
"To Kill a Mockingbird": What is more terrible than ignorance is prejudice


Obama has publicly given his daughter two books, one of which is "To Kill a Mockingbird."

It is the only novel by American author Harper Lee, won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize, was translated into more than 40 languages, and had a profound impact around the world.

Some people say that the life that has not read this book is really different from the life that has been read.

The story takes place in a small southern town during the Great Depression in the United States.

White lawyer Atticus Finch defended the framed black Tom Robinson against public opinion, but could not prevent his tragic fate of unjustly dying.

But the tolerance and bravery that Addix showed infected everyone around him, including his own children.

They see narrowness, stubbornness and indifference in the adult world.

At the same time, I also understand that only by tearing apart all kinds of prejudices can the sun shine into life.


Prejudice is more terrible than ignorance

In the conservative and closed town of Maycombe, there was a black man named Tom Robinson.

He was kind and humble, occasionally helping the yuel family, a white man who lived nearby.

Mayera, the 19-year-old daughter of the Yuer family, has long been abused by her father and has little contact with the outside world.

In the process of getting along, she gradually developed a good feeling for Tom.

Once, Majella tricked him into coming in on the pretext of repairing the door and took the opportunity to seduce him into kissing herself.

Tom scrambled to push her away and ran into her drunken father, Bob Youel, as he escaped.

Bob was furious and beat his daughter up.

Fearing that the news would go out and lose face, he threatened his daughter to accuse Tom of assaulting and injuring her.

When the two sides confronted Bo Gonggong, the testimony of Yuell's father and daughter was full of loopholes, and Tom's logic was clear and meticulous.

It's clear what's right and wrong.

But the white jury ignored the evidence and found Tom guilty solely on the basis of racial prejudice against blacks.

In the end, Tom was cornered and chose to escape from prison, where he was shot dead on the spot.

This pure and beautiful soul was buried in vain under the stubbornness of the people.

There is a well-known line in "Nezha's Demon Boy Descending":

"The prejudice in people's hearts is like a big mountain, no matter how hard you try, you can't move it."

Prejudices that are deeply rooted in the heart often swallow up a person's sanity.

Mistakenly regarding ignorance as virtue and falsehood as truth will cause harm to others unconsciously.

When Zhong Nanshan's daughter was interviewed by foreign media, she communicated in English throughout the whole process, and some people slammed: "The so-called elite families are actually foreigners." ”

Zhang Weili won the glory of the country and won the women's mixed martial arts world championship, and some people mocked: "Such a fierce woman, who dares to marry home?" ”

Li Ziqi became an ambassador for the promotion of a certain activity by promoting rural cuisine, and some people insulted: "An internet celebrity without culture is not worthy of boarding the Daya Hall!" ”

People who are full of prejudice in their hearts do not look good at anything.

Indiscriminately labeling others will make a person lose the ability to make objective judgments.

Eventually, the vision will become more and more narrow, and the world will not be seen in color.

"To Kill a Mockingbird": What is more terrible than ignorance is prejudice


The higher the level of people, the less prejudice there is

In this false accusation case, Tom was defended by white lawyer Atticus Finch.

Maycombe is predominantly white, and their racial discrimination is almost in the dna.

So, when Atticus chose to side with Tom, there was an uproar in the town.

Some people talked about him in private, some people scolded him in person, and some people surrounded and intimidated him.

Among them, the neighbor Mrs. Dubos scolded the most viciously.

When Atticus' son Jem and daughter Scout passed by, she also said evilly: Your father is no better than the and scoundrels he works for! ”

To this end, Jem angrily destroyed the flowers she planted in the yard.

When Atticus learns of this, he asks Jem to go and make amends.

He also told Jem that the other side had a lot of great merits, just different views on various things.

Whether he gets into trouble or causes him harm, he treats him objectively and equally.

Because in his opinion:

"You can never really get to know a guy unless you walk around in his shoes and think in his shoes."

Everyone is against prejudice, but they are all prejudiced.

If you want to break through the limitations of cognition, you must raise your level, learn to think differently, and tolerate differences.

Those unpleasant people and things in life are often more complicated than we think.

Colleagues who are miserly everywhere and love to take advantage of small profits may not be too greedy for money, but in order to make up the cost of cram schools for their children, they have to save money.

The boss who is picky and difficult to get along with may not be an eccentric personality, but it is difficult to balance career and work, and it is difficult to control emotions.

Friends who have repeatedly lost love and always met scumbags may not be not to cherish themselves, but to be trapped in the shadow of childhood lack of love, too easy to be deceived.

When we don't understand the ins and outs, don't easily define a person with colored glasses.

Only the higher the level of the station, the wider the line of sight, the closer to the truth.

Therefore, when you encounter something that you don't understand, don't rush to seal the conclusion.

High up, accommodating all things, Fang Zhi landscape is completely different from the imagination.

"To Kill a Mockingbird": What is more terrible than ignorance is prejudice


Let go of prejudice and win the hearts and minds of the people

There's a saying that throws prejudice out of the doorway and it sneaks in through the window.

In the relationship between people, contradictions and incomprehension are everywhere.

The whites of The Small Town of Maycombe not only discriminate against blacks, but also exclude outliers of the same race.

There is a man in the book, named Radley, who was locked up in the family for more than ten years because of his mistakes in his youth. As a result, he has become a fierce "strange man" in the hearts of his neighbors.

At first, the neighbors thought that Radley was a fierce and evil "freak", mocking him, laughing at him, and even playing all kinds of pranks on him.

Until one time, Jem accidentally left his clothes in the yard of Radley's house.

Worried about being reprimanded by his father, he sneaked over in the middle of the night to look for it, and found that his clothes were folded and placed in the doorway.

It turned out that Radleybi was rumored to be much more cordial and friendly.

Gradually, the two children stopped making fun of him or disturbing his life.

Jem and Scout always found some small gifts from the tree hole in Radley's house.

When they learn to respect and tolerate differences, the estrangement between them will disappear.

The British prose writer Herzridt said: "Prejudice is never easy unless it can be terminated by reason." ”

One's own opinion is not terrible, the terrible thing is that there is no way to put it down.

I remember there was a clip in the TV series "Young Pi".

Physical education teacher Wang Shengnan moved downstairs to the singer Pei Yin in order to accompany his daughter to read.

Wang Shengnan grinned widely in his daily life, and the dignified and elegant Pei Yin thought that she was vulgar and unqualified.

Pei Yin not only confronted her everywhere, but also did not allow her son to interact with her daughter.

Once, Pei Yin went out to throw garbage and forgot to bring the key.

But the soup is simmering in the kitchen, and once it is dried, the consequences will be unimaginable.

In a hurry, she had to ask Wang Shengnan for help.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shengnan climbed upstairs through the window without saying a word, risking his life to help her solve her troubles.

Pei Yin was touched by her enthusiasm and felt guilty for her narrowness, and specially came to the door to thank her afterwards.

In this back-and-forth, the two became good girlfriends who talked about everything.

Wang Yangming once said:

"You have not seen this flower, and this flower has fallen silent with you; you have come to see this flower, and this flower has blossomed with you."

The world that everyone sees is a projection of the heart.

Learn to let go of prejudice in order to see the beauty of things and close the distance between each other.

The tolerance and understanding that you give to others will eventually translate into respect and kindness in return.

"To Kill a Mockingbird": What is more terrible than ignorance is prejudice


The Buddhist family has clouds:

"Go to self-grasping, remove prejudice, and all things reach the heart, immeasurable and boundless."

The world in which you and I exist is inherently full of diversity.

All things that thrive have countless postures; in the bustling human world, there are endless ways to live.

You must learn to broaden your horizons with rich experience and tolerate differences with peace of mind.

The richer the heart, the more open the mind, the less people and things that are not accustomed to it.

Click "Like it", put down a hole in the view, accept the variety of life, and eventually go from every inch to the vast rivers and mountains.

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