
The ten most expensive players in the KPL league, Pengpeng Qingrong, who else is at the level of tens of millions?

The King glory challenger cup has completely ended, the recent period of time everyone is more concerned about some of the content of the transfer period, have you found that in the past two years of the transfer period, tens of millions of level players can be said to be more and more, for example, in this year's spring competition, directly out of the three tens of millions of level players. Of course, these tens of millions of players are not worth this price, in fact, it is not necessary, some netizens have recently counted out one of the ten most expensive players in the KPL league, or there are some discrepancies with everyone's imagination.

The ten most expensive players in the KPL league, Pengpeng Qingrong, who else is at the level of tens of millions?

First of all, no matter where there is a saying that things are scarce and expensive, even the players in the KPL field are also different, the difference in position and the role in the team are different, which will also cause the situation of different prices in the same position. Now the more scarce position in the league is a clear-thinking field, a command-type auxiliary, followed by a side road, and then a side road and a shooter. Among them, the position of the shooter is relatively the least done, and the number of players is relatively large, so the competition between the players in the position of the shooter is also very strong.

The ten most expensive players in the KPL league, Pengpeng Qingrong, who else is at the level of tens of millions?

The first is a clear-thinking wild game, and there are not many players who can be called excellent wild players now, but there are still a few. For example, the two players, Hua Hai and Xiao Fat, have clear ideas and can also act as conductors, and the price of these two players is definitely similar to the current price ceiling of the league, that is, 15 million.

The ten most expensive players in the KPL league, Pengpeng Qingrong, who else is at the level of tens of millions?

After that, there are tens of millions of players, not counting the players who sold tens of millions before, pengpeng, Qingrong, Menglan and demon knife these four players are definitely counted as tens of millions of levels. Pengpeng does not need to say more, everyone should be clear, although in the eyes of many people, Pengpeng is not worth tens of millions of dollars, but still that sentence, things are rare and expensive, and now there are too few excellent wilds in the alliance. Needless to say, in this year's competition, Qingrong's strength is there. Although there are more people in this position of the shooter, but like these two excellent shooters are still more difficult to find, and they are also the core players of their respective teams.

The ten most expensive players in the KPL league, Pengpeng Qingrong, who else is at the level of tens of millions?

Personal opinion

There may be careful friends who find that in this current ranking, there are not many players who have had tens of millions of transfer fees before, because this time the ranking is not to see how much money has been sold from the spiritual hand, but to see how strong their strength is now, of course, it is not ruled out that the strength and popularity of the previous players are not equal, resulting in inflated prices.

So who do you think is a multi-million-level player? Welcome to comment below!

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