
Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

author:DrX said

In the New Year, people are asking: "Will 2022 be better?" ”。

However, at the beginning of 2022, it is destined to be a little sad.

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On the evening of January 10, the news of the death of Zhao He, a famous host of CCTV, came, and people felt sad.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

When the news of Zhao He's death was mixed with the joy of the New Year, there was still a little more emotion that was difficult to let go of for a moment.

The reason why it is "difficult to let go" is to remember the years when Zhao He accompanied us in front of the screen and sigh the ruthlessness of the years.

On the eighth day of the eighth day of the first lunar month, ten thousand families are reunited, and the moonlight is clear.

But Zhao He's family could not wait for the reunion after all, and Zhao He could not wait for the upcoming Spring Festival.

For people who don't read much financial news, they may not be familiar with Zhao He.

But everyone must be familiar with his other show: the 315 Gala.

In 1991, the 315 Evening Party was founded, which was a program that sought justice for consumers across the country and received praise from countless people. Zhao He, one of the founders, hosted the show for 10 years from 1991 to 2000.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

Nowadays, every year the 315 party will get the attention of all parties, but Zhao He has left forever with the torrent of time.

According to Zhao He's friends, Zhao He has been fighting cancer before his death. In the years of fighting cancer, he never gave up, but in the end he could not resist the invasion of the disease.

Zhao He once said:

"We must be righteous and truth-seeking at all times, and we must guard our conscience at all times."

In life, he has always done this. He was straightforward, generous, helpful, and respected by everyone around him.

On the day of the farewell of the body, the old partners all came to the scene to send Zhao He on his last journey.

Jing Yidan tearfully recalled the details of working with Zhao He, and cried several times into tears.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

The screen blooms for forty years, branches and leaves, and is full of thousands of mountains;

Qunfeng Zhuoli is a jiazi, a thick virtue carrier, thinking about the long river.

This is Zhao He's words, and it is also the highest affirmation of his life.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

I never dared to imagine that life could be so fragile. Those who say they will see each other next time may never see each other again.


If you think about it carefully, in recent years, not only Zhao He, CCTV has had several hosts say goodbye to us forever because of cancer.

In 2009, Luo Jing, a famous CCTV announcer who had left memories for us countless times in front of the "News Network", died after fighting cancer for many days.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

Luo Jing has hosted the "News Network" nearly 3,000 times in his lifetime, and the record of zero mistakes is still difficult for many people to reach.

Luo Jing, who had never said the wrong thing in his life, finally said the wrong thing once.

It was 2008, when Luo Jing was already suffering from cancer, and in an interview with the camera, he said: "No problem, don't worry about me at all, you can recover." ”

But on June 5, 2009, after a full 10 months of battling cancer, he passed away.

And the humorous and funny Li Yong, who always has curly hair.

Li Yong once said: "My daughter is my lover, and my wife is my true lover." ”

But now, the lover and the true lover are there, but the person who confessed at the beginning has never woken up again.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

On October 25, 2018, after 17 months of battling cancer, Li Yong's optimism finally failed to withstand the erosion of the disease and regretted his death.

In the blink of an eye, Li Yong has been away for a full 3 years and 3 months. Open Ha Wen's Weibo, every word is a nostalgia for Li Yong.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

"What is acacia, no one cares" Mao Amin sang and cried every person in acacia, but he always sang the worries and worries of those who could not be born.

There are also zhao Zhongxiang (squamous cell carcinoma), Shen Li (lung cancer), Fang Jing (stomach cancer), Xiao Xiaolin (rectal cancer) and other famous hosts, all lost to cancer.


The departure of a good person from us makes people regret and grief at the same time, but also makes us think:

As famous hosts, with their bright appearance and resources that ordinary people can't reach, why did they eventually lose to cancer?

I was impressed by the words of a netizen: "Are these hosts too stressed at work?" ”

Yeah, as a medical worker, I think so.

On April 13, 2021, the famous medical journal Cell published a study in which long-term high pressure, although it cannot directly harm the body, is enough to weaken the body's immune cell function.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

In addition, the research team also observed the damage of glucocorticoids to congenital T cells in mouse models, which will accelerate the metastatic development and spread of cancer cells.

In other words, excessive stress will indeed promote the development of cancer cells!

In addition to promoting the development of cancer cell metastasis, the damage of stress to the human body is more comprehensive:

(1) Sleep disorders

Stress is not conducive to sleep, and the pressure in the heart cannot be released, which is what we often call "falling asleep with a heart".

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

(2) Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

In this mood, the body will release a large amount of norepinephrine and epinephrine, etc., in this case for a long time, dizziness and irregular heartbeat may occur, which in turn will lead to the appearance of cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.

(3) Digestive system diseases

In the face of stress, the human digestive system is the most easily perceived. At this time, stomach pain, stomach distension and duodenal ulcers will occur, and promote the occurrence of stomach diseases.

(4) Breast diseases

One of the biggest dominant factors in breast disease is emotion. We often say "cancer personality", which refers to high stress, nervousness and sulking, etc., and under the dominance of this personality, women are more likely to have breast diseases.

(5) Skin problems

Our skin is very sensitive to stress, and if there is dryness and tingling, it is the most typical sign of reaction.

(6) Obesity and diabetes

Often under stress, the fatty acids in our bodies rise to stimulate the production of insulin. Insulin makes fatty acids synthesize fat, and obesity and diabetes may appear one after another.


This is a high-pressure society, we are experiencing the pressure of life, mortgage, car loan, work, family and other aspects. I don't know if you have noticed that your temper is slowly getting worse, and you can get angry about a small and inconspicuous thing at every turn.

And these are the manifestations of being swallowed up by pressure. Your sanity and calmness are being wrapped up in invisible pressure. If you still have the following manifestations, then beware:

Emotionally unstable, weak willpower, easy to forget, and unable to concentrate.

In addition to emotional performance, there are even physiological changes:

Prone to colds, fevers, diarrhea, headaches, muscle discomfort, weakened libido, frequent drops, doing things is easy to go wrong.

Another famous host of CCTV passed away, stinging the whole network: too much pressure, it will really kill you

So, please don't put any more pressure on yourself. When stress comes, let yourself learn to release stress, such as going out and walking around more.

For example, ask yourself what you want? What to do? What can be done?

See if your answers are consistent, and if the answers are consistent, your heart will be much more harmonious.

In any case, we have to learn to face pressure properly and assess our abilities. If you find that you have tried your best but still can't do it, you can give it up. And within their own capabilities, make the corresponding choices, such as changing, accepting, or leaving.

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