
Today's highlights: The female customer of the foot bath shop changed clothes in the private room and was "looked at" by the male service to cause compensation disputes

author:South Wind Lane

Recently, a foot bath shop in Wenzhou stalled. Things are not big or small. Originally, the two sides could have quietly negotiated and solved, the female customer and the owner of the foot bath shop did not talk about it, and the video of this matter was exposed to the Internet by netizens, causing everyone to discuss hotly.

Today's highlights: The female customer of the foot bath shop changed clothes in the private room and was "looked at" by the male service to cause compensation disputes

The waiter was knocking on the door

Synopsis: A woman comes to a foot bath shop to do a spa. The surveillance footage shows that the male waiter held the tea tray in his left hand, knocked on the door twice with his right hand, waited for about five seconds, he gently pulled the door open, only to see that he had just stepped on the foot, we did not know what he saw, scared him enough, the heartbeat accelerated and blushed, the little brother immediately closed the door and exited, and then stood outside the door in a daze.

Today's highlights: The female customer of the foot bath shop changed clothes in the private room and was "looked at" by the male service to cause compensation disputes

The waiter was about to push the door

Today's highlights: The female customer of the foot bath shop changed clothes in the private room and was "looked at" by the male service to cause compensation disputes

The waiter immediately exited the door

At the same time, a woman in the private room screamed loudly that the flowers had lost their color, and the clothes she was about to change slipped from her shoulders, and she was overwhelmed.

Today's highlights: The female customer of the foot bath shop changed clothes in the private room and was "looked at" by the male service to cause compensation disputes

The waiter closed the door awkwardly

Afterwards, the woman asked the owner of the foot bath shop for an explanation. I was changing my clothes, and my body was seen by the waiter who came in.

The little brother who served tea apologized to the woman, very aggrieved, he did not mean it, he knocked on the door a few times in advance and went in after a while, he immediately came out as soon as he entered the door, in fact, he did not see the woman's condition. The woman said she was answering the phone and did not hear a knock from the waiter.

The woman felt that her privacy had been violated, and she was finally insulted by personality when she was happy to consume, and she was in a very bad mood. The woman proposed to pay 50,000 yuan to the foot bath shop to set up a banquet to invite passers-by and apologize, but the owner of the foot bath shop did not agree to this compensation plan, and felt that the female customer lion opened her mouth. Later, the woman proposed to the boss to give compensation for 26800 yuan free tickets, and the boss still felt that this requirement was too high.

The woman felt that this matter belonged to the internal management dereliction of duty of the foot bath shop, which led to her being looked at, and the owner of the foot bath shop felt that they had actively apologized when the time came, but the compensation demand put forward by the woman was too high.

Today's highlights: The female customer of the foot bath shop changed clothes in the private room and was "looked at" by the male service to cause compensation disputes

Because the woman's claim did not meet expectations, she exposed the matter to prevent other female customers from suffering such a situation. At present, the two sides have still not reached a settlement, and the matter is still under further consultation.

I'm a little puzzled that there should be a dedicated room for changing clothes in a foot bath shop, but is there no room in the private room? Then you can always lock the door. Public places are bustling with people.

There is also this foot bath shop also have to strengthen the door control, if the waiter knocks on the door and no one answers, you should ask the guest whether you can go in to deliver tea, and then go in after the guest agrees, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

What do you think about this? What does the formal spa process look like?

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