
The long-form reportage "China Beidou" was published to praise the Beidou spirit of the new era

The long-form reportage "China Beidou" was published to praise the Beidou spirit of the new era

The long-form reportage "China Beidou" has been published by Shandong Literature and Art Publishing House a few days ago. As a key publication of the Central Propaganda Department and a key work support project of the China Writers Association, the book shows the arduous construction process of the Beidou system from scratch and from weak to strong, and depicts the heroes who overcome difficulties and selflessly dedicate themselves.

"China Beidou" takes the beidou system construction time as the horizontal line, and the sub-system team to overcome difficulties as the vertical line, telling the story of China's Beidou people who have always adhered to the mission of serving the country in space and science and technology, and explored a development path with Chinese characteristics from scratch, from existence to excellence, from active to passive, from regional to global, so that the mainland has become the third country in the world with an independent global satellite navigation system.

On January 18th, at the seminar on the long-form reportage "China Beidou" held by Shandong Publishing Group and Shandong Literature and Art Publishing House in Beijing, experts said that this work tells the story of China's major scientific and technological innovation achievements with a grand perspective and delicate brushstrokes, shows the spirit of struggle and homeland feelings of Chinese scientists, and interprets the Beidou spirit of the new era of "independent innovation, open integration, unity of purpose, and the pursuit of excellence".

"The interview and creation of this book is a difficult journey and a moving journey." Gong Shenghui, the author of the book and vice president of the Hunan Provincial Reportage Society, said that he hopes that through true storytelling, the spirit of beidou in the new era will be sung, and people will be encouraged to take a good long march to climb the peak of science and technology and build a space power.

Reporter: Shi Jingnan

Editor: Nie Yan

Photo courtesy of Shandong Literature and Art Publishing House

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