these can be avoided in time.

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