
List | April-June 2021 book list

author:Run away after reading
List | April-June 2021 book list

"Big Turnips and Hard-to-Pick Avocados"

Haruki Murakami

"The problem with the avocado is that whether it's looking or touching, you can't figure out whether it can be eaten or not.

Seeing this book and this sentence in the bookstore, I remembered that there was indeed an avocado lying in the refrigerator that was not sure whether it was ripe or not, and I thought it was interesting to find these often overlooked but intriguing details of life.

(Past review: avocado is cooked in the refrigerator)

The book is a 52-part essay by Haruki Murakami, with the mood of vegetables, strange talk about turnips, the superpower of picking delicious avocados, and the feeling of kissing seals.


In the movie "The Fastest Indian Motorcycle in the World", there is a line: "A life that does not pursue dreams is like a vegetable." The boy asked, "But... What kind of vegetable is that? ”

Maybe we have to face our lives with the idea that there is no "next" between people.

If you don't look at it with a long-term perspective, you can't understand it.

There is an expression in English called " between the devil and the deep blue sea " , which refers to a desperate, twilight situation. You can only choose one of the two in front of you, but no matter which one you choose, you will not be saved in the end.

In my life so far, I have had several experiences of genuine grief. It is a cruel event that, once experienced, the structure of the body is bound to change. Every time, I need to have special music to accompany me. Sometimes it's Miles Davis's collection, sometimes it's Brahms's piano concerto, and sometimes it's Koizumi's music tapes. The music happened to be there at that time. I picked it up inadvertently and put it on my body as a garment invisible to the naked eye.

People sometimes pin their inner sorrow and bitterness on music, so as not to be crushed into flour by the heavy load. Music has such practical features.

Novels have the same function. Although the pain and sorrow of the soul are personal and isolated things, on a deeper level, they are things that may be shared with others, things that can be quietly woven into the common vast landscape. It is they who tell us all this.

List | April-June 2021 book list

Ten Lectures on Life

Jiang Xun

"Ten Lectures on Life" is a collection of Taiwan's radio program "Cultural Square", which selects ten aspects in the vast life: values, official studies, ethics, faith, materialization, creativity, literary power, love and affection, love and desire, and the new food generation. Borrowing bits and pieces of life, reflecting the essence of culture.

This is a book about life, everyone should have their own position and unique value of life; to be dignified, but also temperamental, to be rational, but also to fantasize; to learn to be attentive, to learn to wait, to learn to slow down; so that we can regain the faith of life. He believes: "Beauty is like a faith in myself, and I use the mood of preaching to spread the emotion of beauty." ”

A person with self-confidence is a feeling of fullness and abundance for what he has, he may see what others have but he does not have, he may see what others have but he does not have, he will feel envious, admired, and then rejoiced, but he still looks back and is still very peaceful to be himself.

In a mercenary society, everyone becomes a victim in the process of objectifying themselves and others.

The injuries, setbacks, and ups and downs experienced in the human world are all important opportunities for understanding.

When the spiritual space is empty, he has to grab a random thing to replenish, just like a person in the vast ocean carrying a floating load, any piece of driftwood floating will be firmly grasped, he has no way to judge the essence of this piece of wood.

Literature helps to establish an attitude towards life. For example, Balzac wrote "The Tall Old Man", such a stubborn, miserly person, if you meet him in life, you don't want to talk to him. But when we read the novel, we understand the reason why this old man has been stingy with matter all his life, and we will feel moved.

List | April-June 2021 book list

"Taste of the Four Lectures"

Zhuangzi mostly found beauty from nature and ordinary life, and Jiang Xun was also well versed in his way and was good at discovering great beauty in ordinary life.

In "Four Lectures on Taste", Jiang Xun re-examines the role of "beauty" in real life from the aspects of food, clothing, housing, and travel: discovering faith in snacks; feeling the body temperature of clothing; how to create a home; how to transform impatience, anxiety and depression into a slow pace of life... After enjoying the life of solitude and realization, find your own unique taste and get emotion and strength from beauty.

One of my favorite names for ancient Chinese architecture, called "Pavilion", is an architectural space, but also a reminder and hint: "Don't go any further!" Because the landscape here is beautiful. ”

Get back to nature, back to life itself. This is the starting point of the aesthetics of life.

The most important thing about the aesthetics of life is the quality of experience.

Regain your taste for food, and when you go to work the next day, your professional requirements will be different. Start by tasting food and build up your attention to all the little things around you.

There is a story in the Western Bible that there was a Hercules named Samson who was invincible, but his secret was in his hair, and as soon as the hair was cut, the strength disappeared. In fact, this is a very interesting hint, that is, a certain uniqueness of human beings will be manifested in hair or clothing, if these are unified, you lose your personality.

The birds are happy, and I love me. The house is not equal to the home, the house is a hardware, someone must care, to operate, to arrange, this is called home. Some people only have a house and no home.

Beauty is a choice, even a kind of abandonment, not greed.

List | April-June 2021 book list

Flowers and Sprays

Write poems for you

This book is a collection of poems for you, and my friend bought it and gave it to me the first time they saw it.

The poetry writing team for you says, "We live, we work, we are busy or confused, but we always have to do something that makes us happy, either ecstatic or the faint joy of sitting in our seats and watching it." There are 100 poems in the book, each of which is a contribution from an original poet, categorized as a nice name: Briggie, Desire and Bed, To the Forest, Flowers and Spray, Letters from the South.

List | April-June 2021 book list

If everyone is a flower, the poet is like a spray. Some people can feel the rain, while others are just getting wet.

Li Said, How can young people not write poetry? Therefore, isn't writing poetry like this, the simplest pleasure and the purest favorite are all poetry.

Share two favorite poems:


I think about a lot of things when I'm running

Some are meaningful, some are trivial

But none are more interesting than you

When penguins kiss white bears

The snow-capped mountains turned into rock sugar


There is a plant on the windowsill

Broad leaves

Don't know the name

It was stripped from the earth

Get the height of these tens of meters

Like a fish out of the water

It's like peeled peas in a yellow bowl

There is not a little vitality

I bet it didn't dare look down

Although it stands on the windowsill

List | April-June 2021 book list

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