
Super heartfelt life sentences

Super heartfelt life sentences

First, there are always so many unsatisfactory in life, but still have to adhere to an optimistic attitude, do not always tell their own sadness, others will only listen to it as a joke, and learn to bear it themselves.

Second, close to the things you like, people are born. To keep a distance from what you like, people need to spend their whole lives experiencing.

Third, real life is to do a good job in every day you are responsible. Do not ask for love and vision that is not currently relevant to you. Don't dwell on superfluous emotions and judgments. Not delusional, not self-indulgent in it. Don't hurt, don't make enemies of yourself and others.

Fourth, life is always so condescending, everything you want, you have to rely on your own hands to get, there is no unconditional giving in this world, rather than envying the lives of others, it is better to create miracles yourself!

Fifth, whether it is friendship or love, who is comfortable with you will be with whomever you are, and when you are tired, you will hide away. The way you please others, it's really not pretty.

Sixth, people living in the world should never overestimate your so-called interpersonal relationships, life in the world should never underestimate your strong potential to change yourself, no one in life can be completely reliable, the key moments have to rely on themselves, believe in themselves better than believe in anyone.

The trick to survival is to remain stupid and not know how stupid you are. ——Wang Xiaobo

The important thing in a person's life is experience. Bitterness or pleasure, the past is no longer mentioned, recalling the past, can only increase sadness, when you cover your face and sigh, time has passed, happiness also slipped away from your fingers.

A person can have nothing, but he must have a conscience. Those who have helped you must not forget and forget to make people chill; those who have hurt you cannot be broken, and it is sad to be broken; those who have warmed you cannot be far away, and it is painful to be far away. Be grateful for affection, give one point and ten points, and never be ashamed of people's hearts.

There are some people you can expect, but you can't rely on, everyone's tears must be wiped by themselves, everyone has their own worries to deal with, never overestimate their own position in the hearts of others.

Eleven, sometimes, giving up is another kind of insistence, you miss the summer flowers, will inevitably walk into the autumn leaves, anything, anyone, will become the past, do not live with it, no matter how difficult, we must learn to withdraw.

During the journey of life, everyone is busy getting to know all kinds of people, thinking that this is enriching life. But the most valuable encounter is to meet yourself again in a certain moment, and at that moment you will understand: walking all over the world is just to find a way back to your heart. - Su Qian

Thirteen, everyone has mental illness, but some people have frequent seizures, some people have occasional seizures, some people are not good at hiding, and some are buried deep in the heart.

A mediocre soul has no connotation worthy of understanding, and therefore does not feel true loneliness. On the contrary, a person who has a truly unique feeling about life and the world, a truly original thought, must be eager to understand, but it must not be easy to understand.

Fifteen, some words, just other people's gossip, do not have to be accepted as gifts; some moods, just their own emotions are cold, do not have to be treated as a serious illness to toss themselves. Therefore, don't be too sensitive, think too much to hurt yourself, many things are just people who listen to remember, people who say it have long forgotten.

Those who live soberly are easily troubled; those who live in confusion are easily happy. Sober people see too really, everything is too real, and troubles are everywhere; and confused people, who do not know how to calculate, although simple and rough, but thus find the great realm of life.

Seventeen, to make others envious, too easy, pretend to be ok, but to make yourself envious of yourself, you need to give up a lot of things, reject a lot of things, understand a lot of things.

Eighteen, five glasses of wine in life, no regrets, but the heart, the first cup of respect for their youth and ignorance, feelings are too hasty. The second cup honors himself for the rest of his life, only talking about money, not taking care of his heart. The third cup pays tribute to yourself time traveling, and the years are merciless. The fourth cup of toast to the past does not look back, the rest of the life will not be settled. The fifth cup is to respect yourself not being inspired, to be yourself.

Nineteen, some things are like a bolt, pinned to the door of the heart. After the rust is rusted, the inside cannot be opened, and the outside cannot be entered.

Twenty, life has gone through a road, after all, the scenery is not the same. Instead of expecting to meet someone, it is better to expect yourself to attract such a person; instead of expecting positive energy to warm you every time you are lost, it is better to expect yourself to become a person with positive energy; instead of worrying about the future, it is better to work hard now.

Life can be complicated or very simple. Life is a show, and the roles are chosen by yourself. You can play blackface, you can also play redface, of course, you can also play a blackface for a while, a little bit of redface, you can play several roles, moody and sad, completely depends on yourself, the ending is also set by yourself.

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