
The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

author:Bluestone Films

The tribute film "The Revolutionary" was released as scheduled.

Soon, the first round of word-of-mouth of the movie has been released, Maoyan 9.4 points, Taobao tickets 9.5 points, micro-Boda V recommendation 91%, even the always strict Douban, have given it a high score of 7.5, temporarily listed as the best summer file.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

From the feedback from fans, we can also clearly feel that the praise is overwhelming.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

In fact, when the film was premiered, it had already received a wave of praise, including many famous directors and actors.

Director Gao Qunshu said:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Dou Peng said:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

At the beginning of the year, the director of the main theme of the blockbuster TV series "The Age of Awakening" also watched the film when it was screened at Peking University, and his evaluation of the film was very meticulous and powerful.

He said:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

And netizens are not stingy praise, some said:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

It is said:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Some people even said directly:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

As a main theme film, "Revolutionary" can get such a high evaluation, why?

01 Atypical main theme movie

To put it bluntly, if there is only one word to describe The Revolutionary, it is:


As a main theme movie, "Revolutionary" reveals everywhere from the beginning that it is very "special", and this "special" is good and worthy of praise.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

The film is starred by Zhang Songwen, Li Yifeng, Tong Liya, Peng Yuchang, Qin Hao, Bai Ke special starring, Zhang Ruonan starring, Xin Yunlai, Sun Haolun and other friendships starring.

The film mainly tells the story of Li Dazhao, one of the main founders of the Chinese Communist Party, between 1912 and 1927.

"The Revolutionary" is positioned as a biographical film, but it is different from ordinary biographical films, not telling the lives of great people in chronological order, but breaking the time frame and using a non-linear narrative to go back.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

The film tells the story of Li Dazhao in the 38 hours before he was hanged.

During these 38 hours, characters related to Li Dazhao appeared one by one, and they were like "organs" that triggered historical events.

Once touched, we seem to go back to the past, to witness and experience Li Dazhao's major moments.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

When Li Dazhao, who had been tortured for a long time, was dragged to the interrogation room and confronted with questioning:

"You are the commander-in-chief of the North, how many people have you instigated?"

He did not answer, and following this question, his thoughts returned to the "Kailuan Mine Disaster":

"Resistance is our only way out, struggle is our only way out, revolution is our only way out."

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best
The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

When Zhang Xueliang found Zhang Zuolin with the document, talking about Li Dazhao, the story returned from his perspective to the incident of "the innocent and tragic death of the Chinese newsboy".

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

When the document was delivered to Chiang Kai-shek, who was still listening to the play under the stage, it led to the first meeting between Mr. Li Dazhao and Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

When Li Dazhao was tortured to the point of waking up by splashing water, he took us to "see" the young man Runzhi, a young man like him who wanted to find a way to save the country in this part of China.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Through fragment after fragment retracement, back to the darkest moment when he led his students deep into the peasant masses, back to the darkest moment when the warlord Duan Qirui openly shot, back to the division of labor between him and Chen Duxiu, "Southern Chen Bei Li"...

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best
The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

These flashback clips are strung together to make up the film.

Whether you understand that history or not, whether you understand Li Dazhao as a person, you will be touched by these events, because the movie conveys emotions all the time.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Here it is necessary to mention another surprising place of this film - the aesthetics of the image.

Whether the whole movie is in prison, li dazhao's home, peking university library, or the hot pot restaurant where Chen Duxiu eats, there will always be a place left for "light" on the screen, and this light can always hit Mr. Shouchang directly in the face.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best
The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

The best use of these is a few prison scenes.

For example, at the beginning of the movie, Li Dazhao is on the wall of the prison, comparing birds through shadows;

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

For example, he is tortured, but he still wants to reach out and catch the light that shines down;

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

For example, in the last moment when he was about to die, he slowly turned around in the cage, sat on the chair with his back crossed, and a beam of light fell on him, without fear of life and death, only peace.

These scenes are all emotional, and the more real the love, the more moving it is.

In fact, not only the main body of the film, as early as the beginning of the film, the immersion brought by the aesthetics of the image has been used to the extreme.

The opening 2 minutes of the movie can force the audience to tears.

The film begins in 1983, when a group of people dig up a tombstone buried in the ground for many years at the Wan'an Cemetery in the western suburbs of Beijing.

The picture has been black and white until they take out their pens, dip them with cinnabar, and trace the names on the tombstones, and the red cinnabar is particularly conspicuous under the black and white background.

Then, the newly written tombstone was washed by the rain, and the scarlet characters were left behind by the water, just like the blood of the revolutionary martyr stained the tombstone red.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

This scene is not long, but the visual shock is great.

Similarly, in the Easter egg at the end, 11-year-old Li Dazhao climbed on the train, secretly turned on the switch, and he leaned out of the carriage and shouted to his friends outside:

"I'm going to take the train to a faraway place."

The child's smiling face switches to the smiling face of 38-year-old Li Dazhao, which looks more and more moving against the background of the red flag flying behind him.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

It is no exaggeration to say that on the technical level, "Revolutionary" has made a "sense of high-class" above the main theme film, and found a new way out for the main theme film.

02 Li Dazhao and his friends

The protagonist of "The Revolutionary" is undoubtedly Li Dazhao.

This Li Dazhao is multi-faceted, three-dimensional, and vivid, and is not only a Li Dazhao who "shoulders morality on his iron shoulders and writes articles with clever hands", but also a Li Dazhao who is not on the "altar".

Passionate, romantic and ordinary, we can even see his helpless moments, but such a Li Dazhao is even more touching.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best
The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

And looking at it this way, you will find that the protagonist of the movie is not only Li Dazhao, but also the group portrait portrayal led by Li Dazhao is also very exciting.

The portrayal of the characters in the film is quite sophisticated, in addition to the historical real characters such as the young runzhi, Chen Duxiu, Sun Yat-sen, and Chiang Kai-shek that we are familiar with, the characters of Ah Chen, Qingzi, Xu San and so on are also fictionalized.

But no matter the virtual or the real, they can not only make us remember, but also give us a feeling - the truth.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

After watching the movie, you will not question whether there is really such a newspaper boy as Ah Chen in history, because you know that in that era, such a newsboy is real, but he may not be called Ah Chen.

There is also a wonderful point in the movie, the lines.

As the main theme of the film, "Revolutionary" rarely did not fall into the "trap" of "preaching" lines.

Every slogan and every incident used in the film has a major connection with Li Dazhao, the main character.

In the incident in which the newsboy was shot, he stood before the Russians and said in a loud voice:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

When he encountered the Duan Qirui warlord armed suppression of the students, he said without fear:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

In the face of the gallows, he was not afraid to die, saying:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Because the emotional rendering is in place, and the major events are properly interspersed, these single lines that are like "shouting slogans" have the power and effect of vibrating in the film.

This is also the intention of this movie.

03 Zhang Songwen: Li Dazhao who came out of the textbook

The reason why "Revolutionary" can be a great success in word of mouth is that Zhang Songwen has made great contributions.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Because it is a personal biopic, the whole film is completely supported from the beginning to the end, and only Zhang Songwen is alone.

And in the case of his makeup plus points, zhang relaxed and injected true feelings into the interpretation, but also let Li Dazhao completely come out of the textbook.

In an interview, Zhang Songwen said: I have played Li Dazhao, which is the glory of my life.

In fact, he didn't live up to the role either.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

For this role, he read a large number of historical materials, including written materials and video videos.

Little by little, he pondered Li Dazhao's thoughts, he went to understand why Li Dazhao would resolutely die, to feel what it would be like to be locked up for 22 days in a dark and damp basement, and even the degree of edema before the execution was carefully studied.

During the filming process, Zhang Songwen also temporarily added a detail, when Ah Chen sent him a newspaper, Li Dazhao, who he played, said:

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

In the movie, There are many highlight moments dedicated by Zhang Songwen.

For example, he hugged Ah Chen, who had slowly lost consciousness, and trembled and said, "Don't sleep, Ah Chen", and asked who didn't shed tears for it.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

And when he stood among the students, arm in arm, breaking through the warlord's encirclement, that shout hit the hottest place in our hearts.

As he stood in the street and watched the students being shot and wounded, and there were good young people everywhere who were injured and bleeding, the students shouted helplessly "What to do"

He was dazed, desperate, helpless, and his eyes were red in an instant.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best
The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Under his interpretation, we see a "living" Li Dazhao, and we are willing to believe that the person who is afraid of getting oil on the book is Mr. Shouchang himself.

Of course, in addition to Zhang Songwen, there are many highlights in the film, such as Chiang Kai-shek played by Han Geng, and Zhao Shulan, played by Tong Liya.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best
The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Han Geng does not appear much in the film, but just a raise of the eye, the two characteristics of "arrogant and arrogant" and "ambitious" are vividly expressed.

And Tong Liya's crying scene is also very infectious, just looking at the picture can make people's noses sour.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

Having said all this, let's return to the question at the beginning, why is "Revolutionary" called the "king bomb" in the tribute film?

Quite simply, because it has a "soul".

Whether it is in terms of narrative style, character portrayal or actor charm, it shows one thing: "Revolutionary" is a main theme movie, but it is very different.

I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best! Sit back and wait for its reputation to explode.

The first wave of word-of-mouth "Revolutionary" is out! I dare say that this year's tribute film is the best

This article is the original content of Bluestone Films, please do not reprint it in any form without authorization

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