
The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

author:Badminton life

Killing balls has always been considered to be the most lethal and ornamental of all badminton techniques, but on how to use the killing ball correctly, everyone really understands it, please take a look at the "big god" view of killing balls.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

About badminton killing:

First, check your own movements:

The action of killing the ball is usually guided by the left shoulder, and the right shoulder, elbow joint, and wrist transmit the power in turn, erupting like a whip.

It is worth noting that during the swing process, if the left shoulder does not have a sinking shoulder action, the ball is easy to go out of bounds, and similarly, without mastering the position of the batting point, there will also be a situation where the ball is too high or out of bounds.

When killing the ball, the chest should face the opponent's side, if there is no rotation in the waist, it is impossible to play a very powerful killing ball.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

Second, killing the ball is not relying on strength:

How to explain this feeling, just like when you start to play high and far balls, the direction of force is high in front, and then aim the direction of force at the ground, while gradually moving the point of hitting the high ball forward, and when you keep moving forward, you will find that after hitting the ball in a certain position, the ball is all under the net.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

When you keep practicing, gradually to find this point that just passes the net, you will find that in different positions on the court, this point will be different, and then find the best position point for you to kill the ball, through continuous practice to familiarize yourself with it, remember it, just like basketball players can close their eyes and shoot the ball, the height and position of the basketball box have been firmly remembered in their consciousness, as long as they feel where they are, they can rely on their feelings to pitch.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

Powerful killing ball does not rely on strength, imagine a whip, you use all your strength to swing it, the effect is very small, and learn to use skills, through the wrist and elbow force, you can make the whip powerful whip.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

3. Practice footwork movements:

When you watch the world's top players play, you feel like they're moving fast. That's not because their feet are fast, the reason is that their stride length and cadence are larger and faster than the average person, and the most important thing is their sense of rhythm for footwork, which makes their footwork clear and efficient, and the sound made by people with poor footwork moving on the field makes others feel a bit like a horseshoe sound.

If your full-court footwork is good, then you can quickly reach the batting position, and the batting time is early, there is enough time to prepare, which we should pay attention to when we usually practice, not just hit the ball in the hand, but after hitting the ball, make a whole set of footwork.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

After killing the ball, it is very easy to move forward quickly with the help of the coherence of the action, and the need to stop and retreat, I think it should be expressed as an elbow drive, if you kill the ball, quickly restore the elbow, lift the elbow, you will find that the use of footsteps is much easier than simply relying on the strength of the thigh to move, especially when you need to stop and retreat.

When practicing, check whether your footsteps are like boxers, don't stop your steps, constantly adjust yourself with small steps, stay in motion, whether in practice or when you have enough time to prepare for the game, these are the things you have to do.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

Fourth, use the killing ball:

There is no doubt that killing is a very aggressive technique in badminton, and in the world's top competitions, athletes can play a killing ball with a speed of 300KM/H per hour. By scoring the ball, both have a blow to the opponent.

Just like in baseball games, pitchers who can throw 150KM/H fastballs will also be hit, pitchers must alternately use arc balls, slow balls to control the game, the same reason, in badminton, killing the ball and splitting, the combination of net front control, will produce a greater effect, a slap to kill the opponent feels good, but never think that a slap can kill the opponent, you should see the killing ball as a means to attack the opponent and create better opportunities.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

If the other party is ready to take the kill, we suddenly change to a split hanging, or a light kill, waiting for the opponent to release the net, we quickly push forward and block the net, so as to better control the rhythm of the game.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

Fifth, think about the route of killing the ball:

In singles, it is often useful to kill the ball to the deeper landing point on both sides of the court (long kill), but if you think about it, if you return the ball to poor quality, the other party may kill the ball, you (for the opponent's consideration) will pay close attention to the opponent's landing point is deeper, to the two sides of the killing ball, if you are holding the right hand, you want to block the ball in front of you, the natural center of gravity will be placed on your right foot. In fact, most athletes are like this, and the most effective offensive method in this case is to kill the pursuit ball.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

When the opponent's center of gravity is placed on the right foot, it is difficult to return the ball in front of the body, the use of killing the ball, is to let the opponent put the net or return the ball poor quality, and then push and kill, when you kill the ball, move quickly, wait for the opponent's net in front of the ball to return the ball, at the highest place to kill the ball, or when the opponent returns to the ball is not deep, we can attack continuously.

But we can't use the killing ball without thinking, when the opponent is used to receiving the ball, we lose the initiative and waste more physical strength than the opponent, killing the ball is very offensive, but blind killing, 70% is wasted.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

6. About the jumping kill ball:

Jumping kill ball has advantages, there are also disadvantages, you know that the game is very hard, and there are some opportunities to use the jump kill ball and the general kill in situ ball is no different, so why waste physical strength, through the jump kill ball and kill the ball in situ to score are the same effect, and the jump kill ball in the landing when there is no good balance, so it is easy to lose the center of gravity, which will seriously affect your second shot of the shot, so it seems that the loss is greater than the gain.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

It is customary to use the jumping kill ball in the whole field, whether it is in the front and back fields, in the opening to take the lead, but as the game enters the stalemate stage, the back game will often be overtaken, losing the game, we must learn to reasonably distribute our physical strength, so we must reduce the number of jump kills, change to split and hang and flat ball, improve his playing style.

The god summed up, about the badminton killing ball those things, let you use the correct how to kill the ball

VII. Final Conclusion:

The jump kill ball is powerful, but my point is that you don't have to use him, jump kill is very easy to get injured, and you have to be more careful and measured when practicing.

When you feel that you are running out of strength under your feet, try to focus on the right foot to jump on one foot, which is easier.

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