
3 Stories About Love |" Thank you guys for showing up in my 2021! ”

author:Good things to share

When asking yourself what impressive things are in 2021, I found that what left traces in my heart was not those earth-shattering events, but the subtle but real touches brought by certain moments and certain people.

I define them as love.

Love is not only the love between lovers, but also the love between parents, the love between friends, the love between strangers.

Today I want to share with you the story of love in 2021.

3 Stories About Love |" Thank you guys for showing up in my 2021! ”

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When you see that others are in need, can you give away what you have only?

Many times, most people are willing to give more of their own parts to others after satisfying their own needs.

But J is different from many people.

In June 2021, I invited my sister, who had just taken the college entrance examination, to go to the suburbs of Beijing to climb the mountain with my friends.

My sister and I didn't have umbrellas ready due to the rush.

In Beijing in June, the sun is shining brightly, and the skin is burning.

After the lunch break, a group of people walked in the mountains on the outskirts of Beijing.

J, who was wearing a parasol, saw that my sister and I did not take the umbrella and gave it to the two of us directly. Repeatedly pushed and accepted J's kindness.

At that moment, I don't know why, but there was a warm current flowing through my heart.

J lent it to me and my sister when he had only an umbrella, and this love was imprinted on my heart.

3 Stories About Love |" Thank you guys for showing up in my 2021! ”


There are some moments when you will feel that in fact, the people around you do not have to say anything, do not have to do anything, as long as they listen well and accompany them.

At the beginning of 2021, there was some frustration because of some not very beautiful experiences.

During that time, I would call H from time to time. Every time, she listened to me very attentively. Each time, in her acceptance and love, she slowly calmed down.

H will send me the good music he hears and enjoy a beautiful melody together.

H also invited me and my friends to dinner at home, where we all chatted freely.

Impressively, H took me and another friend on a weekend trip from Beijing to Tianjin.

Because of the epidemic, after staying in a city for a long time, I suddenly left for a while, and along the way, I opened my heart and chatted with my friends, feeling extremely free and joyful.

Companionship for a period of time is a precious gift of love.

H's companionship and love have remained in the memory of 2021 and in my heart.

3 Stories About Love |" Thank you guys for showing up in my 2021! ”


Have you ever had the experience of not being so confident when trying something new. If at this time, someone affirms and encourages, you will definitely remember it.

In 2021, signed up for a physical training course.

At first, I went to class intermittently. Because I don't feel that I have a talent for sports, I just use the class as an opportunity to exercise.

For a while, I went to class once a week for almost a month.

Once in class, when I practiced opening the branches, I actually went down when my left leg was in front. Teacher S, while tutoring, said: "The left leg is better than the right leg, very good, very good." ”

When I went to class later, I found that this teacher S would always silently affirm and encourage the students in class.

I felt very touched in my heart.

It seems that since work, there are very few people who can affirm and encourage themselves in this way.

Even because I am used to being asked, I will ask myself, but I forget to see the parts that are doing well, to affirm my own value, and to encourage myself to slowly work in the direction I want.

Teacher S's affirmation and encouragement made me feel the love and kindness from strangers, and also made me willing to learn to affirm and encourage myself and the people around me.

3 Stories About Love |" Thank you guys for showing up in my 2021! ”

Under the scorching sun, J shared the only umbrella he had.

When needed, H long time companionship.

Lack of confidence, S affirmation and encouragement.


These experiences have given me a more concrete sense of love.

In the new year, may there be such an ability to love people, accept love, and show love!

Ps: If these words touch your heart, welcome to follow and forward.

If you also have resonance, try writing down your love story in the comments.

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