
Exclusive review | Truly thorough revolutionaries

author:Xinmin Evening News

Yesterday, at the meeting to commemorate the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, highly praised the historical merits of the Wuchang Uprising and the Xinhai Revolution, emphasizing that it has greatly promoted the ideological emancipation of the Chinese nation, opened the floodgates of China's progressive trend, and promoted China's social change with great shock and influence. The passionate words made my thoughts go back to the stormy years.

Exclusive review | Truly thorough revolutionaries

Pictured: Commemorating the 110th Anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution. Oriental IC Diagram (same below)

My hometown of Wuhan, which has a proud title of "City of First Righteousness", at this moment 110 years ago, young soldiers with an average age of just over 20 years turned their guns and fired a fatal shot at the decadent Qing Dynasty, kicking off China's national democratic revolution in the full sense of the word , the Xinhai Revolution.

Wuhan locals know the hardships of the first righteousness. On the surface, the Qing court had both the support of the great powers and the experience of despotism, and moreover, the Guangzhou Huanghuagang Uprising led by Sun Yat-sen, Huang Xing, and other revolutionaries had just failed, and public opinion believed that "it would take five years before it was a big move", and on the eve of the Wuchang uprising, even its own headquarters was broken, and today Peng Liu Yang Road, the main road in Wuhan, was sprinkled with the blood of the arrested volunteers. But the whole of China is in a revolutionary storm, and the people's anger against the feudal system and imperialist aggression has become irrepressible, as the revolutionary soldier who fought the night of October 10 said: It is the responsibility of our young people to carry out their duties and defend the society. "In the middle of the day, the rebel army restored the three towns of Wuhan, and the provinces responded, finally overthrowing the two-thousand-year-old monarchy and establishing the first republican state in Asia.

Anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism were the two basic tasks of China's democratic revolution, which were determined by the nature of China's semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The reason why the Qing government wanted to overthrow it was because it was a reactionary authority of feudal autocracy, which was incompatible with the people's democratic demands, and at the same time it was a traitorous government, an accomplice of the great powers, and incompatible with the patriotic demands of the people. The Xinhai Revolution revolutionized the life of the emperor and the qing dynasty, and in the latter point, it also revolutionized the life of imperialism. Xi Jinping said that the Xinhai Revolution will always be a majestic milestone in the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! That's the point.

However, as far as the basic tasks of the revolution are concerned, the Xinhai Revolution was again a failure. Lenin said: "As long as it is a real revolution, it is in the final analysis class change." However, the Xinhai Revolution that overthrew the imperial system "blossomed, and it was difficult to bear fruit", just like the well-known allusion of the old Wuhan people: after the first righteous soldiers smashed the Qing Dynasty Huguang Governor's Palace, they were afraid that their prestige was not enough, so they moved out of the Qing Dynasty's co-ruler Li Yuanhong as the governor, and forced the power to give this "Li Bodhisattva" who was "afraid of cutting braids and shouting 'Don't harm me'", and the fruits of the revolution fell on others. In fact, after the Xinhai Revolution, China had no emperor and a president and a parliament, but imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism still found agents, monopolized power, and the disastrous situation of the toiling masses did not change. Mao Zedong said in one sentence: "The national revolution needs a big rural change. The Xinhai Revolution did not have this change, so it failed. ...... The main reason is that the toiling masses of workers and peasants, who make up 90 per cent of the country's population, have not yet been mobilized. ”

Exclusive review | Truly thorough revolutionaries

Pictured: Historical data.

Xi Jinping said profoundly, the October Revolution a cannon sounded, sent Marxism-Leninism to China, promoted the great awakening of the Chinese people, in the close integration of Marxism-Leninism and the Chinese workers' movement, the Communist Party of China came into being. Just ten years after the Xinhai Revolution in Shanghai, the Communist Party of China stepped onto the stage of history, especially among the first party members, there were old activists and young revolutionaries of the Xinhai Revolution, such as Dong Biwu, Li Dazhao, mao Zedong, and so on. The Communists undertook the historical mission of the Xinhai Revolution, devoted themselves to "arousing millions of workers and peasants to work with one heart," opened up the revolutionary road of encircling the cities in the countryside and seizing political power by force for more than 20 years, and then continued to struggle for the Chinese nation to "stand up," "get rich," and "become strong." As Sun Yat-sen's wife, Soong Ching Ling, pointed out: "The great struggles and arduous deeds of successive years have appeared before my eyes again." But another thought caught my mind, and I knew that this time there would be no going back, no going backwards. This time, Sun Yat-sen's efforts finally bore fruit, and this fruit seemed so beautiful..."

Sun Yat-sen once said: "The tide of the world is mighty, and if it goes along with it, it will prosper, and if it goes against it, it will perish." He groped for forty years to find the communist party, the most reliable friend; Soong Ching Ling inherited Sun Yat-sen's unselected business and found the best political home. It has been 110 years since the Xinhai Revolution and 100 years since the birth of the Communist Party of China, and history has proved the truth that only the Communist Party can save China, and only the Communist Party of China can unite and lead the Chinese people, and always strive to practice the original mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.

Xi Jinping said that the history of the 110 years since the Xinhai Revolution has enlightened us that to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must rely on the heroic struggle of the Chinese people themselves. To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must have a strong force to lead the Chinese the people forward, and this strong force is the Communist Party of China.

Magnificent! Sincerely!

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