
How can you make a woman inseparable from you? No sweet talk, anything


Every man wants to find a satisfying girlfriend, but it's usually not easy, especially in the real world. Money or beauty can attract girls quickly, but it's not so easy to come by.

So some people learn to please women with sweet words, and love words will not leave their mouths, but this can only make women happy for a while. If we want to be durable, we need other approaches.

Now, women are becoming more and more realistic. If you always speak without actual action, this love of listening can only deceive the little girl.

If you want to really make a woman inseparable, in addition to sweet words, you should also learn to throw her away. The more you are thrown, the more she loves you!

1. When we go out together, take the initiative to take her

When men and women are together, they have to be very confident. Don't always think about what girls want, but think more about what they can bring to girls. Girls are most afraid of boy neglect, so on some important occasions you can take her with you. That way, she will feel flattered if there is no clear relationship, and after the relationship is established, she will also feel your concern.

Many times, a girl's unhappiness stems from not feeling your attention. If you are always thinking for yourself, do not know how to think about the other person's feelings, do not know how to experience the world with the other person, your feelings will not progress. Experienced feelings can last a long time.

Waiting for someone is not easy. She will be happy to bring her with you to important occasions and to move in and out together. The more these things you experience, the easier it is for you to feel memorable.

2. Take the initiative to give her a sense of ceremony and let her look forward to the future

Long-term relationships require some sense of ceremony so that they can always stay fresh and make her look to the future.

During the holiday season, you can spend your mind preparing some gifts for her, even if it is a table you make yourself, she will be very happy. If it was a candlelit dinner, she would have been impressed! This kind of throwing is actually more reliable than the love words that people often say. It will also make the woman feel like you care about her.

Girls love romance and ritual. Such a swing allows her to maintain a high degree of freshness to you. She's not always tired of you. She gradually depends on you and cannot leave.

3. Reward her with some small requests

While it's normal for women to spend men's money, it's not easy to earn money now, and men are under tremendous pressure. If they regularly buy luxury goods for women and satisfy women's vanity requirements, then most men can't afford it.

But men can't be too stingy. After all, how much money they spend is also a measure of whether a woman loves you or not. So it's most appropriate to occasionally meet some of a woman's little requests, and you can do it before she brings it up so she will feel your sincerity and deep love.

Women don't always idolize money. What they want is your respect and care. Even if it's a cosmetic, a piece of clothing she's put on her shopping cart, this little request will make her fall in love with you.

Once a woman falls in love, it is not easy to get out. Money and beauty are most likely to attract women, but not everyone can have them. Sweet talk is easier for the public to pursue women, but if you want a woman, you still need to dump her a lot. The more you toss a coin like above, the more the woman loves you

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