
The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

author:Pharmacist Li talks about health

With the continuous intensification of the aging of china's population, more and more friends began to pay attention to health and wellness, in this information age, a variety of good and bad information comes to the face, making it difficult for many friends to distinguish which is the really useful information, and which is just a gimmick or scam, today we will explore with you through the story of two health masters who died early in the real world, some cognitive misunderstandings about health and wellness.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" > Tai Chi master Mei Mosheng, died young at the age of 59</h1>

Mr. Mei Mosheng, is a cross-border health master, he has a deep achievement in calligraphy and painting, once taught at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, is also the former deputy director of the Theoretical Research Department of the National Academy of Painting of China, and he is also a visiting professor of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, executive vice president and secretary general of the Taiji Culture Research Association, etc., is a master of calligraphy, painting, martial arts, health care. Unfortunately, in June 2019, Mr. Mei Mosheng died of bowel cancer, and from the time the cancer was detected to his death, only about half a year later, at the age of 59.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

It is reported that Mr. Mei Mosheng learned long fist less, young people began to study tai chi, a lifetime of attention to health and wellness, related works are also a lot, is a full-fledged health expert, as a health expert, but at the age of 59 so untimely died, this news at that time also caused a wide range of discussion.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > "health master" Lin Haifeng, aged 51</h1>

Coincidentally, also in 2019, another "master" Lin Haifeng, who considered himself a health expert, died of food poisoning in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, at the age of 51 in November. Lin Haifeng has a variety of titles, including the chairman of China Nutrition and Health Network, the chairman of Sunshine Forest Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and a large number of directors and members of the Nutrition Society, etc., and the health concept he advocates is somewhat "amazing": for example, the place where the human body has holes is the outlet for detoxification; rice and other grains are the poisons in the modern diet; even drinking 5-7 days of fruit and vegetable juice, some chronic diseases can be cured, and "it is not easy to get sick again in this life"..., it is such a firm belief in the concept of detoxification. The "health master" who is known as a self-created holistic natural therapy, but because he ate a bag of expired dates and used self-inducing vomiting methods to detoxify, he eventually died of suspected food poisoning at the age of 51. People's Daily once commented that the "master of natural remedies" died, and it is a fallacy to use life to verify fasting and detoxification.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

The above two stories are often used by some friends as examples of "health care uselessness", but in fact, what are the lessons we should really learn from these two examples? Is it really just health that is not important, and paying attention to health is also in vain? Of course not, from these two examples, with everyone to reflect together, there are mainly the following 4 aspects of cognitive misunderstandings.

Myth 1: Exercise is actually of no use for physical health and longevity?

As soon as the news of Mr. Mei Mosheng's death at the age of 59 came out, a large number of people commented: As a tai chi master, a health master, he has only lived for 59 years, which does not mean that exercise and health maintenance are actually useless?

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

Is this really the case? I am afraid that people who say this kind of cool words, and do not have the basic logical thinking ability, the importance of exercise for physical health, has long been widely recognized by the medical community and the scientific community, reasonable exercise, can help improve the body's metabolic function, strengthen physical fitness and immunity, reduce chronic inflammatory response, but also help to prevent the elderly muscle loss, osteoporosis and other related problems, for the prevention of some cancers, exercise is also particularly worth advocating a healthy lifestyle.

But at the same time, it should be known that everything is not absolute, and it cannot be said that I pay attention to exercise, I will not get sick, the emergence and development of diseases, and a variety of factors are closely related, age factors, family genetic factors, genetic mutation factors, emotional and psychological factors, etc., may lead to such and such problems in physical health, exercise is helpful to physical health, but can not say that the body has health problems, that is, exercise is useless? If you do not insist on exercise, the chance of health problems may be greater, and the time of health problems will be earlier, and it is important to understand such a basic truth.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

Therefore, do not deny the importance of exercise because of the untimely death of a health master, for the elderly friends, want to live a long and healthy life, within the scope of physical conditions, reasonable and moderate exercise, it is still worth advocating and adhering to.

Myth 2: If you have physical health problems, you don't need to seek medical treatment, self-conditioning can be?

Whether it is the tai chi master Mei Mosheng or the so-called "health master" Lin Haifeng, the early death of these two gentlemen is closely related to the failure to seek medical treatment in time.

According to reports, Mei Mosheng had gastrointestinal discomfort at the end of 2018, but because he thought he had a wealth of experience in health maintenance, he did not seek medical treatment and timely examination, and has been self-conditioning, until after the appearance of blood in the stool, he was forced by his family to go to the hospital for examination and treatment, and the result was found to be advanced intestinal cancer, and finally he was unable to return to heaven. For bowel cancer, if it can be detected at an early stage, or when precancerous lesions occur, timely treatment intervention, surgical resection, etc., the probability of long-term survival of patients is still very high, while for problems that have entered advanced stages, the survival rate of patients is very low.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

Another health master, Lin Haifeng, a few days before the accident, ate a pack of expired dates and caused "whole body stiffness", but he firmly believed in his detoxification concept, self-conditioning through vomiting, and did not seek medical treatment, but he did not expect that a few days later, he suddenly fell to the ground after dinner, and finally sent to the hospital to die.

The enlightenment of these two examples to us is that when there are related problems in physical health, it is actually very necessary to seek medical treatment in time, if Mr. Mei Mosheng can seek medical treatment in time when he feels unwell, he may be able to find cancer earlier, and the final result may be completely different; and if Comrade Lin Haifeng can seek medical treatment in time when there is a body stiffness, instead of inducing vomiting and "detoxification", perhaps the outcome will be completely different.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

In addition to having health problems in time to seek medical treatment, regular health examination is also very necessary, this kind of health examination, not necessarily a general "physical examination package", but should be combined with their own situation, as well as family genetic history, etc., to carry out targeted related examinations, such as colorectal cancer problems, it is usually recommended that over 50 years old should be regularly checked, check the risk of early cancer, if you can check regularly, find some early cancer problems, and actively intervene, It is also very important to prevent the risk of real cancer.

Myth 3: Physical health problems, are because of toxins, detoxification can be?

Not only Lin Haifeng, in actual life, there are many friends who firmly believe in the "detoxification" theory, what sweating detoxification, vomiting and detoxification, eating laxatives detoxification and other so-called "health methods" emerge in an endless stream, in fact, our body has a normal metabolic excretion mechanism, the body produces waste metabolites, but also through breathing, urination, defecation and other ways for effective exchange and excretion, will not accumulate toxins that can not be discharged.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

If the toxins in the body really cannot be discharged, it will quickly lead to major health problems such as electrolyte imbalance in the human body, metabolic acidosis or alkalosis, etc. Therefore, some so-called detoxification methods are just publicity gimmicks of some businesses, and the maintenance of our urinary system, digestive system, and health of all aspects of the body, so that the body can excrete the waste waste in time, is the real correct way of detoxification, through some additional ways to carry out the so-called "detoxification", Instead, it may bring some unnecessary health risks and health problems.

True health, not every day to think about how to detoxify, but should be through a healthy diet, maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, so that the functions of our body to maintain in a good state, the waste generated in the body, naturally will be effectively excreted, there is no need to deliberately discharge toxins, and through detoxification to treat or even cure the disease, is often a trick, please do not be gullible.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

Myth 4: The elderly should often "fast", eat less can live longer?

Fasting theory is also a widely spread pseudo-health concept, the so-called fasting, that is, do not eat within a certain period of time, or selectively eat some drinks and other methods of "health care" way, such as Comrade Lin Haifeng preached that by not eating solid food, drinking 7 days of fruit and vegetable juice, you can make the body fully detoxified, chronic diseases can be cured, even drink 10 days, cancer can be cured! Some of these ideas, although they do not need to think carefully to know that they are unreliable, but there are still many people who will easily believe in some of these statements, often carry out "valley breaking" and "fasting" therapy, hoping to be beneficial to physical health, and even completely cure some chronic diseases.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

Although modern medicine continues to develop and progress, but for diabetes, primary hypertension and other related chronic diseases, can not be completely cured, and through fasting, eat less can achieve detoxification, cure effect, of course, there is no scientific basis and clinical evidence, and the elderly for such a "fasting" therapy, should be more vigilant, the elderly friends themselves for the absorption of nutrients metabolism capacity has declined, should pay more attention to the appropriate amount of various types of nutrition supplementation, and in such a state of the body, Do not pay attention to the balanced intake of nutrition, but to "fast", the risk of inducing related disease problems will naturally be greatly increased, therefore, the true meaning of healthy diet is not to take fasting therapy at every turn, but should do a good job of reasonable diet, moderately controlled calorie intake, adequate intake of nutrients needed by various types of elderly people, in order to better ensure our health, is the real healthy diet health.

The two health masters, who are not more than 60 years old all year round, reflect: these 4 kinds of health misunderstandings should avoid the Taiji master Mei Mosheng, who died young at the age of 59 , Lin Haifeng, who died young, at the age of 51

All in all, a scientific and reasonable way, through diet, exercise, disease prevention, screening and other means, to ensure the health of our life growth process, for the emergence of related disease problems, to achieve early intervention, early prevention, early treatment, for the body appears related health hazards, and actively through the way of conditioning and treatment for risk control, through a scientific and reasonable way, maintain our life and health, is the real health care. #健康明星计划 #

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