
Three messages The United States clamored for Putin to be captured alive; Russia drew two red lines; and Germany warned NATO

author:Zhang Diancheng observed the military situation

The great changes that have not occurred in a hundred years, accompanied by the major epidemic that have not been encountered in a hundred years, inevitably trigger a fierce shock to the world situation. In the past few days, there are three pieces of news that are quite noteworthy.

Let's first talk about the first news, the United States clamored to capture Putin alive. According to foreign media sources, at the nato group meeting held recently, the former European commander of the United States clamored to attack Russia, capture Russian President Putin alive, and send him to an international court for military trial, because the Russian army in Ukraine may only need a military decision to use powerful chemical weapons, resulting in a large number of civilian casualties.

Three messages The United States clamored for Putin to be captured alive; Russia drew two red lines; and Germany warned NATO

Brief comment: In fact, this kind of incitement and trouble-making routine has been done many times by the United States. The decision of the United States to invade Iraq was long before 9/11. The George W. Bush administration has taken full advantage of the sense of fear and uncertainty that pervades American society, using the media and fraudulent informants who peddle false information to fabricate the reasons for Iraq's chemical weapons indictment. At the time, U.S. Secretary of State Bower also took out a small vial of white powder at the United Nations General Assembly, accused iraq of having a biological and chemical weapon of mass destruction, and sent troops to attack Iraq. Later, Putin said: "It is not good to find washing powder inside."

Three messages The United States clamored for Putin to be captured alive; Russia drew two red lines; and Germany warned NATO

As the saying goes, why do you want to add to your sins? However, it is precisely by relying on this robber logic that the Americans firmly control the right to disseminate public opinion, and "thieves shout to catch thieves" has become their proud work. Looking at many wars in the United States, we will find an astonishing phenomenon that wherever the US military wants to fight, the public opinion of the United States will focus on where it is; public opinion reaches its peak, and the US military declares war. Speaking of which, the United States has not yet found chemical weapons or weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and if a trial is really to be made, the first to sit in the dock should be those American generals who are stained with the blood of countless ordinary people.

In the second message, Russia drew two red lines. According to the Russian Satellite News Agency on January 14, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov held an annual press conference to end Russia's diplomatic activities in 2021. When talking about Russia's relations with the United States and Europe, Lavrov answered 28 questions from reporters, made 5 jokes, and drew two security red lines for Western countries, that is, NATO will not expand eastward and will not deploy offensive weapons in Russia's neighbors.

Three messages The United States clamored for Putin to be captured alive; Russia drew two red lines; and Germany warned NATO

Brief comment: Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West has not accepted Russia as an equal partner and given Russia real economic assistance, but has continued to squeeze Russia's geopolitical space, and the pro-American Gorbachev has also changed, and he has vigorously supported Putin's action to take back Crimea. Gorbachev felt that he had been deceived by the West. For NATO's eastward expansion, he signed a treaty with Bush Sr. in black and white, with the German border as the final boundary. But today NATO extends eastward to Poland, Romania, Hungary and the Baltic states.

Three messages The United States clamored for Putin to be captured alive; Russia drew two red lines; and Germany warned NATO

Not only that, NATO is also ready to include Ukraine in the NATO alliance system, and Russia has no way to retreat. Putin angrily said, "Are we deploying missiles near the U.S. border?" "No, it was the United States that came to our doorstep with missiles, and we asked not to deploy any offensive weapons systems near our house. "If we deploy missiles on the U.S. border with Canada or Mexico, how will the Americans react?" Putin also sternly warned that we will never allow Ukraine to join NATO, nor will nato deploy offensive weapons in Ukraine. It is foreseeable that if NATO insists on going its own way, the possibility of a Jedi counterattack by Russia cannot be ruled out.

Three messages The United States clamored for Putin to be captured alive; Russia drew two red lines; and Germany warned NATO

The third message, Germany angrily warned NATO. According to Reuters news on January 14, in response to Western countries' demands that Germany abandon the Nord Stream-2 project, German Defense Minister Lambreich warned NATO that the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project should not be "involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine." Lambreich said NATO should resolve the current Ukraine crisis through dialogue and negotiation, rather than involving unrelated projects as bargaining chips.

Three messages The United States clamored for Putin to be captured alive; Russia drew two red lines; and Germany warned NATO

Brief comment: Before the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, Russia and Europe had close relations at that time, and there was a great tendency to establish a unified market in Eurasia, and such a large market was obviously not what the United States expected. Therefore, when there was turmoil in Ukraine, the United States tried its best to catalyze it, which eventually led to the intensification of the Ukrainian crisis, but what was not expected was that Russia, which regarded Ukraine as its last security barrier, showed toughness, directly sacrificed the military card, the democratic self-determination card, quickly withdrew Crimea, and the once friendly European Union began to turn against Russia and impose punitive sanctions on Russia.

In fact, the Ukraine crisis was originally a dispute between the United States and Russia, but Europe in the middle was pushed to the forefront by the United States, and Russia and Europe were victims. Because the Nord Stream-2 energy project will not only enable Germany to turn from a natural gas importer into a "second-tier distributor" for direct economic benefits, but also increase Germany's political influence in Europe. The United States, on the other hand, wants to disrupt the Nord Stream-2 project, which harms not only Russia's interests, but also directly harms Germany's vital interests. To this end, Germany warned NATO not to involve the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline project in the "Conflict between Russia and Ukraine". It is foreseeable that Germany will never give up its energy cooperation with Russia.

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