
The end of the universe is the Iron Ridge Metacosm at the end of the seabed


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This year, the concept of "meta-universe" was written into the prospectus, causing a surge in stock prices and detonating the circle of technology and capital. Since then, the concept and articles about the "metaverse" have quickly flooded all kinds of media and become the hot words of the year. But many people have not figured out what the metacosm is and began to fool around, in fact, the metacosm itself is not a new word, in 1992, the concept of metaverse (Metaverse) was born in the best-selling book "Avalanche". The book depicts a huge virtual reality world, the real world male protagonist is a takeaway brother, to the virtual world to become a superhero, this virtual world is the meta-universe, no one expected that the 1992 science fiction novel "Avalanche", 30 years later to bring a wave of Chinese stock market to the current. There are not many people who understand the metaverse, and it does not prevent the use of metaverse to make money, from games, to social, blockchain, VR/AR, fanatical people have finally found a tandem point, but it is really difficult to determine: is the pusher a metaverse, or a speculator? Theoretically, the concept of a metacosm is not complicated: the connection of virtual worlds.

The end of the universe is the Iron Ridge Metacosm at the end of the seabed

We have all had fantasies, fantasies about how powerful we are, how free to live, we are in control of all the protagonists, this fantasy is to our brains as the material carrier of the "metacosm", in the real world, it is the digital universe, is a parallel world, but in the past twenty or thirty years, the metaverse is still a tepid word, there are not many people who know, the market has not paid much attention, why is it suddenly hot this year? This is also not unrelated to the popularity of VR/AR technology in previous years. The rapid development of cloud computing, chips, 5G and artificial intelligence technology has also stimulated the recovery of the concept of the metaverse; it is the development of technology in recent years that provides support for the realization of the metaverse, it cannot be an isolated virtual world, because we have seen a lot in games, film and television, animation, and literature, and this kind of virtual social structure that originates from reality and transcends reality can be advanced or backward, but the structure must be a reflection of real society. Even if the animals and plants are the protagonists, in essence, it is still a deformation of human society, and the reason why it is upgraded to a metaverse, the connection is more important. It requires a revolutionary upgrade in the way users experience and engagement. It is more immersive than the "watching" of reading books and movies, and it is more interactive than playing the joystick and touch screen of the game. Therefore, the initial stage of the metaverse is the most popular in the field of games, thanks to the successive landing of VR/AR, holographic projection and other technologies, it is becoming easier and easier to be able to go deep into the game!!

The end of the universe is the Iron Ridge Metacosm at the end of the seabed

Technological development is like this, the people who put forward the concept early in the morning are crazy; people who grasp the opportunity and go with the trend are geniuses, roughly speaking, the metacosm includes such several aspects of technology - chip technology, network communication technology, virtual reality technology (VR/AR/MR/XR), game technology (game engine, game code, multimedia resources), AI artificial intelligence technology, blockchain technology, with the help of a set of high-tech equipment that contains display technology and sensing technology. Let you enter the virtual world; your consciousness thinks you have crossed, but your body is still in the real world, in this virtual world you can create, entertain, display, socialize, trade, work, a lot of the real world can not be achieved through the digital universe, just take the game as an example, the metaverse landing is still extremely difficult, extended to social, art and other fields, the metaverse will also be mixed with more complex economic, philosophical, sociological and even cultural values and other elements. Once the complicated and complicated elements are piled up, it is easier to breed the possibility of swindling and deception, and although it is full of user expectations, it always becomes a scythe for capital harvesting. This scene is not without precedent, the blockchain that is still booming is like this, the products that benefit the people have not seen much, and the trance air coin is stubble after stubble!!!!

Experience makes people more mature and understands the true meaning of happiness and sorrow, joy and pain. In fact, people always climb the peak of happiness and then fall into the valley of misfortune before they can taste the taste of happiness and pain, and can they understand that in this world, only loss is the most eternal.

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