
"Give Me Wings": French Romanticism of The Love of Man and Nature

author:Nothing stays forever

In France, people often see this scene:

An old man with white hair drives an ultralight plane, always followed by a group of neatly formed birds.

"Give Me Wings": French Romanticism of The Love of Man and Nature

People who don't know see this picture and think that the old man is performing the stunts of flying. But behind it is the story of the love between man and nature.

In 1995, when the French meteorologist Christian flew a light air flight, he found that a group of small white geese flew from Germany to Sweden on the same route every year, and flew back from Sweden back to Germany.

He realized that the birds' migration route was along the path chosen by their ancestors, and no matter how harsh the environment, the air, and the light became, these birds were dead set on taking this path.

Christian began to worry that the white geese would greatly increase mortality by following this fixed route, and that they might face the disappearance of the species in the long run. So he decided to pilot light aircraft to lead the birds to open up more migration routes.

"Give Me Wings", a Douban 8.7-point movie, is adapted from the live-action story of french meteorologist Christian piloting the migration of white wild geese.

In the film, Christian is a bird researcher who focuses his life's experience on the study of birds. Faced with the endangered white goose, he decided to pilot a light flight to guide the young birds from Norway to their destination in France.

Christian's son, Thomas, came to his father's farmhouse for a vacation, from the initial inability to adapt to the rural internet-free life to gradually attracted to birds, and later because of a series of coincidences, Thomas fulfilled his father's unfulfilled wishes and embarked on a journey to lead the birds to migrate.

Nature gives love to man and evokes the good nature of man's heart

Born in a family with divorced parents, Toma's lack of parental care led him to indulge in the online world for a time. The mother took advantage of the summer vacation to send Toma to the farm where her father lived in the country.

Toma, who has just arrived in the countryside, has a hard time adapting to life without games and wifi, and begins to pass his time in boredom. One day, he accidentally found that a bird egg in his father's research room was about to burst, and he put his headphones on the bird egg for fun, but he did not expect that the eggshell began to crack in an instant.

The father let Thomas witness the process of life breaking out of the eggshell and ordered Toma to be the parents of the bird. After that, Toma gradually became interested in birds, and he began to listen carefully to his father's plan to migrate with white geese, follow his father to drive a light flight, get up early to feed white geese, and read bird books late at night.

Father told Thomas that when they started flying south with the birds from the North Pole, they only needed to fly once, and the birds would remember the route of the flight in their minds. After many years, the number of geese will increase, and the young geese will be able to breed, so that the endangered species of white geese will be saved.

Everyone has a seed of goodness in their hearts, and even children like Toma, who are labeled internet addicts and lack family love, will stimulate the most primitive and supreme instincts in their hearts when faced with the endangered state of natural life.

"Give Me Wings": French Romanticism of The Love of Man and Nature

It was because of this instinct that, in the case of the Norwegian government's efforts to prevent the migration plan, and with his father piloting the light voyage without being followed by the white geese, Toma began to arouse his inner impulses, aroused the love for nature, and desperately and miraculously set sail from Norway with the white geese.

Along the way, Toma is inseparable from the white geese, and the harshness of nature prompts him to learn to face the challenges of the weather, summon up strong courage to drive away the hunting enemies of the white geese, and seek food and fuel from strangers.

In a plea for help in Toma, a little girl took a mobile phone to record a video of him flying with birds and uploaded it to the Internet, which attracted the attention of many people for a while. The boy's journey through Europe only for the church's endangered white geese migration also inspired people to be in awe of the boy, so that along the way people continued to give him spiritual and material help, in people's hearts, but also for nature to leave a pure and pure land.

George Bernard Shaw once said: "This is the real joy of life, which is used for what it considers to be a noble goal, which is completely exhausted before it is thrown on the waste heap, and life is a force of nature, not a troubled, fanatically selfish little flesh that will only complain that the world has not done its best to make you happy." ”

The immature mind of a child is the most susceptible to being affected by external things, and life is a force of nature, with the original force of nature and the power of awakening the instinct of life, I think this is a certain harmony between man and life, life and nature.

Man's love for nature creates miracles

The film's father, Christian, is a bird-obsessed fanatic who wants to save the species from extinction by teaching the white geese to migrate. This plan was considered by the consul of the French Museum of Natural History to be a fantasy, and he resolutely rejected it. To this end, Chris even took the official seal of the museum himself and stamped it privately.

He began to study the routes of the birds at home, selecting the areas for them to avoid disasters the most, and even put on a robe and hat every day to dress up as a goose father to teach the white geese to forage, attack, and avoid predators.

"Give Me Wings": French Romanticism of The Love of Man and Nature

When the father and son transported the white geese to Norway to prepare for the voyage, they encountered the interception of the Norwegian government affairs, and the incident of the father forging official documents was leaked. At the same time, the birds did not take off with Daddy Goose's light flight, and friends who went to Norway with Christian were angry that they were kept in the dark.

At that moment, the camera stayed on the face of the goose father in the robe and hat, who spent most of his life on the things he loved, he gave the love he did not give to his son to the children of nature, he ignored the obstacles of the government rulers, he believed that he could complete this crazy and enthusiastic plan. But his carefully reared chicks were "strangled" when they were about to spread their wings and fly high, and his grievances, helplessness, were like a child forced to give up his dreams.

Even if his son Thomas miraculously piloted a light flight and led the white geese from Norway, he ignored his father's cries and ignored the obstruction of Norwegian officials and successfully brought the birds back to France. The director of France's Museum of Natural History told the public through the media that he thought the birds would not return on their original route, which was nothing more than a gorgeous adventure.

But the charm of human beings seems to be to struggle with something in despair.

At the end of the film, the Toma family sets sail and camps, waiting for a gorgeous adventure that does not know how to end. Miracles always appear, when the white geese fly in a line to the Toma family, the music reminds, Toma rushes to the lake to embrace the migratory birds, this scene is so beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people feel pain, and it is so beautiful that people are tearful.

"Give Me Wings": French Romanticism of The Love of Man and Nature

In the American documentary "The Largest Little Farm", John and Jasmine, a couple, came to the barren farm and spent ten years to turn the land under their feet from a barren to a mountainous green, from lifeless to vibrant, where life reincarnated and flowed, and everything seemed to be about to reach a stable and happy ending.

But then there was a fire on the hill near the farm, and the wildfire would soon spread to the farm. Ten years of development can not withstand the vagaries of nature, and a single fire is enough to waste the efforts of the Johns.

But nature is sentient, especially for those who love nature. The film shows a shift in the direction of the wind that saves the farm that John and Jasmine built.

Montaigne said: "Miracles exist because we know very little about nature, not because of the state of nature. ”

You don't know when the love you have given is slowly accumulated, and finally unfolded in front of us in an unexpected form, I think it is the mystery of nature, unspeakable but clear.

How should man and nature get along?

In the past, movies and televisions about man and nature were nothing more than telling us that human beings are greedy and will eventually be punished by nature, or that nature also has a warm side. In this film, Christian, as a planner of bird migration, tries to use his own judgment to guide the direction of nature, standing in the perspective of man and nature, which is undoubtedly crazy.

The final ending of the film is that the direction of things is guided by human beings, which is not to say that humans can dominate nature, but that the director has lost the title of criticism and does not tell the truth that everyone knows: human beings will be punished by nature, or nature will treat human beings kindly. Rather, it is to show a crazy thing done by an ordinary person, to expound the French romanticism of a man's love with nature.

"Give Me Wings": French Romanticism of The Love of Man and Nature

Man's love for nature is embodied in the reverence for life, and the love that nature gives back to people fills the missing cognition in people's hearts.

Most of the shots in the film are focused on the sky, white geese, jungles, lakes, roads, coupled with gripping music, as if immersed in nature; there is no intricate storyline, the relationship between the characters does not drag mud and water, and everyone performs appropriately on their own roles.

So in realism, what does the existence of animals mean to people? It should not be just food in the meal, companion pets, but we and the animals as a common destiny, living in this nature, treating each other equally.

Last year, Australia's volcano burned for four months, and the fire covered nearly 60,000 square kilometers of land. Houses have been destroyed, residents have been displaced, 500 million animals have been buried in the fire, and wildlife and entire ecosystems have been "devastated".

The prime minister is leisurely on vacation in the other hemisphere, with hundreds of people suspected of deliberately setting fires, where humans can do their own thing with impunity, while animals can only die in the fire.

When the koalas who are burned alive and the kangaroos that make a wailing appear in our field of vision, how can we not have a little ripple in our hearts?

Humans always seem to protect animals while harming them. The starting point of protection and harm is based on the perspective of man above animals, we love animals, cute is only their own kindness; we hurt animals, after all, harm is our own ignorance.

Well, like Christian, be a naïve romantic. If you love birds, you become a birdman.

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