
She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

author:The most Chinese
She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong
After two golden horse films, Zhang Guorong achieved zhang Guorong, praised the red Lin Qingxia, and now tens of billions of big men, her life, took a big heroine script that flipped against the wind.

Speaking of the name "Xu Feng", I believe many people feel unfamiliar.

But when it comes to the famous "Overlord Farewell" and "Rolling Red Dust" in film history, Xu Feng is an inseparable existence. As a producer, she insisted on using Zhang Guorong and Lin Qingxia, and recommended Chen Kaige to make Chinese films brilliant again.

As an actress, she won the Lifetime Achievement Award after two Golden Horse Awards, and was praised as "Forever Chivalrous" for her martial arts images such as "Chivalrous Woman", "Ten Days of Dragon City" and "Assassin".

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

As the head of Tomson Yipin, she is a big man worth tens of billions.

The scenery is infinite, who can think of her losing her father at the age of 5, in order to fulfill her mother's long-cherished wish, marry someone she does not love, in the face of her ex-husband running away, she insists on working to pay off debts, and finally harvests the love of the creditor.

It can be said that Xu Feng's headwind reversal is a realistic version of the big heroine.

A bad hand of cards into the king fried, Xu Feng on what basis?


After the two Golden Horse Awards, she surpassed the pain of the original family

Survive the obscurity of no one.'s attention

In 1949, Xu Feng's parents fled to Taiwan, and the following year, they gave birth to Xu Feng.

When Xu Feng was 5 years old, her father died and her mother took her to remarry. The stepfather did not like her, and sometimes glared at her when eating, and Xu Feng, who was sensitive in his mind, would put down his chopsticks in fright.

The mother's remarriage did not improve the family situation, and in Xu Feng's memory, there was a pawn shop with a high counter, a pawn fan in the summer, and a pawn quilt in the winter.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Xu Feng (left) with his half-sister Xu Jie

Poor children have long been in charge, and at the age of 16, Xu Feng is ready to come out to work. At that time, it coincided with the recruitment of Taiwanese electronics factories, and the movie "Dragon Gate Inn" was also recruiting actors. Xu Feng signed up for both.

Coming to the scene of nearly a thousand actor recruitment, Xu Feng, who did not know how to act at all, did not dare to think that he could be selected. The title given by the director is: facing the wedding photos of the man he loves and others. At this time, Xu Feng may not understand, but she deeply understands the helplessness of fate, and when she thinks of her own life, her tears can't help but flow.

Just when Xu Feng was about to pack her bags and go to the electronics factory, she received an invitation from the director. And this director, named Hu Jinquan, was the first director in China to promote martial arts films internationally. Hu Jinquan said that the feeling of the interview that day: There was light in Xu Feng's eyes. She was the highest score in the audition that day.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Stills from "Dragon Gate Inn"

Xu Feng thus began her acting career. She followed the director to learn from the basic skills of the actor, body, etiquette, Chinese, when there are not enough people, Xu Feng wants to go to the props group to smoke. For a layman like Xu Feng, she had to practice every action thousands of times until Hu Jinquan was satisfied.

During a martial arts scene, Xu Feng was slashed on the forehead by the opponent's knife, and the blood flowed non-stop, she dealt with the wound without resting, and then continued to shoot.

Perhaps it is precisely because of the high requirements of Hu Jinquan, a strict master, and Xu Feng's own willingness to work hard, although she is not the main actor in "Dragon Gate Inn", her performance is very brilliant.

Hu Jinquan said that Xu Feng was "born with a heart of seven tricks", had understanding, was willing to endure hardships without complaining, and left her the position of the heroine of the next movie "Heroine".

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Stills from "Chivalrous Girl"

The film became the first Chinese-language film to win an award at three major film festivals, and also made Xu Feng go international.

In 1976, Xu Feng starred in "Assassin", with which she won the Best Actress Award at the 13th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

In 1979, Xu Feng starred in "Source", which won the Best Actress Award at the 17th Taiwan Film Golden Horse Awards.

Xu Feng's life began to turn against the wind, people saw her standing on a high place of brilliance, saw her play a bad hand into a king bomb, but perhaps only Xu Feng herself knows how she survived that obscure time that no one cared about, how to give herself the strength to move forward.


From paying off debts for her husband to being chased by creditors

Good love is about righteousness

Wuxia Li talks more about "loyalty and filial piety and benevolence", perhaps Xu Feng has taken more pictures, and is also deeply affected by this concept, after being awarded the Golden Horse Award at the age of 26, she followed her mother's advice and married a man she did not love.

This short-lived marriage once again dragged her into the quagmire.

The ex-husband borrowed Xu Feng's fame and borrowed money everywhere in business, but in the end he could not repay and ran away.

Although she has been divorced, Xu Feng does not want to pay the debt, or insists on paying off the debt little by little.

Tang Junnian, the founder of Tomson Group, is one of the creditors.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Tang Junnian

Tang Junnian did not expect that Xu Feng, who was forced by debt, not only did not escape, but also personally went to the door to make a promise: "I am trying to make a film to pay back the money, if you chase me too tightly, or arrest me to go to jail, then everyone will be no good." Please give me time, I will definitely pay back the money, I Xu Feng said to do it! ”

Tang Junnian was in his thirties at that time, unmarried, crawling and playing in the mall for all these years, accustomed to deceitfulness, unscrupulous means for the sake of profit, where has he ever seen a woman with such courage and responsibility?

He felt that Xu Feng was too unusual, if he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that a divorced woman would still pay off her ex-husband's debts. Tang Junnian's heart moved, and he said, "Well, take your time to pay off your debts, I believe you." ”

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Xu Feng and Tang Junnian

After this contact, Tang Junnian ignored the strong opposition of his family and began to pursue Xu Feng. About dinner, send gifts, no matter how far away, personally pick up Xu Feng to the set.

Tang Junnian's mother said that the family would never agree to him marrying an actor or a divorced actor, but there was no way, if he did not agree, he felt that he would lose his son.

In 1980, Xu Feng and Tang Junnian held a grand wedding, and Tang Junnian decorated the wedding scene with 30,000 roses, which was luxurious.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Xu Feng and Tang Junnian wedding photos

After marriage, Xu Feng chose to give birth to two sons for Tang Junnian and lived the life of a broad wife.

But Xu Feng was not willing to make a useless vase for this.

Once, she went into the company to do some financial work, but found that her business ability was not even as good as an ordinary employee, and she realized in frustration that movies were where her life shone.

Therefore, Xu Feng took Tang Junnian's 4 million yuan of jewelry to coax her to be happy, and took it to set up "Tomson Film Business Co., Ltd." to invest in movies.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Xu Feng

Tang Junnian and her opinions are not consistent, Xu Feng believes that film is an eternal cause, Tang Junnian believes that architecture is an eternal cause, after the movie has passed, how many years have been turned over once, but architecture will always exist.

Although the two have different opinions, they are touched by the seriousness of both sides and support each other "righteously".

After filming "Wind Moon", Xu Feng was sick and bedridden, with a bad temper, Tang Junnian shelved his business and accompanied her to take care of her.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

Tang Junnian and the rich he Hongyao, Qiu Degen, etc. were involved in the "Tomson case", Xu Feng raised 20 million bail overnight to help Tang Junnian tide over the difficulties, and this immediately raised funds made Xu Feng have to shelve the film career, but Xu Feng did not hesitate in the slightest.

After the difficulties, the two continued to return to their careers, and Xu Feng filmed "Beautiful Shanghai". During the filming, 56-year-old Tang Junnian died of illness.

Xu Feng lost her voice and cried bitterly, and some media said after seeing that she was so weak that she could only hang an oxygen bottle, "In less than half a year, Xu Feng may go away with Mr. Tang." ”

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

Xu Feng was depressed. Until one day two years later, Xu Feng saw a great work of art in Europe and thought of what Tang Junnian had said to her: "People eventually have to leave the world, but the meaning of life is not to live, but also what you leave for the world." ”

Finally, Xu Feng returned, resisted the pressure of the outside world to become the chairman of the board of directors of Tomson Group, and took care of Tomson and his film career.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

In 2005, Tomson Yipin began to pre-sell at a unit price of 110,000 / ㎡, creating the highest sky-high price of a luxury house in China.

She has two sons, Tang Junnian, the eldest son, Tang Zijia, is in charge of mainland business, and the youngest son, Tang Jiacheng, is in charge of Hong Kong business.

After experiencing financial storms and property market regulation, Tomson has stubbornly survived.

Today's Tomson Yipin has become a legend. In Xu Feng's hands, Tomson has developed further.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Xu Feng and his two sons, Tang Zijia and Tang Jiacheng

The love between Xu Feng and Tang Junnian is touching, like a martial arts novel full of jianghu righteousness.

Because we appreciate each other, abandon the past and the door; perhaps we have different opinions, but we can support each other and achieve each other; we can still not give up after experiencing ups and downs; we can run in both directions, everything echoes, you are good to me, and I am doubly good to you; in this world, only life and death can separate us, and if fate is uncertain, it will continue with your hope.


Achievements Zhang Guorong, praise the red forest Qingxia

"Chivalrous" is to follow the light and become the light

Xu Feng played a lot of chivalrous women, in the play, she hoeed the strong and the weak, and cherished the righteousness; outside the play, she was also a person with a grateful and helpful temperament.

When there is an unfair incident on the subway, she will persuade her to stop it; in order to repay her mentor Hu Jinquan, she sponsors 5 million movies to repair "Heroine".

The most pleasing thing is her discernment when she was a producer.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

In 1990, Lin Qingxia and Qin Han took the script of "Rolling Red Dust" to the investors, asked for a circle and no one answered, and Xu Feng immediately made a decision after seeing the script, and I voted.

It turns out that Xu Feng's vision is very good. Written by Sanmao and starring Lin Qingxia, Qin Han and Maggie Cheung, "Rolling Red Dust" was widely acclaimed after its release, winning seven awards at the 27th Taiwan Film Awards in one fell swoop, making Lin Qingxia also become a Golden Horse Film Queen.

Xu Feng's vision also made "Overlord Farewell".

Xu Feng read the novel of "Farewell to the Overlord", and Maggie Cheung recommended: "Except for you, no one will shoot it, it is a good story, but it may not make money." Xu Feng said, "I shoot." ”

Xu Feng found Li Bihua, the original author of "Farewell to the Overlord", talked to her for three days and three nights, and finally negotiated the copyright.

At this time, Xu Feng met Chen Kaige, who had suffered a cold reception. At the Cannes Film Festival, Chen Kaige brought his own film "Child King", and almost all filmmakers said that your film is too stuffy and no one watches it. Only Xu Feng admires Chen Kaige's talent very much and hopes to cooperate with "Overlord Farewell".

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● In 1993, Zhang Fengyi, Gong Li and Zhang Guorong, starring "Farewell to the King", attended the Cannes Film Festival

Cheng Dieyi was originally scheduled to be a Zun Long, and Xu Feng felt that it seemed that he still lacked the femininity and paranoia of Cheng Dieyi, and finally resisted the pressure to break the contract.

Xu Feng finally thought of Zhang Guorong. She strongly persuaded Zhang Guorong's agent to take Zhang Guorong's five video tapes and give Chen Kaige a high recommendation.

Perhaps the hero who appreciates art sees a little the same thing, or perhaps he is moved by Xu Feng's persistence, and several people are strong and powerful.

In order to play Cheng Butterfly, Zhang Guorong, who pursues perfection, even went to study Peking Opera half a year in advance, and once had a high fever and pressed his legs. Xu Feng went to visit the class and was deeply moved to see Zhang Guorong's all-out efforts. After the killing, Zhang Guorong gave Xu Feng his own stills, which read: "Big sister, go all out, there is no remorse, Zhang Guorong." ”

Finally, this film has become a strong stroke in the history of Chinese cinema.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Screenshot of "Overlord Farewell"

Cheng Dieyi, played by Zhang Guorong, is unforgettable, and those tearful eyes are the reflection of the loneliness of an era.

"Saying that it is a lifetime, a year, a month, a day, an hour does not count." This sentence has become the blood of countless people.

Won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993, "Farewell to the King" won 38 international awards, which the BBC called "a world-wide successful art film." "Farewell to the Overlord" made Chen Kaige, who had been dormant for ten years, become an international director, and also let Zhang Guorong, who bid farewell to the music world, bloom in the film world.

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● In 1993, "Farewell to the King" won the Cannes Palme d'Or

In 1998, Cannes awarded Xu Feng the "Best Outstanding Producer".

In 2017, in order to reward Xu Feng for his many years of film career achievements, the Golden Horse Awards awarded Xu Feng a lifetime achievement award.

On the side of the grand prize, someone proposed to remake "Overlord Farewell", Xu Feng resolutely refused: "Brother Zhang Guorong will always be the most brilliant star in the sky." Zhang Guorong is unique. ”

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

● Zhang Guorong and Xu Feng

Perhaps it is this style of chivalrous women who are serious about righteousness that makes warmth a kind of transmission and a kind of strength. Zhang Guorong also supported Cecilia Cheung, Zhang Weijian, Gu Juji and many others after that.

Perhaps each of us has a chivalrous world in our hearts, but few people can live as a chivalrous warrior.

Xu Feng's life has the legend of turning against the wind, and there is also the chivalrous style of emphasizing love and righteousness.

What is chivalry?

Playing the bad cards sent by fate, resentment is useless, it is better to fight to do it. Follow the Light to warm yourself; become the Light, to illuminate others. Text/Mu Jiangchen

She is the woman behind Tomson Yipin and the nobleman of Zhang Guorong

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