
Musk became a bounty, and indian state leaders invited Tesla to build factories there

Tesla CEO Elon Musk is now a glutton, with leaders of Indian states vying to invite Musk to build factories there.

The latest list of invitees is the minister of Maharashtra, who invited Elon Musk to choose the state, and he also assured that Tesla would get all the help it needed to build a manufacturing plant in India. After the head of the U.S. company announced that Tesla faced many challenges in the Indian government, Indian politicians began to actively help.

Musk became a bounty, and indian state leaders invited Tesla to build factories there

Tesla's CEO recently said on Twitter: "We are still dealing with many challenges posed by the Indian government" and that "the government has prevented Tesla from fully entering the market to sell the cars that the public has been waiting for." "This process has been going on for a long time, and although Tesla is working hard to launch it throughout 2021, the Indian government does not want to make concessions.

Musk became a bounty, and indian state leaders invited Tesla to build factories there

The problem now is that Tesla wants to study the real needs of the local market before building a local factory. However, import tariffs on Indian cars are prohibitively high, making it difficult for the company to meet its market research goals. Lower tariffs can only be obtained when manufacturers set up assembly or manufacturing facilities in India. However, investing in a factory in a market that may not eventually show enough interest in electric cars is too risky, so Tesla is trying to find some sort of balance.

Musk became a bounty, and indian state leaders invited Tesla to build factories there

Maharashtra Minister Jayant Patil responded to a tweet from Musk by assuring the company's head that Tesla would receive the necessary cooperation from the state to allow Tesla to enter India and invite him to build a factory in the region.

Jayant Patil tweeted: "Maharashtra is one of the most progressive states in India. Maharashtra is one of the most progressive states in India. We will provide you with all the necessary help from Maharashtra to help you establish yourself in India. We invite you to set up a production plant in Maharashtra. ”

Musk became a bounty, and indian state leaders invited Tesla to build factories there

Patil wasn't the first Indian politician to respond to Musk's tweets. On Friday, the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Indian state of Talengana, K.T. Rama Rao (KTR) invited the head of the company to open a store with them on behalf of the state.

Musk became a bounty, and indian state leaders invited Tesla to build factories there

The invitation was sent through his personal Twitter account and quoted Musk's recent tweet. KTR wrote that he will be pleased to work with Tesla to resolve issues related to Tesla's establishment of operations in Tyrenjana and India.

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