
Original | Maple Leaf life is bitter and tired, and it needs to be faced with a smile

Original | Maple Leaf life is bitter and tired, and it needs to be faced with a smile

People's life is one or two or three, and unsatisfactory things are often eight or nine. This is mostly true of everyone's life. In fact, life is more bitter than sweet, not like the life described in the article books, full of flowers, life is colorful.

Living in a world of thousands of people, every family has a difficult scripture, and everyone has their own difficult song: ordinary people may suffer from being too big to afford a house, so young that their children cannot enter a good school and receive a good education. The pain of those who have achieved fame may be spiritual confusion and spiritual emptiness after success, the fear of being cold in the heights, and the loneliness of ignorance in the road ahead.

Walking through the mountains and rivers, in the hurried footsteps, leaving a jagged footprint, suddenly awakened: life, not all right and wrong can be sorted out, not all the efforts have gains, rather than unspeakable, it is better to laugh and pass, rather than unable to let go, it is better to be at ease. The smile on the face can be disguised, and the smile on the face like a flower does not mean that the heart is as sweet as honey. You cannot experience the pain or happiness of others without experiencing other people's lives; in the same way, others cannot understand your pain or happiness.

Recently, I read two small messages that shocked my heart and made my heart sour. A mother who went out to work in the sixth grade, her four-year-old daughter collapsed on the ground crying, shouting "Mother don't leave, don't leave me." And the mother cried bitterly and said to her daughter: "Well, be strong, my mother will not go out next year after earning money, is it okay to accompany you to school at home?" On the green-skinned train, a man went home for the New Year with eight discarded oil jugs from the construction site. The man told the passengers next to him with a bright face: The wife sometimes has to carry water to the ground at home, which is too hard. When she got home, she was painted as a small cart, and the oil pot was filled with water and it was much easier to push it with a small cart. They are very bitter, but they invariably choose to be strong, with their own little efforts, to achieve even a small bit of progress and change.

Only one's own suffering is known to oneself, and others cannot understand, let alone replace and comfort oneself. Your own pain can only be carried by yourself, relying on yourself to overcome and strive for tomorrow's smile.

There has never been any savior in the world, nor has it relied on the Immortal Emperor. To seek happiness in life, you can only rely on yourself. The folk proverb says that the mountain will fall, and the water will flow. The sky does not cross others, but crosses by oneself. Life does not save others, but relies on others to save themselves. When encountering the pain and frustration of life, do not lament and pity yourself; do not be limited by poverty and limit your imagination.

"Although the rain is wide and the grass without roots is wide, the Vast Number of Buddhist Gates are difficult to cross the unkind people (Luoyang White Horse Temple Daxiong Treasure Hall Zhenglian)." It explains that to be a person should be good, to be a person must have a "root", and all the karma in life is planted by oneself. Your pain or pleasure is the result of your own choices. The road is your own choice, and even more so, you take it yourself.

In the face of pain, we can only choose to be strong and smile. Smiling is an attitude towards life, an optimism and open-mindedness to life, and a hope for a better tomorrow. It is a meter of sunlight in the depths of the soul. A smile is contagious and can be transmitted to those around you, thus improving the environment in which you live. Smiling is a good medicine that can make a mediocre life blossom.

Original | Maple Leaf life is bitter and tired, and it needs to be faced with a smile

Being strong is the only way to overcome pain and not to be defeated by it. Life should be low-key when proud, persevering in difficulties, and strong in suffering. Being strong makes you smile at the suffering and face the vicissitudes. Being strong is the bridge between suffering and happiness. Being strong can take you to step on the bumpy road, embark on the road of happiness, and run to a beautiful faraway place. And finally stand on the top of the destiny, smiling and greeting the rising sun symbolizing new hope and new life!

Life is like a book, opening it is a story, closing it is a memory. Only by doing and cherishing, smiling at life, taking care of ourselves and our families, and doing what we do as much as possible to benefit society and family, then we will win a big half of this life. There are many scenery in the world, and the most expensive thing is a happy mood and a safe family.

Happiness does not depend on wealth, it comes from feelings; happiness does not depend on success or failure, it comes from contentment, life is like an empty pocket, you have whatever you have. Many times in life, it will not be arranged according to the script you expect, you are anxious and not in a hurry, it is better to change the attitude to the problem, with a positive and enterprising attitude, settle down to do your part, and often give yourself a bright smile, I believe that tomorrow will be better.

No matter how difficult life is, no matter how much snow, rain and wind and cold you experience, as long as you have compassion, you will have a touch of warmth, rub it into a warm family, rub it into the prosperous seasons, let the sun shine with warmth in your heart, even if you eat coarse tea and light rice, wear coarse cloth clothes, it is also the most beautiful sweetness.

To live a lifetime, it is to greet every bright spring with a smile, even if the road is full of hardships, it is also necessary to leave a warmth that can be remembered, a rich and full soul. If you are worried all day and envy this villa, how rich that family is, then you will not be happy at all. To know which family has a difficult scripture, only smile in the face of the impermanence of the world, keep a comfortable mood, although there are more worrying things in life, only want to open and look down, I believe that all worries can be resolved with the wind.

Life is really hard, we can only choose to smile and choose to be strong. Only in this way can we see the beauty of tomorrow, the sun of tomorrow.

Original | Maple Leaf life is bitter and tired, and it needs to be faced with a smile

One Point Maple Leaf Anthology

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