
Dalian Peking Theater Female Flower Face Douyin Live Singing Drama Generate income and also bring fire theater

author:Bright Net

More and more opera actors are bringing the national essence back to people's vision through short videos and live broadcasts. Recently, a female flower-faced actress of Peking Opera in Dalian became popular because of her singing in the vibrato live broadcast room, relying on live broadcast income, she not only improved her life, but also brought many fans to the Dalian Peking Theater.

Dalian Peking Theater Female Flower Face Douyin Live Singing Drama Generate income and also bring fire theater

This Peking opera actor is named Ren Siyuan, who studied under Mr. Li Changchun, a descendant of the Qiu Sect, and is one of the few female flower faces in the country. Under the influence of her father, she liked Peking Opera from an early age, and was admitted to the drama school at the age of 13, and entered the Dalian Peking Opera House after studying for more than ten years, and also took the Master of Fine Arts after work. After the epidemic in 2020, most offline performances were cancelled, in order to meet the needs of fans and friends, she began to practice and perform Peking Opera live on Douyin, which attracted many people to watch.

Today, Ren Siyuan's Douyin account has 160,000 fans, and the number of viewers of each live broadcast exceeds 30,000. The audience loved her Peking Opera performance and gave her a tip to show support.

Dalian Peking Theater Female Flower Face Douyin Live Singing Drama Generate income and also bring fire theater

"Peking Opera actors generally have lower incomes, only three or four thousand a month. On the one hand, doing live broadcasting has opened up the market for Peking Opera and satisfied the hobbies of the majority of opera fans and audiences, on the other hand, it has increased our income and achieved a win-win situation. Ren Siyuan said.

Ren Siyuan's live broadcast usually starts at 8:30 p.m., and the fans are mostly middle-aged and elderly Peking Opera fans over the age of 50, but there are also many post-00s. She sings a brass hammer flower face, which is a mighty male character type in Peking Opera, representative characters include Cao Cao, Bao Zheng, Xu Yanzhao, etc., and the young and good face with a rough voice presents a huge contrast.

In order to let people who do not understand Peking Opera can also see clearly, Ren Siyuan will take a combination of explanation and performance when live broadcasting, and one person plays multiple trades and multiple roles to interpret a whole play. Hua Face in Peking Opera to outline the face, the steps are cumbersome and complicated, the live broadcast conditions are not allowed, she will present the makeup process through a short video, and share the clip of singing on the stage wearing costumes.

Some fans sorted out the catalog of singing segments in Ren Siyuan's live broadcast room, and over the past year, Ren Siyuan's performance of Sheng Dan jing was ugly, from "The Case of The Beauty of The Beauty" "Bao Longtu Sat in Kaifeng Province", to "Wen Zhaoguan" "A Round of Bright Moon In Front of the Window", as well as "Noble Concubine Drunk" "The First Turn of the Island Ice Wheel"... A total of more than 170 performances of traditional opera and modern Peking opera were performed.

Dalian Peking Theater Female Flower Face Douyin Live Singing Drama Generate income and also bring fire theater

Ren Siyuan not only sang live on her own, but also brought her to the Dalian Peking Theater to enter Douyin. According to her, after feeling the fans' love for Peking Opera, she wrote a letter of recommendation to the dean, helped the theater register a Douyin account, and regularly released performance videos. The dean watched her live broadcast and also recognized her use of new forms to promote traditional culture and publicize Peking Opera.

In recent years, due to the impact of the epidemic and the changes of the times, many theater and opera actors have faced difficulties in survival. However, more and more people have found that they can find new paths for the inheritance and development of national essences such as Peking Opera, Yue Opera, and Fujian Opera through online live broadcasting.

A small and medium-sized theater offline can carry an audience of about six or seven hundred people, and the spread of short videos and live broadcasts is often several times higher, this real form of expression also breaks through the limitations of time and space, narrows the distance between opera and the audience, so that more people can understand and like traditional opera, and also opens up new ways of generating income for opera actors.

Live singing has brought obvious effects to the dissemination of opera and the publicity of offline theaters. Ren Siyuan said that there are now many fans in the live broadcast room who are looking forward to the early end of the epidemic and can come to watch a performance offline. (Wang Lei)

Source: Guangming Network

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