
A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

author:Candy Yo-Tang

A Thought of Ignorance, a film about bipolar disorder.

Yu Wenle played by Ah Dong is a bipolar disorder patient, the beginning of the film is the father played by Zeng Zhiwei to take his son home, said that it is home, in fact, it is not called home, it is a shantytown in Hong Kong, the kind of small room in Shiliping that is crowded with several people.

Not Tvb's mansion, the pigeon cage is the true portrayal of the low-level people of Hong Kong.

A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

The film adopts the method of flashbacks, interspersed with memories, Antoine's mother is seriously ill, bedridden for a long time, often said that there is no filial piety in front of the bed, in fact, Adong has done a good job, at least than the father who ran away from home without a message, and is also more competent than another son who has lived in the United States for a long time and never returned to Hong Kong.

Unfortunately, Antoine's mother has been waiting for her father to leave, has always been worried about her son in a foreign country, and Antoine around her has never been her most concerned sustenance. She is grumpy and violently attacks Antoine and the caregiver, and she can't help but verbally stimulate and take care of her son.

A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

Compared with Antoine, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she felt that the symptoms of Antoine's mother's bipolar disorder were more obvious, long-term emotional instability, relationship delusions, and aggressive behavior, she forced herself into a dead end, and finally could not come out.

In the film, it is said that Antoine accidentally killed his mother and was sent to a mental hospital because of bipolar disorder. Doubts were expressed, perhaps it was not Thattoine who killed his mother, but that his mother had committed suicide. Bipolar disorder eventually leads to depression, and severe depression inherently has a tendency to self-destruct. The court acquitted Antoine, perhaps not exonerating the mentally ill, who was not a murderer at all.

However, no matter what the cause of his mother's death was, Antoine would live in guilt for the rest of his life.

A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

Antoine was finally discharged. Don't think that being discharged from the hospital is all right. Medically, 6-9 weeks belongs to the acute cure period, the clinical symptoms disappear, the patient can be discharged, but this does not mean that he fully recovered, in fact, the period of taking drugs for patients with mental disorders is not short, depending on the condition may take drugs for half a year to 2 years, or even for life.

After being discharged from the hospital, Antoine's father took care of Antoine and assumed the responsibility of supervision, even though the two fathers and sons were separated for many years.

Purely only family affection, maybe Antoine's bipolar disorder will not recur. Unfortunately, Antoine is a social person, and he will eventually return to society, demanding a job, and socializing. Even if you don't socialize, there are two sides to family affection.

A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

Antoine's parents favor another son with excellent grades, the son who was only mentioned in speech, heard on the phone, but never showed up. Is a good grade a good person? No, good grades may also be cold-blooded, that son never takes care of his parents, and puts the responsibility on others. But the mother loved the son. His father took care of him, but his father was also afraid of bipolar disorder, and he knew that his father had a hammer secretly hidden under his pillow.

As a company executive, his friend was willing to help him, and Antoine did not want to be pitied, and he remembered this kindness, but his friend jumped off a building and committed suicide. The ex-girlfriend who became a church member accepted him and took him to church activities, he thought he was forgiven, and after listening to his girlfriend's sharing and crying, he understood that his girlfriend had always resented him.

A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

Adong was filial and kind, but he couldn't bear to ignore, slander, complain, hate, that day, or come. His spirit collapsed and he could no longer stand up, was he at fault? He was right, he did his best to take responsibility, but he couldn't bear it.

The workplace rejected him, he had embezzled public funds, he was mentally ill; the neighbors ostracized him, he was a murderer, he was a manic patient; his girlfriend resented him, he was the source of debt, he was an emotional sinner.

Even if his father was afraid of him, his father still did not give up on Ah Dong, did not send him back to the mental hospital, and still chose to accompany his son to take care of him.

There was still Yu Guo who accepted him, the little boy who lived in his mother's anxiety, but ah, the boy's strength was too small, he could not go against his mother's wishes.

A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

I thought that in the face of the neighbors' eviction, Antoine would choose to jump off the building to commit suicide, he did not, he was very calm, he said to his father: "Let's go home." ”

Home, yes, they also have a home, they have a house, they don't need to huddle with a bunch of people to endure slander and exclusion; they still have relatives, and each other, and each other to give comfort in the boundless pain.

It's hard to have a home. Antoine's mother married her father, but often blamed men for their incompetence. The father was scolded and scared, chose to leave, worked to earn money to send to his wife and children, did he betray the family? It seems that there is not, but he also does not take on the responsibility of parenting. Is he wrong? Even being a deserter doesn't seem to say he's all wrong.

A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

If you complain and hate each other, why get married? Isn't the marriage that will be settled painful? How innocent are the children who are born. Children living in the painful marriage of their parents are more likely to suffer from mental illness.

Is it scary for people with mental disorders? It is indeed abnormal at the time of onset and is not easily cured. But they were also normal people, but later they were misunderstood and hurt and swallowed by pressure, they couldn't get out of the predicament, they couldn't save themselves.

If you have not experienced their suffering, do not easily blame them. Whose heart does not have pain? Do you dare to say that you are completely normal? In the end, it's just a bunch of ordinary people living in purgatory.

A thought is a thought, a lifetime is hopeless

The image comes from the Internet

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