
What's going on with your baby shaking his head and scratching his ears? Is it sick? What should I do?

When it comes to babies shaking their heads and scratching their ears, it can definitely resonate with many parents and nursery teachers. What's going on with your baby shaking his head and scratching his ears? Is calcium deficiency iron zinc selenium trace elements? Or is it a sign of illness?

What's going on with your baby shaking his head and scratching his ears? Is it sick? What should I do?

What's going on with your baby shaking his head and scratching his ears?

Parents and nursery teachers can't avoid worrying about the baby's little wind and grass, and today I will tell you all at once what is going on with the baby shaking his head and scratching his ears, and what should be done.

Babies shake their heads and scratch their ears mainly pay attention to the following 8 points:

1, the baby occasionally shakes his head, there is no other accompanying problems, there may be a normal reaction, unconscious movements, parents and nursery teachers do not have to worry too much.

2. The baby shakes his head, and you need to pay attention to whether the baby's head has eczema. Because eczema is most often accompanied by itching, your baby may shake his head uncomfortably.

3, parents and nursery teachers also need to pay attention to whether the baby has ear discomfort, whether there is a foreign body in the ear, such as whether there are flying insects, whether there is water after bathing.

4. It is very common for babies to prick their ears, pick their ears, pat their heads, shake their heads, etc. for several months. This is not a manifestation of calcium deficiency and trace element deficiency, but because of the uneven development of the bilateral inner ear, the foreign body sensation in the ear is caused.

The baby is about four months old, due to the development of the vestibular system of the inner ear, the baby's ears are uncomfortable, and he will shake his head and scratch his ears, reaching a peak in six months. As the child grows older, the inner ears on both sides will gradually develop and balance. Therefore, children under the age of 3 not only prick their ears, but also have phenomenons such as motion sickness and fear of swing.

What's going on with your baby shaking his head and scratching his ears? Is it sick? What should I do?

5. It may be an act of self-consolation

These phenomena are developing phenomena that are related to the development of the nervous system and are also self-soothing behaviors, which are usually normal.

Babies have rhythmic swaying bodies (20%), hitting or shaking their heads (6%), or rhythmically tapping or even tapping themselves, rhythms that can make them feel pleasant or relieve unpleasant emotions, and most children are conscious when they experience these phenomena.

6, may be a manifestation of learning to "control the body"

Many babies start shaking their heads and begin to learn to control their bodies, either by imitating their parents' movements or by finding that they get a lot of responses if they do.

7, may be a signal of "fatigue"

Some babies also shake their heads when they are tired, and fight fatigue by shaking their heads, and Bud Jun has seen a baby shake his head until he falls asleep! That is, the sense of vision is very strong, isn't it? The baby shook his head as he signaled himself: "No, you can do it, don't get trapped and knocked down." ”

8, may be teething

Sometimes the abnormal sensation of the mouth caused by teething will also make the baby shake his head, prick his ears, pick his ears, pat his head, etc.

It may be a symptom of an ear infection If your baby is having a cold, fever, decreased activity, and a sluggish mental condition but frequent shaking of the head, you also need to be vigilant and careful that your baby has inflammation in his ears.

Because the baby feels that his ears are blocked, he wants to make himself comfortable by shaking his head. With otitis media, the big baby can express the discomfort of the ear, but the baby can't speak, and we have to detect it by "shaking our heads" these small actions.

What's going on with your baby shaking his head and scratching his ears? Is it sick? What should I do?

In addition to the above, of course, there are some reasons such as discomfort caused by the environment, such as being too hot and uncomfortable to sleep.

Babies are amazing creatures. There is only one kind of performance for him, that is, shaking his head and pricking his ears, but the internal reasons have their own swings.

But for the most part, it's normal! It is us who are glass-hearted parents and nursery teachers, all kinds of worries, all kinds of wild thoughts. We should not easily conclude whether the child is deficient in calcium or trace elements, but we also need to use the exclusion method to find the cause.

Of course, if it is a pathological factor such as otitis media (which must be accompanied by other pathological manifestations), it is still necessary to see a doctor quickly.

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