
One of the most "strange" faces in the Terracotta Army, the secret of which no one can solve, has only been shown to the public 3 times so far

Mention of Qin Shi Huang believes that everyone is not unfamiliar, as the first emperor of feudal society, under his leadership, the Qin State achieved unification, it can be said that qin shi huang's merits are enough to illuminate the ages, and qin shi huang before his death, the Qin army can be said to be the most powerful army in the world at that time, not only strong in combat effectiveness, but also leading the world in terms of equipment.

One of the most "strange" faces in the Terracotta Army, the secret of which no one can solve, has only been shown to the public 3 times so far

In 1989, archaeologists discovered a mysterious "face" after archaeological excavations of a terracotta pit in the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang; unfortunately, this mysterious face began to "change face" after 15 seconds of excavation, and after 5 minutes of excavation, it disappeared, and the world has almost never seen it.

One of the most "strange" faces in the Terracotta Army, the secret of which no one can solve, has only been shown to the public 3 times so far

Many people have doubts, in the era of Qin Shi Huang, it was black as the honor, and the general terracotta warriors were all gray and black, but those few were indeed colorful! Later, some experts said that this is because probably all the terracotta warriors should be colorful, gray-black because oxidation is not well protected during the excavation process, and the colorful face only exists for 5 minutes and fades, also because of oxidation.

One of the most "strange" faces in the Terracotta Army, the secret of which no one can solve, has only been shown to the public 3 times so far

Some say it could be an ancient special forces soldier, just as modern special forces also use green paint as camouflage. There are many opinions on all this, but the academic community has not yet reached a conclusion, and can only be left to the future to answer. And this unique green-faced terracotta warrior, its value is said to be close to 110 million yuan, of course, in our minds is actually a priceless treasure, but also because of its uniqueness and high value, the state also prohibits this terracotta army from going abroad for exhibition.

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