
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

In order to enrich and enliven the cultural life of Gaozhou City, promote the traditional calligraphy art of our country, and create a rich cultural atmosphere of books. On January 16th, under the guidance of the Guangdong Book Court, sponsored by the Gaozhou Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and undertaken by the Gaozhou Calligraphers Association and the Gaozhou Calligraphy and Painting Institute, the opening ceremony of the "Gaoliangfeng" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-Person Exhibition was held at the Gaozhou Calligraphy and Painting Institute.

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

Liao Yuan, director of the Gaozhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports, Huang Qiuxia, chairman of the Gaozhou Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, and Wu Xuexiang, chairman of the Maoming Calligraphers Association, respectively made wonderful speeches and fully affirmed and spoke highly of the exhibition of the Xingcao Four-Person Exhibition. Lai Ziwen, the author of the Xingcao Four-Person Exhibition, made a warm speech at the opening ceremony.

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

Liao Yuan, director of the Gaozhou Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

Huang Qiuxia, chairman of the Gaozhou Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

Wu Xuexiang, chairman of Maoming Calligraphers Association

This exhibition exhibits nearly 200 works, ranging from the giant works of Zhang'er to the small flat scale, regardless of content or form, which fully demonstrates the standard and style of calligraphy art in Maoming. A deeply skilled line of grass. The walls of the Gaozhou Calligraphy and Painting Institute are hung up, and the antique Gaozhou Calligraphy and Painting Institute reflects each other.

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

It is reported that the exhibition is Cheng Huade, He Minglin, Lai Ziwen, Li Yaolin, following the 2018 "Source Ask" Xingcao four-person exhibition, once again gathered at the Gaozhou Calligraphy and Painting Institute to hold an exhibition, and the theme of this exhibition is "Yayi Qingxiong". They are taken from the calm and elegant, as long as the guqin, the lyricists are clear, and the weather is majestic. The characteristics of the four people's works are contained in it. They use vivid pen and ink to create fine works, carry forward traditions, and express their spiritual spirits.

Lai Ziwen, a member of the China Book Association, vice chairman of the Maoming Book Association, and president of the Gaozhou Calligraphy and Painting Institute, was interviewed by all-media reporters of Maoming Daily

Lai Ziwen, a member of the China Book Association, vice chairman of the Maoming Book Association, and president of the Gaozhou Calligraphy and Painting Institute, said in an interview that the exhibition is the painstaking work of four literary friends, and the works on display are hoping that everyone will comment on each other and make progress together.

Cheng Huade, the author of the calligraphy exhibition, was interviewed by a reporter from Maoming Daily

He Minglin, the author of the calligraphy exhibition, was interviewed by the all-media reporter of Maoming Daily

Li Yaolin, the author of the calligraphy exhibition, was interviewed by a reporter from Maoming Daily

Calligraphy enthusiasts were interviewed by all-media reporters of Maoming Daily

Cheng Huade works

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

Works by He Minglin

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

Works by Lai Ziwen

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

Works by Li Yaolin

"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou
"High Cool Breeze" Yayi QingXiong Xingcao Four-person Exhibition opened in Gaozhou

Maoming Daily all-media reporter Wu Yunjie, Che Jierong, Li Taoran

Source: Maoming Network

Editor: Ou Mengxia

Preliminary: Zhu Jieqi

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