
The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

author:Story Listening House

Title one, the warm film "Judge Daddy", from intensification to reconciliation of father-son affection,

Title two, time is the best explanation, the father-son relationship in "The Judge's Father"


"After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather comes late to autumn", autumn does not have the colorful colors of spring, there is no bright sunshine of summer, there is no silver wrapping in winter, and autumn is endless thoughts and endless sorrows. Each falling leaf is a sadness for the beautiful scenery, and every ripple is a sigh of homesickness. From ancient times to the present, how many wanderers have missed home in autumn, and how many wanderers who have left home have wept every autumn because they miss their hometown. Song Zhiqing has the ideological timidity of "the near homesickness is more timid, and I dare not ask the people who come", and Lermontov has "the pair of shimmering birches on the hills in the pale yellow field." "Good memories, and the protagonist of the movie "Judge Daddy" Hank loves and hates with his hometown.

In "Judge Daddy", hank, a lawyer who has not returned to his hometown since leaving, uses his inner persistence to forcibly cut off the involvement of nostalgia, but unfortunately the cut is still chaotic. After learning of his mother's death, Hank finally returns to his hometown, where a story revolves around the lawyer and his judge's father, as well as memories of the past.

First, the main story of "Judge Daddy"

"Judge Daddy" belongs to the Western style of warm film, although it does not have our strong family relationship and culture, but it is equally touching. Hank is played by Oscar-winning actor Robert Downey Jr., as a cynical elite lawyer, Hank often helps some powerful people fight lawsuits, while he lives a life of fine clothes, because of his wife's betrayal Hank began to have memories of the past. Coupled with the death of Hank's mother, Hank, who never returned home after leaving home, decided to go home to attend his mother's funeral.

(1) Father-son contradiction

Hank's home, a small town in Indiana, was shared by Hank as a child with his two older brothers, and his father had many fond memories. Like thousands of families, my hometown has all the good memories of my childhood. But over time, Hank began to grow and rebel. Hank only disagreed with his father's opinion at first, and did not intensify to the point of irreconcilability, which is like the growth of many people in reality, rebellion is an indispensable experience on the road to growth, but Hank's rebellion is too intense.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Picture 1, Hank and his judge father)

When Hank was young, he loved to play with his eldest brother, a baseball player on the school team who had a unique talent in baseball. And Hank's big brother's vision for himself was to become a good baseball player, but unfortunately all this eventually came to naught on that day. On that day, the young and vigorous Hank drove out with his eldest brother, but because of his own reasons, he had a car accident, which disabled his eldest brother's leg tribe. The eldest brother buried the dream of a rugby player and has been in the town ever since. Because Hank's father blamed him for ruining his eldest brother's life, the feud between the two began to become irreconcilable. After Hank left home for college, he never returned home until his mother died, and he didn't come back to see him.

(2) Begin mediation while getting along

Hank attended his mother's funeral, in part because he didn't want to stay in the family where the marriage failed. After attending his mother's funeral, Hank's father was investigated by the police for alleged homicide. Hank's father was a local judge who had been diligent, impartial and reasonable for years. Hank's father was killed by a scoundrel who had tried himself, and this man had been sentenced to a long prison sentence, but because the judge felt that his mother was very pitiful, and the scoundrel had assured himself that he would not be doing anything illegal. From the rogue, the judge's father sees a boy who is lost like Hank, but unexpectedly the rogue who was released early kills a girl and is sent back to court.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Picture 2, the judge's father swore that he did not kill anyone)

For the respected father, this is the biggest stain on his reputation in his life. Hank's father was suspected of killing a scoundrel with a car, and the evidence is conclusive. Overwhelmed, the eldest brother once again asked Hank to come home and offer advice. Hank was a brilliant lawyer himself, defending his judge father. And Hank began to search intently for evidence of his father's innocence. Unfortunately, his father thought he had lost his memory and went to buy wine that day and knew nothing. As the plot reaches its climax, Hank's father reveals that he has switched to cancer and often needs medication, and the side effect of the treatment is amnesia.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Picture 3, Hank defends his father)

Hank also begins to realize that perhaps his father is the murderer, but Hank's father, because of his prejudice against Hank, says in court that Hank is a lawyer without professional ethics, that he does not need his defense, and that he is innocent. In the end, Hank's father was convicted, and the sentence was suspended due to his advanced age and the need for regular treatment. Father and son also reconciled during this period, and soon after the judge's father died, Hankzi inherited his father's business and returned to his hometown to take over his father's work as a judge.

(3) The warmth of father and son who faintly intersect

The relationship between Hank's father and son can be roughly divided into two periods, one is a stalemate and mutual incomprehension. One is the process of understanding and understanding in the constant collisions.

From his childhood, Hank had a very good relationship with his father, which, like many families, gave the birth of a child an indispensable sense of happiness to the whole family. From the film's memories of his childhood, there are many times when the judge's father makes toys for Hank, and Hank rides on his father to play. Hank also often played baseball with his brother and his father. Those times were no worries for Hank, and being happy at that age was simple and beautiful. For the judge's father, looking at the results of his own creation and watching him grow in happiness is undoubtedly a great happiness in his life. For the father-son relationship in childhood, they have left beautiful moments in the memories of the two people, and this kind of father-son warmth has faintly remained in the memory because of time, but it cannot be erased.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Picture 4, Hank defends in court)

Later, after the car accident, the relationship between the two dropped to a freezing point. In fact, it is not so much that the car accident caused the estrangement between the two people, but rather that it is caused by the difference in concepts, and the car accident is just the flashpoint of the contradiction between the two people. As Hank grew up, he gradually disagreed with his father's demands, and later the two did not understand each other. Although the relationship seems like a blood feud, from Hank's point of view, he wants to get the understanding of his father, who wants Hank to be a good person.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Figure 5, Hank's two older brothers)

Then there is the fact that after Hank failed to defend his father, the judge said that he had cancer and would die soon. Hank begins to discover that his judge dad never seems to have abandoned himself, and that he will always be his proud son. The relationship between the two at the time when the judge was dying returned to the old days. Although there is no chance of happy play as a child, the two can sit together and drink tea and talk happily, and then Hank accompanies his father to go to physiotherapy, looking at the judge he once admired, and now he is sick and in a terrible situation, and the sympathy and understanding of his father in his heart instantly dissolve his stubbornness for more than ten years. At the end, the father and son row a boat to the lake to fish, recalling the same scene as a child, and finally in a happy mood, the judge leaves the world he is obsessed with.

Third, intense and deep father-son warmth

There is a faint confluence of warmth, there must be fierce and deep love. Ever since Hank got into a conflict with the judge, Hank has never returned since he left home, has he forgotten his hometown? No, in the days when he had not returned home for more than ten years, his thoughts about the place where he had lived since he was a child were hidden in the deepest recesses of his heart. At the same time, Hank often talked to his brother on the phone during these days. Some people say that the father's love for his son is wordless, in fact, many times the son's love for the father is also the same. And Hank's father, even though he never took the initiative to contact Hank, he treasured the toys that Hank had played with since he was a child, as well as the things he had used before, which he said no one knew, and the role of love in the father was more than performance, but treasure.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Figure 6, Hank collects evidence for his father again)

Later, when Hank was defending his father as a lawyer, the two reminisced about the past on the witness. One of the most impressive was the judge's dad saying that he didn't want Hank to defend himself, and That Hank was never a good lawyer. His defense for Hank was that he had never been a good lawyer in his father's eyes anyway, despite how much he had achieved. From this argument, it can be seen that no one but Hank can replace his place in his father's heart. At the scene of the trial, the father and son argued fiercely, without giving in, and the father finally explained why he did not attend the graduation ceremony of Hank Law School, because the person who looked like Hank was very good.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Figure 7, Hank and his two older brothers)

Life may be many times fate, the reason why the relationship between the two people in this period can not be regulated, both objective factors and their own reasons, Hank and his judge father have the same stubbornness, so that the father-son feelings between them are buried deep in the heart and never revealed. Even if there is a quarrel between them, it is still undeniable that the fierce and deep father-son warmth between them has never been broken.

Fourth, "Judge Daddy", the general paternity relationship

"Judge Daddy" reflects the father-son relationship that many people have had, the East is the same, and the West is the same. Everyone has their own reasons for leaving their hometowns, some are forced to make a living, and some are fleeing from family affection. Many people, many times, we accidentally become The appearance of Hank, with a side that is not understood by family affection, and also has a side that does not understand lovers. People who long for affection want to have affection, and people who want to have affection, and people who want to escape affection when affection brings endless distress, like the people in the siege of the city. People outside want to go in."

Hank made a mistake of principle in proving himself, and as a lawyer he wanted to win the approval of his father's old judge, so that he could go against his principles to justify the guilty, which is why Hank suffers scorn from fellow lawyers at the beginning of the film. Hank's father began to enforce the law impartially from becoming a judge, and his most hopeful son became the last thing he wanted to see. Reflected in this is a common aspect of modern paternity, where many times family expectations are too high, and children eventually deviate from their parents' tracks.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Figure 8, Daddy's touching lines)

The most touching thing in "Judge Daddy" is Hank's statement, "What I need is not your help, what I need is you, Father." ”。 In Hank's psychology, he lacks a lot of fatherly love in his father, in Hank's heart he is eager to get his father's affirmation, although Hank's sword takes a side, but this is the growth path of many people, in this road, we need father's love, but when the father-son relationship on this road is always complaining, arguing, misunderstanding. And the judge's father's most touching sentence is: "I just want to be the one who can help." "It's like hoping that when my son goes astray, someone else can help." This was his wordless love for his son, and Hank never lacked love, but he never felt it carefully.

Hank and his son do not only appear in film and television dramas, in reality, such relationships are not in the minority. The father-son contradiction is probably divided into two categories, one belongs to the hatred of iron and steel, and the other is the incomprehension between each other. In the father-son relationship, most fathers hope that their children will get ahead and surpass themselves, hoping that the back waves of the Yangtze River will push the front waves, and one generation is stronger than the next. In fact, in reality, many back waves have landed in the middle of the way, and it is not easy to surpass the predecessors. Another relationship is due to personal opinions, and differences in life circumstances create differences in personal views. The most taboo thing in feelings is not understanding, and the same is true of father-son affection, and how many contradictions arise from incomprehension.

The warm movie "Judge Daddy", the tenderness of Iron Man Tony

(Figure 9, the end of life)

Some people grow up hungry for their parents' approval, but some people spend their entire lives without their parents' approval. Many times, giving up the attachment to perfection is also a kind of growth, and the more you work hard, sometimes the more you earn, the more you don't necessarily succeed, but you may also be endless pain. For the contradictions that we do not understand, we must learn to melt the cold, the warmth of embrace. From each other's point of view, the love between father and son takes time and endurance. Right and wrong, black and white, there is no need to argue clearly between father and son, and the warm father-son relationship should be what we should cherish the most.


The hometown is unforgettable, and the unforgettable flowers fall with the wind

"Judge Daddy" conveys the warmth between father and son, in fact, we often ignore this father-son warmth. How many people can really set aside time to accompany their father to do what he likes, even if it is like Hank to accompany his father to the lake. Only when we truly lose it, we discover the meaning and value of existence, and only then can we suddenly awaken to the true meaning of fatherly love, which is a lifetime of hidden patience and waiting, that is the touching moment of final relief. Time will make people get what they want, but they will also make people regret for a lifetime.

Life needs warmth, father and son need warmth, mutual understanding and tolerance, and resolution of each other's contradictions. Let fatherly love become a gas station on the road to growth, so that children can grasp the steering wheel of their own lives.


Movie "Judge Daddy"

Wang Shuo "I Am Your Father"

"Father's Tale"

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