
6 million Jews were slaughtered! Three reasons why Hitler hated the Jews so much were crucial

6 million Jews were slaughtered! Three reasons why Hitler hated the Jews so much were crucial

To say that the most widely distributed race in the world, it is not the Jews, the Jewish intelligence is very famous in the world, Jews have many scientists (such as Einstein), scholars, technical experts, artists, etc., is also the race that has won the most Nobel Prizes. The jewish population is not very large, only about 10 million, but their IQs average more than 115. However, they are not born smart, but related to their living habits and family education.

However, in modern times, Jews have suffered greatly, the most serious of which is during World War II, Hitler ordered the massacre of Jews at the same time, but also built a large number of Jewish concentration camps, the captured Jews sent to concentration camps to abuse death, according to statistics, during the entire Second World War, Nazi Germany killed more than 6 million Jews.

6 million Jews were slaughtered! Three reasons why Hitler hated the Jews so much were crucial

First Hitler was an extreme racist, Hitler believed that there were advantages and disadvantages between human race and human race, Aryans were the noblest race in the world, as for Jews and gypsies, they belonged to inferior races, Hitler also believed that the law of the jungle was also followed between races, and the inferior races would definitely be eliminated by nature, but for a long time, so it was necessary to intervene artificially, and the massacre of Jews could achieve this goal.

Hitler wrote in My Struggle that the best race in the world was none other than the Germans, the most inferior people were the Jews, the greatest antithesis of the Aryans was the Jews, Hitler regarded the Jews as Germany's greatest enemy, and he believed that the existence of the Jews seriously affected the development of Germany.

The second is the special psychology of seeking wealth and killing people. It is well known that the Jews were excellent merchants, and they were particularly good at business, so they accumulated a lot of money. When the economic crisis broke out in 1929, this worldwide economic crisis also affected Germany, regressing Germany's productive forces to the level of production at the end of the 19th century, and a large number of German workers were unemployed, and it was at this time, because of the economic crisis, that the German monopoly bourgeoisie also had ambitions for foreign expansion.

6 million Jews were slaughtered! Three reasons why Hitler hated the Jews so much were crucial

In order to solve the problem of the German nation, Hitler can only plunder land and living space, that is, the so-called external expansion. Hitler's claim to world domination was soon supported by the German monopoly bourgeoisie, but foreign expansion required a lot of money to provide financial security. In Hitler's view, in the face of Germany's weakening, extending the evil hands to the wealthy Jews was clearly the best choice.

Third religious reason. In Europe, especially in Western Europe, basically all people believe in Christianity, and Judas is the Jew who betrayed the Christian Jesus. This also made Christians hate Jews in religious feelings, and Jews did not believe in Christianity at all, believing in Judaism, and Hitler skillfully used this anti-Semitic sentiment to persecute Jews.

6 million Jews were slaughtered! Three reasons why Hitler hated the Jews so much were crucial

Before World War II, Germany faced the double blow of defeat in World War I and the world economic crisis, the national mood was moderate, Hitler wanted to dominate the world on the premise that someone was willing to join the army, someone was willing to fight for Hitler, taking advantage of the original anti-Semitism of the German people, with Hitler's personal charm and inflammatory speeches, he could incite the German people to join the army, so as to achieve Hitler's political goals.

In general, Hitler did hate the Jews, but as a politician, Hitler naturally did not easily affect his personal emotions, and the main reason why Hitler would be anti-Semitic and anti-Semitic and massacre of Jews was to serve political purposes.

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