
Killing a robin after reading

author:Spider-Man Mommy Peter

Killing a robin after reading

After spending two weeks, I read the novel "Killing a Mockingbird" intermittently and was deeply touched. The story tells that the Great Depression in the United States is a true portrayal of the unfairness and racial discrimination of American society in the social context. From the text, I saw what kindness is, what restraint is, what a gentleman is, and a father who is strict with himself at every turn.

The life of Radley in the story is incompatible with most people, and he is called the freak Radley. All the books about him describe it as follows: A low house, once white, with a deep front porch and green shutters, has long since become dark and dull, as gray as the surrounding yard, a few oak trees obscuring the sun, and the remaining spike fence is drunk and crooked, guarding the front yard, and the yard is growing furred Johnson grass and rabbit tobacco.

Radley did not come out of the house for many years, he and his family did not go to church, did not attend sermons, the world called Radley a vicious ghost, people suspected that he was doing petty theft, pets and poultry were also suspected of being his killer. It was such a man, and I saw goodness in him. He would put gum, small medals, pocket watches, and small statues of Scutt and Jem's siblings in the walnut tree hole in his yard; when Miss Deere's house was on fire, Scutter and Jem would put on a blanket for Scout; when Jem's group sneaked into his house to spy, he was so frightened that Jem's pants were hung with barbed wire, and he had to run home wearing his pants, and when he went to the "crime scene" to get his pants, he found where the pants were neatly stacked. The torn places were also sewn up; on the way home to Jem and Scout, I met Bob. Yuel lends a helping hand as he pursues the victim. It is such a person, he is just used to being different from most people, does not like to go out, does not interact with people, he is kind-hearted, sincere, compassionate, but people deliberately distort the facts and make a notorious name.

From Radley's story, we can see that don't judge a person lightly, as Atticus said: You can never get to know a person unless you walk around in his shoes and think in his shoes.

Scout was a lively, brave, eccentric, rebellious and mischievous little girl of eight or nine years old, and what impressed her most was that she was called her father on campus to defend the. Speaking of which, I'm going to introduce his dad, whose dad, Adix, is a lawyer with integrity and justice, who doesn't discriminate between people of different races, even if he fights black cases. In the general environment at that time, even if black people were not at fault, they would be treated differently because of racial discrimination, inferior because they were black. Back in Scutter defending her father for a lawsuit for black people came up because she heard Cecil at school. Jacobs roared out that his dad was defending the, and with Scott's personality, she was sure to have a big fight with her classmates, watching her fists clenched, ready to swing out. For an instant she remembered her father Atticus's warning to her that if she heard of her fighting with someone else, it would make her unable to eat and walk. In her chat with her father, Atticus asked Scout to do one thing for him, and if Scout wanted to, it was to raise his head, lower his fists, and whatever others said to you, don't divide, and try to fight with your mind. As Scutter lowered her fist, I saw restraint in her anger.

It is indeed not easy for an eight- or nine-year-old girl to exercise restraint, but it is not as easy as a little girl to live freely. All day long I fooled myself and said don't look at the phone today, I want to lose weight today, and I didn't control the mobile phone, and I didn't restrain the temptation of food. Yes, I looked down on myself as inferior to a nine-year-old girl.

Speaking of Atticus, I want to say too much, he was a white lawyer, family glory, wife died early, two children under his education guided by brave and kind. He is an enlightened father, he abandons feudal racial discrimination and prejudice, he will think from the perspective of the child, respect the child, do not set rules for the child, he loves the child but does not dot on the child, he teaches the child to be kind, brave and insist on justice.

Killing a mockingbird is a book worth two or three brushes, and it's a book with temperature.

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