
The cause and effect of life across time and space

Everyone is on the journey of life, if you can travel through time and space, what would you like to say to yourself ten years ago? Is it the right choice, no complaints, no regrets? Or do you sigh and leave regrets? Life has heard a lot of truths, and I know the cause and effect relationship in the world, but I still haven't lived my life well, and even left too much sadness, why? This is because there are many people who, while looking forward to a better future, are wasting their time in the present. To live a good life, you must deeply understand a truth: after ten years, where you can stand is completely determined by your today, you must rationally think about life, and grasp the causal relationship of life across time and space.

The cause and effect of life across time and space

The only thing I suffer today is because I stole laziness ten years ago

For career and life, some people are industrious and some people are lazy; some people have long-term planning, some people are blind; some people seize opportunities, and some people lose good opportunities. Often today's happiness comes from yesterday's struggle, and today's pain comes from yesterday's laziness.

Laziness is a psychological boredom. It takes many forms, including extreme idleness and mild indecision. Anger, shyness, jealousy, disgust, etc. can cause laziness and make it impossible for people to act according to their good wishes. The laziness of the student era is prominently manifested in daily learning and daily life, laziness will devour people's hearts, shrink their own spirits, and make themselves full of jealousy for those who are diligent, thus affecting their own growth and development. Work must be full of passion, never slack, because slack will cause boredom, boredom will also lead to laziness, thus entering a vicious circle. Some people cling to the idea that my boss is too harsh to be worth working so diligently for him. However, they ignore the truth that wasting time at work will hurt your employer, but the deeper harm must be yourself, affecting your future and hindering your future. Some people spend more energy avoiding work, but are reluctant to spend the same amount of energy trying to get the job done. They think that they can deceive the organization, but in fact, what they fool is ultimately themselves, which will bring serious hidden dangers to their own development and affect the future of their careers.

Laziness is the enemy of life. Lazy psychology tends to be overly eager to live a comfortable life, generate dependence on others, take shortcuts, and easily form an unhealthy psychology and waste time. Once lazy thoughts are formed, it is easy to cause life to have no goals, lose direction, muddy nightmares, and count one day at a time, and it is impossible to achieve career or life success. If you are a student, laziness will cause negative thinking, distorted three views, improper attitude, not studying hard, difficult to take care of yourself in life, poor academic performance, if you do not get corrected in time, it is easy to go astray, and lay disasters for life. If it is a workplace worker, laziness will cause the work to not work hard, lack of passion and perseverance, and even the work often goes wrong, at the same time, can not be appreciated by the organization, can not provide a platform for its development, career is naturally difficult to have a big achievement.

I still clearly remember a classmate gathering thirty years ago, which was a friendly reunion of the same class ten years after we graduated from high school, and because the class teacher had a high prestige and the class cadres were well organized, all the students except for the two people who asked for leave arrived. Many students have not seen each other for ten years, get together very happily, reminisce about teachers and students, classmates, talk about classmates, teachers and students, talk about their career and family life, tell the bittersweet and bittersweet life of life, students have particularly deep feelings, no matter what profession they are engaged in, no matter where they work, everyone is psychologically connected, appreciate and inspire each other... Two of them did not recognize, they lived in the countryside, from morning to night to do farm work, tanned, slightly older, greater changes, sat down to talk about the past of these years, they still envy us at that time to study seriously, have the spirit of hard work, went to college, had a stable job, and better treatment, but also can make more contributions to the country, and those who stay in rural life, although the economy has improved a lot in those years, the family has also had bicycles, the house has also been renovated, but the wind and rain, there is no less suffering. One of the students who stayed in the countryside said: "When we were in high school, we were actually very smart, but we didn't love to study, in order to steal some laziness, we always skipped class, and the homework was not completed on time, so that we suffered a lot later, which is God's punishment for lazy people." ”

Lazy people will try to avoid difficult things, avoid hard work, try to be comfortable, afraid of hardship, this kind of thinking has a greater impact on life and work, and slowly will swallow people's pursuits, there is no sense of happiness. When people have a lazy mentality, they will think of getting something for nothing or not thinking of making progress, and over time, they will cause the regression of their own ability, and even be depressed, and go to the road of degenerate life. If you want to reach the other side of success, you must be diligent, hardworking, and self-motivated, and laziness is the biggest obstacle on the road to success, reject laziness, go to diligence, in order to have a better tomorrow. The Buddha said: Everything is cause and effect, and sooner or later the debts owed must be repaid. In fact, for people's lives, God is fair to everyone, never complain about their own fate. Why can people with the same starting point and similar circumstances live completely different lives? In the face of life, some people work hard, some people are stubborn and secretive; some people are bitter and willing, and some people are defeated. But those who covet temporary ease and are unwilling to suffer will eventually pay for the past and suffer more. The sins you suffer today are often the causes of ten years ago. The suffering you suffer today is often the laziness you stole ten years ago.

The blessings today are only due to sweating ten years ago

"The sweat of hard work spills into the ocean, allowing faith to gather powerful forces. We uphold the spirit of the sea, salt pan cultivate the dream of life. The sweat of hard work is sprinkled into the ocean, and the song of the sea is listened to with the heart. We open our hearts to the sea..." A lyric speaks of the value of the sea, on the peak of the cause, there is a stream of sweat flowing; in the pearl of wisdom, there is a flash of diligent effort. The teacher told us: If you want to be successful in learning, you have to pay sweat and hard work! Life is like a butterfly, without the courage to break the cocoon, where the beauty of flying. Life is like a bee, without diligence and hard work, how can you taste the sweetness of pollen.

The sweat of hard work condensed into a great spirit. There are a group of leaders of the times who have done ordinary work to the extreme to become extraordinary people. They exude full of positive energy in ordinary posts, passing on the spirit of daring to take responsibility, selfless dedication and courage to move forward in the new era. Huaping Numa High School, who held up countless hopes and dreams, was once a distant dream for Zhang Guimei. Zhang Guimei originally taught with her husband at a middle school in Dali. In 1995, her husband died of stomach cancer. Soon after, Zhang Guimei took the initiative to apply for transfer to huaping county in the remote city of Lijiang. After teaching in Huaping County, Zhang Guimei found a phenomenon that many female students did not come when they read and read. "Some were called back to farm work, and some parents received bride price and let their children drop out of school to get married." In 2001, the Huaping County Children's Welfare Institute was established, because Zhang Guimei was famous for teaching in the local area, and the donation charity designated her as the dean. After becoming the director, she learned about the lives of the children in the welfare home one by one and found that many girls were not orphans, but abandoned by their parents. A chance encounter on the way to a home visit made Zhang Guimei's heart ache even more. A thirteen- or fourteen-year-old girl sat on the side of the road, looking sadly into the distance. Zhang Guimei came forward to inquire and learned that her parents wanted her to drop out of school and marry for a dowry of 30,000 yuan. "I want to study, I don't want to marry..." The girl cried all the time. Zhang Guimei wanted to take the girl away, but the girl's mother was forced to die, and she could only give up helplessly. Witnessing the tragedy after tragedy, a dream gradually sprouted in Zhang Guimei's heart - to run a free girls' high school so that girls in the mountains can read. Running a school is fraught with difficulties. In order to raise funds for the school, she went to the streets of Kunming for several consecutive holidays to collect donations. She made a large copy of her honorary certificate, and every time someone took it out to ask for donations, she exchanged it for incomprehension and blank eyes.

In 2007, Zhang Guimei's dream took a turn for the better. That year, she went to Beijing as a delegate to the 17th Party Congress. One morning, she was hurrying to the venue when a female reporter suddenly pulled her aside and whispered to her, "Touch your pants." "Zhang Guimei touched it, her face was flushed with shame, and there were two holes in her jeans." I was tired from my usual home visits, and I often sat on the floor, and my pants were worn out when I didn't know why. Zhang Guimei said. After the meeting that day, she and the reporter talked until late at night. Not long after, a report entitled "'I Have a Dream'--Visit to Deputy Zhang Guimei, a teacher at Huaping County Nationalities Middle School in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province", was broadcast, and her dream received national attention. In 2008, with the care and support of party committees and governments at all levels, Lijiang Huaping Girls' Senior High School, the first public free girls' high school in China, was officially established. In September 2008, the first batch of 100 students of Huaping Girls' High School were enrolled. In the 13 years since Huaping Girls' High School was founded, she has been like an indefatigable gyroscope, never stopping day after day. For many years, she has lived in student dormitories. Every morning at 5 o'clock in the morning, the students are still asleep, she has to get up from the bed, the first to come to the teaching building, turn on the lights of the corridor; patrol during the day, supervise the students to do exercises, self-study; until late at night, the students have fallen asleep, she dragged her tired body, lying down on the single bed in the dormitory. Every winter and summer vacation, Zhang Guimei does not idle for a day. Using vacation home visits has been a practice she has been teaching for decades. Zhang Guimei said that most of the students of Huaping Girls' High School come from mountainous areas, and their family conditions are generally poor. "The third year of high school is the critical period of the college entrance examination sprint, and only my home visit can fully understand and help solve the difficulties of their families, so that they can concentrate on studying without worries." Since the establishment of Huaping Women's High School, Zhang Guimei has visited more than 1,600 households and traveled more than 110,000 kilometers. Zhang Guimei said: "Students can change their fate with knowledge, have the ability to help those in need, and pass on the banner of the revolutionary ancestors, which is what I expect from them." She said at the ceremony of the "July 1st Medal": "As long as I still have a breath, I will stand on the podium, give my all my strength, give everything, and die nine times without regret." "Years of courage and hard work have condensed into a great spirit. This spirit stems from the faith of Communist Party members and from the solemn commitment to the Party!

If you want to be noble before others, you must suffer after others. There is no road in life, every step counts. There is no sweat in vain in life, every drop is useful. In the eyes of others, food and clothing are worry-free, but they are doomed to hard work. In the eyes of others, the years are quiet, but it is a gift of gritting their teeth and persevering. Tagore said: The suffering you suffer today, the loss you suffer, the responsibility you bear, the sin you carry, and the pain you endure will eventually become and illuminate your path. The blessings enjoyed today are the sweat of ten years ago. If you want to have three worry-free meals and the warmth of the four seasons, first ask yourself, what am I prepared for this? If you want your dreams to come true and leave no regrets, first tell yourself and start working hard from this moment on. Edison said, "Genius is ninety-nine percent sweat plus one percent inspiration." "The blessings gained today are only because of the sweat ten years ago, so that the sweat of hard work condensed into the fruits of the cause!" Let the sweat of struggle achieve the strength of the motherland and the happiness of the people!

The path chosen today determines where to go in ten years

Your results today depend on your past choices, and your choices today are determining tomorrow's results, which is the truest portrayal of life. Choosing the path you want to take and taking the path you choose is an important secret for every person who is going to success. Writer Cangyue said: "Life is a heavy run, and you need to constantly make choices at every fork in the road." And each choice will lead to a completely different destiny. "The path you choose today determines where you're going in ten years.

Choose the path you want to take. In life, everyone is eager to choose the right path for themselves, in fact, the road that suits themselves is not necessarily what suddenly emerges in our minds, and the good road appears in the continuous exploration of the real environment, and it is cultivated and stimulated in practice to find it. If a person wants to choose the right path for himself, he must go through many experiences to suddenly understand, we call this process the exploration period, the exploration period is a very important stage of our life growth, we go through the process of in-depth exploration, slowly find the right field for themselves, and even find a job that suits their life to pursue. In the process of growing up, we also need to learn to keep more trying and exploring, which is the inevitable part of our growth, and it is the key to helping us establish a true self in exploration. What kind of person you want to be, you must understand how much price and effort you need to pay, how much time you need to go through, how many difficult challenges you need to go through, which is what we must experience in our growth. Experience is a very important asset for life, and without corresponding experience, even if there is a stage, it cannot be performed.

Take the path of your choice. When you have determined the path you want to take, then you must strive to take the path you choose, without slacking off, without compromise, and without fear. Remember, don't lose on the use of time. Looking back at each of our days, it was roughly made up of three 8 hours. For the first 8 hours, everyone was at work. For the second 8 hours, everyone was sleeping. What are you doing for the third 8 hours? The difference between people is mainly created in the third 8 hours. This is the famous "March 8 Theory". Growth is always a cruel thing, rapid growth is often more cruel, if you want to really grow, then be tough on yourself, want to stand on a high place, don't resist climbing.

In the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, 11-year-old Niu Yu was rescued from the ruins with the belief that "I want to live". What awaited her was a high amputation and more than 30 surgeries. In the face of bad luck, Niu Yu chose to grit his teeth, survive the suffering, and get out of the physical and mental pain. In 10 years, she overcame herself, reconciled with the prosthesis, and regained her life. 10 years later, she participated in the Wenchuan Marathon, 3 hours and 53 minutes, walked more than 20 kilometers, and went further into life. Now Niu Yu, who works at a media company, is a short video choreographer and photographer. She said: "It's not easy to live, and I want to live like what I like." "The choice of ten years ago and the persistence of ten years have given birth to the value and happiness of today's life."

Life is like climbing a mountain, and it is difficult to walk uphill. Without going through a hard trek, how can you see the scenery at the top of the mountain? The same twenty-four hours a day, the same ten years. Some people choose to be mediocre, to live in a foggy way, and to end up doing nothing. Some people choose to work hard, go all out, and finally their dreams come true. Without a cold to the bone, the plum blossoms are fragrant. How you live a day, how you live your life. The path you choose today determines where you will go in ten years.

What you do today determines how far you will go in ten years

Choosing your own path, you must take the road you choose, how to take the road you choose, you need to have a noble career pursuit, you need to have an ideal goal positioning, you need to do rational and scientific thinking around the goal, you need to do a good job of career planning in an all-round three-dimensional way, you need to develop and grow in the team, and you need to implement the plan into daily actions.

Pursuing a career requires lofty ideals. The ideal is the imagination and hope of future things, the ship and sail of life, determining what road to take and what direction to work hard. That is to say, the ideal is a force, and what kind of ideal there is, this force acts on what direction and produces what energy. It can be seen that the value of the ideal lies in setting up the goal of struggle for people, bringing the driving force for progress, and establishing the spiritual pillar of life. Lofty ideals are the foundation for standing up as a human being, a bright light in the heart, and a flame that ignites the flame of hard work. Once a person has lofty ideals and tenacious perseverance, he will certainly be able to form a strong driving force, overcome difficulties on the way forward, and achieve the goal of life. In ancient and modern China and abroad, all those who have achieved great achievements have lofty ideals. The reason why Li Shizhen wrote the "Compendium of Materia Medica" after 27 years of arduous efforts was to "want to get rid of the diseases of the world"; the reason why Wang Ruofei, Yang Jingyu, Zhao Yiman, and other revolutionary martyrs "beheaded only as a wind blowing hats" was because they firmly believed that "Marxism-Leninism is the truth"; the reason why Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her achievements in the field of research on radioactive elements is because she took "turning life into fantasy and then turning fantasy into reality" as her creed; the reason why Zhang Haidi is not disabled and has made contributions to society lies in her opinion "Happiness in life lies in giving, not in taking." On the contrary, if a person does not have lofty ideals, he will not make achievements in his work. As the French writer Victor Hugo said: "Man can survive only when he has material things; only when he has ideals can he talk about life." "Practice has proved that with a lofty ideal, it is equivalent to having a soul, life will have a goal, life will have motivation, will not lose the direction of life, in order to be in the rapids of life, calm, smoothly reach the other shore." The ideal key can only play the beautiful and beautiful music of life by pulling the strings of struggle. The road to the ideal is far away, but its starting point is at our feet; illuminating the way forward with the light of the ideal will make life colorful and colorful. A person has a lofty, healthy and upward pursuit, there is a driving force for progress, can overcome many difficulties, so that their wisdom can be brought into play, and create a beautiful life worthy of.

The cause and effect of life across time and space

Do a good job in the planning of career development. Ten years ago, a whole host of unattainable goals and dreams were set! It is not that the goals and dreams are out of reach, but the goals and dreams without planning will eventually become fantasies! No planning means no motivation to push the work to tomorrow. Think about how many times you haven't finished today's work and left it for tomorrow! A person from graduation to work, from school to society, has begun his career development. But in the career career, there will always be a variety of storms, a person's career development is his stage, how to calmly deal with various storms, all stages of the problem, this is everyone must go through hardships and in-depth thinking, scientific and rational system to develop a good career development plan for life. Do a good job in life and career planning should be clear about these points:

First, the analysis of the background of the times;

Second, the analysis of personal current situation;

Third, what is the overall goal of life and career at the age of 70? What position did you achieve at the age of 60, 50, 40 and 30, and how to start when you first entered the workplace;

Fourth, five-year development planning (do a good job in each five-year plan, pay attention to the continuity, scientificity, innovation, challenge, etc.);

Fifth, the plan is implemented to the end;

Sixth, regular reflection and adjustment;

Seventh, write an annual report;

Eighth, unswerving pursuit.

Follow the career plan to embark on the road of life development. In life, there will always be many helplessness, after suffering, only to know sweet; pain, to understand strong; stupid, will grow. Youth is fleeting, cherish the present! We don't have a few decades, only to seize the opportunity and persevere along the planned career path! Persistence is the only way to change! There is no tomorrow that cannot be reached, there is no smooth sailing every day, behind every successful person, the hidden efforts and heartaches are what ordinary people can never experience, no one is born a genius, but on the road to talent than others work harder, don't envy others, when you are young, force yourself to grow up in the wind, be reborn in the predicament, be your own king with a clear conscience, after ten years you can also become the existence that others admire.

Life is a contest between oneself and oneself. Some people are willing to work hard for ten years to achieve their dreams; some people can't stick to it for ten days. The time pattern is different, and the life situation is also very different. Ten years ago, thinking and ten years of action have made you what you are today. And ten years later, you are being cast from now.

When your talent can't support your ideals, you should calm down and study hard; when your ability can't control your position, you should sink your heart and work hard. Dreams are not impetuous, but sublimation in precipitation and accumulation. Only spelled out the beauty, not waiting for the brilliance out. The present you are determined by the you of ten years ago; the you of ten years later are determined by the present you. Starlight does not ask passers-by, time pays off. Look forward to ten years later, you will never regret wasting your years, get what you want, and what you encounter is what you want!

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