
Sleep badly at night, often insomnia? These 4 reasons, you may not have noticed

author:Medica Media

Having high-quality sleep is a prerequisite for improving resistance and nourishing the spirit. Some people are tired and weak during the day, work efficiency and learning ability are reduced, the reason is that the quality of sleep at night is reduced, how to sleep in bed can not sleep, sometimes it is easy to wake up in the middle of the night, there are these situations to understand the reasons behind, there are factors affecting the quality of sleep timely conditioning, in order to sleep until dawn to maintain a healthy state. So, what are the reasons for always not sleeping well?

Sleep badly at night, often insomnia? These 4 reasons, you may not have noticed

1. Biological clock disorder

Often sleep badly may be related to the biological clock disorder, under normal circumstances, the normal work and rest of the person's biological clock is more stable, can establish a normal biological clock, every day to a fixed time there will be drowsiness, timely sleep general sleep quality is higher, however, some people have irregular work and rest, sometimes go to bed very early, sometimes often stay up late.

Under the influence of this irregular work and rest behavior, the biological clock may be disturbed, the conditioned reflex cannot be established, and the quality of sleep at night will be reduced. If there is such a situation, it is best to fall asleep at a fixed time every day, stick to the biological clock to maintain normal, and the quality of sleep will improve.

Sleep badly at night, often insomnia? These 4 reasons, you may not have noticed

2, too much pressure

Insomnia, poor sleep is a situation that many people encounter, psychological pressure is too large, do not understand the pressure release may make this situation obvious. Nowadays, there are more and more people who have a negative impact because of excessive pressure, whether it is a difficult thing in life or a problem at work, it will bring a certain amount of pressure.

When the pressure is too high, it is easy to be anxious and nervous, and even lose your temper, and you cannot maintain a relaxed state under the joint influence, and the quality of sleep may be significantly reduced. If you can adjust as soon as possible, understand the release of stress, and control your emotions well after diverting your attention and talking to people, the quality of sleep will improve.

3. Neurasthenia

Insomnia continues not to be regulated in time, and there may be a decrease in resistance and the rate of aging. Always sleep badly may be related to neurasthenia, there are many people to menopausal neurological function is reduced, in the aging process endocrine changes, may indirectly affect nerve function, if affected by neurasthenia usually insomnia, in sleep may also be hot flashes sweating, easy to wake up in the middle of the night, at this time should be active conditioning, by keeping nerve function normal to improve sleep quality.

Sleep badly at night, often insomnia? These 4 reasons, you may not have noticed

4. Disease effects

Long-term poor sleep is not excluded and related to the development of chronic diseases, especially the elderly, did not develop good habits, keep the indicators stable, continue to develop after the invasion of chronic diseases, the body can not remain relaxed, there are various adverse symptoms to bring trouble, the same will also reduce the quality of sleep. There are many types of chronic diseases, including diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, no matter which situation should be treated as soon as possible, through symptomatic treatment to improve the disease, the body remains relaxed, insomnia will gradually improve. #Medical Federation Media Super Group ##清风计划 #

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